This would not resolve the issue. If God is what father son and holy spirit are then we are saying all three have a godness about them. We have three gods,
No we don’t. Divinity is a property of God, and the Three Persons of God have divinity by virtue of being God (not by virtue of being a Person). If Divinity
were a property of a Person, then you’d have a point – each Person would be a distinct God… but they’re not.
unless we explain some sort of relation between them that makes them one “who”.
I’m saying that they’re one
what (“God”) but three
who’s. That relationship, then, is ‘Person’ – which I’m asserting looks different for God and for creatures.
Ok. But are you claiming God is one being? What makes the persons distinct if they all have the same essence? … What properties individuate the Trinitarian persons?
I think that now, you’re beginning to get into the distinctions found in discussions of the ‘economic Trinity’ and the ‘immanent Trinity’ (or ‘ontological Trinity’). The former distinction points out the roles found in the Trinity: on one hand, we can talk about the Father as ‘Creator’, the Son as ‘Redeemer’, and the Spirit as ‘Sanctifier’. These roles distinguish the persons of the Trinity – not in terms of ‘who’ they are, but in terms of ‘what they do’.
On the other hand, the ‘ontological Trinity’ refers to the relationships found
within the Trinity. What distinguishes the Persons of the Trinity is that the First Person of the Godhead is ‘Father’, the Second Person ‘Son’, and the Third Person ‘Spirit’. It is this set of interior relationships that distinguishes the three Persons. Here’s the problem, though: since this distinction is
internal to the Trinity, how can we (as humans) know about it and understand it? The answer is that we cannot – at least, not without God’s revelation of self to inform us of God’s nature. And, of course, as Christians, we believe that we
do have this kind of self-revelation: it’s found in Scripture and in Christ’s message to us.
What do you mean by identical values?
If I had a bushel of apples and another of oranges, and you asked me to count them, I might say that the count has identical values. That wouldn’t mean that the apples
were identical to oranges, but just that the two counts have identical values.
It is getting confusing here with the term “being”. We can say humans are a kind of being, and we can also say you and I aren’t the same token being. Is God a being in the first or second sense?
You seem to be referring to the distinction between ‘essence’ and ‘existence’: ‘human’ is your essence and my essence; and ‘you’ and ‘I’ are distinct existences of humans. Perhaps ‘essence’ is what you mean by ‘being’? If so, then both we and God are examples of
both senses – but ‘being’ is what you’re using to describe ‘essence’. Does that sound about right?
I am not sure that existence is “who” we are. What individuates me are properties exclusive to me
That’s right! It’s what makes you exclusively ‘you’! Yes – you’ve got it!
, the characteristic modifications of the human essence pertaining to me Once I die I am still not you, even if I don’t exist.
You’ve raised a different topic, unfortunately. Are you sure you want to go there? I’m going to defer for now, since there’s already so much on the table…
This is still unclear to me. It seems to be restating the formula that God is father, son and holy spirit. But his is the thing we are trying to understand.
Yeah, but then you assigned a mathematical equation that just doesn’t work, and tried to assert that, since your equation failed, the thing that it (poorly) modeled didn’t work. That’s just silly: it’s kind of like pointing to my dog and saying “cat!” and then saying “since he doesn’t purr and lap cream, he doesn’t exist!”. (No, it’s just that the definition provided was deficient…!)
For humans you are saying, essence (class of being)-> human. Token (particular being) → paziego.
And then for God, essence (class of being)->Deity. Token (particular Deity) → father, son and holy spirit.
I think I’m saying that the relations ‘essence’ and ‘existence’ each take an argument of type ‘being’. If they’re given an argument of type ‘person’, then what’s really being asked about isn’t the ‘person’, per se, but the ‘being’ that the person belongs to. You can make a valid relation over essence(person), but you’re really just casting the argument to the appropriate type.
This is an identity claim, and requires further explanation of the relation the composing persons have with the token being they represent. You need to explain why these are the same being. It is either father, son and holy spirit as three different tokens, or it is God=[father, son and holy spirit]. The latter does not solve the problem, as it requires God to be a person with three internal aspects, and this is not consonant with Trinitarian orthodoxy.
No. I’m saying neither; I deny your assertion that it must be one or the other. Why must I accept your taxonomy?