Have you considered that your main idea that Catholicism is Abiguous/Confusing is a peculiar (particular to you) and uncommon? That most Catholics (ESPECIALLY those here on CAF do not experience their faith this way?
You mean, I’m the only person who thinks what it means to be a Catholic is ambiguous? I doubt it, since the entire purpose of CA is to try to answer that question for millions of people who find it confusing and ambiguous. I have no doubt some Catholics are 100% sure they’re right about everything and the
true Catholics. There is abundant evidence here.
I did not claim they are. I just pointed out that Science also has dogmas.
Name three please.
It is impossible to prove a negative.
Yes you are right, and in the case of many religious dogmas, it is also impossible to prove a positive. That’s OK!
Actually there is quite a bit of research published (not only in Christian Counseling journals) that demonstrates this is the case.
Really? Peer-reviewed medical journals? Double-blind? Name three please.
I suggest you pick your subjects carefully or you could get beheaded.
You seem to want to apply a method that was developed to verify physical/material phenomena to measuring spiritual/non-temporal phenomena. Why would you assume this method would apply?
I don’t think it does, and that’s why I think it is wrong to try to get others to agree about spiritual matters. It’s personal and subjective.
Such a position would not be consistent with the Catholic Catechism.
So you say. Which one?
I think so. Had you considered using a more appropriate method of research?
Yes. Reason tells me it is incoherent and historical analysis offers only some support for some claims. Of course science can’t say anything about whether a religion is true or false, that’s why it is wrong to insist on one religious claim to the exclusion of others without solid proof.
For me, it has nothing to do with arguments against others. It has to do with the Source of the revelation. We can trust the Source, becasue we know who He is, and we know He is not ambiguous.
You’ve got your sources confused I think. The bible is not the church is not Jesus is not God (from my view anyway). I can’t verify or falsify your source any more or less than any other religious text unless the text makes clearly and obviously false claims that can be demonstrated to be false.
This is very noble of you, Pumpkin. I am sure you can devise another thread that may provoke the spirited dialogue you seem to be desperately needing.
You are right that some discussions do require suspension of belief. There are some arguments that don’t have sufficient value to me any more to spend my limited energy speculating, when the outcome of the speculation has no eternal value to me. Perhaps I would have when I was young, but the further I get from the apogee of my life span, the less I am willing to invest in that which has no live giving value.
You are right. Religious beliefs really don’t matter too much do they?And yet here you are. I remember one of my neighbors as a kid told the Jehovah’s Witnesses who came to her door that she was “too old to change her mind.” I get that, I really do. All I’m saying is that maybe it was misguided for them to be there in the first place. Maybe the whole project of evangelization causes nothing but psychological trauma and fosters hate.
One has to wonder what you are doing on a Catholic forum. Isn’t that a toxic experience for you?
No, it’s healing. I am gaining a deeper understanding of the thought processes of others. I sometimes think “wow, how can anyone be a Catholic, knowing this and that?” By being here, I am answering that question and building empathy, so hopefully I can help others. There millions and millions of ex-Catholics out there, and they’re all wounded. I am coming up with a plan to help, and this is part of the research.