The Cross on my rosary broke in half

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It means that either you were too rough with it, or that it was of a poor quality, or that it was very old and used and finally gave out.

I was so sad when the rosary I used in Medjugorje in 1993 broke. I had fixed it many times and finally, I had to throw it away.
I have a rosary that was given to me as a gift in 1985. My room mate had traveled to Italy and picked up this beautiful rosary blessed by JPII. The cross has broken in half, so the feet of the corpus are just “hanging”. I could probably replace the entire crucifix, but it wouln’t be the same (not blessed by the Pope, from Italy). Even if I did, is it OK to throw away a blessed object?

For that matter, I have a statue of Mary on which the head has broken off and cannot be repaired. It’s in a drawer.

Is it OK to throw these things away?
Ok, Mary. Hi! You’re profile says you’re in the South. Do we southerners ever throw these types of things away? No. My sister and I (lil bro has become a prot) have bits and pieces of rosaries, etc. from our ancestors. Label it, put it away and keep it for your descendants. Nothing is ever lost. If we don’t pass our identity down to the next generation, we are nothing. Your cross isn’t broken, merely used.
Ok, Mary. Hi! You’re profile says you’re in the South. Do we southerners ever throw these types of things away? No. My sister and I (lil bro has become a prot) have bits and pieces of rosaries, etc. from our ancestors. Label it, put it away and keep it for your descendants. Nothing is ever lost. If we don’t pass our identity down to the next generation, we are nothing. Your cross isn’t broken, merely used.
🙂 Thank you brotherhrolf!!
<<Is it OK to throw these things away?>>

When I accumulate a small amount of broken rosaries and brown scapulars I dig a hole in my backyard and bury them. I remember reading about this somewhere. They are blessed articles, and rather than just tossing them in the garbage they are on my property.
Dorothy said:
<<Is it OK to throw these things away?>>

When I accumulate a small amount of broken rosaries and brown scapulars I dig a hole in my backyard and bury them. I remember reading about this somewhere. They are blessed articles, and rather than just tossing them in the garbage they are on my property.

Cool 🙂
I have at least a half dozen crucifixes on chains, from which the Corpus has detached because it gets caught on something. I have a bag of broken rosaries, crosses and other items at the office. Some of the retired nuns pick them up every so often and repair or recycle them for evanglelization in Mexico.
doesn’t this sound oddly familiar!?
I have only killed my scapulars, not my Rosary…though I would like a wood one, they are nice.

I have only killed my scapulars, not my Rosary…though I would like a wood one, they are nice.

no, the cross that fell on the driveway and broke!..
Dorothy said:
<<Is it OK to throw these things away?>>

When I accumulate a small amount of broken rosaries and brown scapulars I dig a hole in my backyard and bury them. I remember reading about this somewhere. They are blessed articles, and rather than just tossing them in the garbage they are on my property.

i thought scapulars were to be burned…
Dorothy said:
<<Is it OK to throw these things away?>>

When I accumulate a small amount of broken rosaries and brown scapulars I dig a hole in my backyard and bury them. I remember reading about this somewhere. They are blessed articles, and rather than just tossing them in the garbage they are on my property.

Dorothy in Pensacola (ahem, ahem). This is exactly what we would do if we weren’t passing them along to future generations. But then again you know about this…
If it helps, I prefer to burn them…:yup:

I am just being silly and not remembering everything mom has said!..

and isn’t dust to dust from Ash Wednesday?

I heard it was either/or. I guess in the ground they “burn” too, it just takes a little longer.
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