But what is just about making a penalty that is also an inheritance? God could have just penalised Adam and Eve, but instead he extended that consequence to all of mankind.
God created them with the privilege to decide for the human race. Had they chosen otherwise, that consequence would have been extended to all of mankind.
He is the Creator. Can He not decide what He wants to do with/for His creatures?
Perhaps not in those words, but that is what “finishing the race” boils down to. It is not until your dying moment that you can know whether you are saved or not,
Actually, we don’t know even then. When the days of our lives on earth are fulfilled, we die, and after that, the judgement. That being said, He has given us His very great and precious promises, that we may have the confidence of faith.
for as long as you are a moral agent you have the ability to commit mortal sin and fail to attain salvation. All your life you are being tested, and you are the subject of this test because you are in an imperfect state.
Yes, we have the choice to rebel against Him all our lives, but it is not because we are in an imperfect state. Adam and Eve were created in a perfect state, and they chose to rebel against God. We are subject to it because we are created with freedom. He created us in love, so we have the freedom to reject His love.
Our imperfection is irrevocable until our life is finished. Even when you are fresh out of confession and in a state of grace you still have the ability to sin, and disordered concupiscence. That means we are imperfect even then, and our lives are a constant battle to stay above the margin.
6Then the LORD said to Cain, “Why are you angry? And why has your countenance fallen? 7"If you do well, will not your countenance be lifted up? And if you do not do well, sin is crouching at the door; and its desire is for you, but you must master it.” Gen. 4:7
If we did not have the continued choice to sin, then we would not be truly free.
I do not know what you mean about “above the margin”. Either we are in a state of grace, or not. We cannot earn our way to heaven by “staying above a margin” of some kind. We are in right relationship with Him, or we are not.
Yes, but look at your two choices. The alternative to not loving God is eternal suffering. It's not quite 'freedom', is it?
In freedom of choice, there are consequences to every choice. God created humankind for fellowship with Himself. Fellowship that is coerced is not true fellowship, but slavery. Since we are created to be in communion with Him, choosing not to do so will have unpleasant consequences. Nevertheless, He allows us this choice.
Why didn't god free us from the consequences straight away? Why not limit the consequence to Adam and Eve? He is God, after all. It is not beyond his power to do so. The result of original sin does not seem like a consequence, but like a penalty.
God knew what He would do to redeem mankind from the beginning, and He knew that we would fall short even if we chose HIm, so He provided a way for us to escape the consequence, and the penalty, by paying it Himself. Truthfully, I do not know why God chose this method to fulfull our freedom. He could have done otherwise, or done it in any other way He chose.
For example, if I over-salt my Bolognese sauce the consequence is that it will taste salty, but if I am caught robbing a bank I will be held accountable and punished. The result of original sin seems much more like a punishment than a consequence.
I guess that depends upon whether you are made to eat salty food.
God desires that all men be freed from sin,and the consequences of sin. He has provided a means for this to happen. People can choose to die in their sins.
I also attended confession regularly, but it did not have the same effect on me. I feel it fooled me into thinking I was a good person. In reality I was losing my own conscience and having it replaced by an artificial, external one.
I am not sure what this means. How does being forgiven for sins equat to being a “good person”? I think that God created man as good, so I think you were good before you went to confession. Do you think that good people cannot do bad things?
Do you see why I am confused?
Perhaps I was too scrupulous, but I felt that with confession you are forced to look at everything which might have made you annoyed, and to blame yourself for every negative emotion you might have.
Not too scrupulous, but poorly catechized, perhaps. Yes, we should do a good examination of conscience. yes, we should look at things that make us annoyed because the things that annoy us are usually those things in ourselves we don’t like. But blaming ourselves for ever negative emotion has no place in Catholic theology. In fact, emotions need not be any part of confession at all. Self blame is certainly nowhere found in Catholic teaching.
But sometimes the objective facts are that a person has harmed you and feeling resentful is a natural reaction.
Certainly. And feelings are not sins.
That does not mean you should hold a grudge or cultivate a hatred, but it would be nice if someone would acknowledge that sometimes you can be a victim. That is something I never experienced in confession.
Yes, it would be helpful, and might support healing. It may be a shortcoming of the priest. Some priests are good at acknowledging that one has been hurt, and that hurt is not a sin.