The Daily 202: Marco Rubio thinks Catholic social doctrine can save capitalism

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I certainly did not take away from that interview that Rubio is a big Trump supporter.
Marco Rubio, like many GOPers, likely supports Trump, because Trump bullies those who do not. Trump is a nasty, narcissistic human being.
After some of the vile things Trump said about Marco Rubio and his family during the 2016 presidential campaign, I doubt that Rubio has any great love for Donald Trump. But like many in the party, he goes along to get along. Is that hypocrisy? Perhaps.
Marco Rubio is still learning his political trade. It takes years to hone those skills.
I don’t think Marco Rubio has the courage necessary to mount a campaign against Donald Trump. But I know many Republicans who would vote for Rubio over Trump.
But I know many Republicans who would vote for Rubio over Trump.
There’s a big difference between “Republicans” and “Conservatives.” The Conservatives are the base of the Party, but the Party has been ignoring its base’s principles for a long time.

Marco Rubio, if you recall, was elected to the Senate through all the Tea Party grassroots momentum back in 2010. And what did he do as soon as he got to DC? He was totally absorbed into the Establishment. There was a lot of controversy about the Gang of Eight Immigration Bill that ultimately passed the Senate, but didn’t go anywhere in the House, and expired at the end of that session.

People had a lot of hope for him, but that one thing was a key element that kept him from gaining traction in the 2016 Presidential race. That, and if you remember how Chris Christie acted against him during the Republican debate in NH. He has a lot of positive political views to attract people to him, but you can totally tell that even though he was taking a get-along approach to DC, he lacks Party support as well.
Marco Rubio needs to run in the Republican primary in 2024 with these principles as part of his platform. He’d have my vote.

Sadly, it may be after four years of a Democratic president who keeps his/her promises, gives everything to everybody, and empowers the various interest groups that get the Democrats elected in the first place. As I have said elsewhere on CAF, the Democrats have an ingenious, formidable strategy of gathering together different identity groups and interest groups, having them to agree to support each other’s grievances, and creating an electoral majority whenever and wherever they can. Then they impose a rigid party orthodoxy, they don’t compromise, and they never give up. Read Saul Alinsky and then you’ll understand what makes them tick, assuming you don’t already.
He has concluded since losing the Republican nomination to Donald Trump in 2016 that corporate executives, by prioritizing shareholders above workers and quarterly profits above the national interest, have caused an existential crisis of confidence in the underpinnings of the free-enterprise system.

Has Rubio truly detected “an existential crisis of confidence in the underpinnings of the free-enterprise system”? And if he has, does this mean he is expecting the free-enterprise system to collapse under its own weight? Or is he just trying to show the voters that he is a more thoughtful and more cultured man than Trump?
MORE thoughtful and cultured? You’re implying that Trump actually is, to some degree, thoughtful and cultured?

I’m going to lie down for a while.
George W. Bush said the same thing. He called is compassionate conservatism.
The thing is that there are just too many greedy people in this world. They never seem to be satisfied with what they have. They want more and more and more and more, etc.
I agree.

Compassion and generosity cannot be mandated by laws. But neither can they be outlawed.

There are plenty of “capitalists” in the U.S. who give generously and even sacrificially of their money, time, and resources, and do it without seeking recognition or adulation. Often, those who receive their gifts do not even know who is helping them. And often, the capitalist is not recognized publicly until they die, and often not even then.

Capitalism doesn’t just help the wealthy, it helps the “average” like me and my husband, to be able to study for a career, work diligently in our professions, and receive a more-than-adequate income in exchange for our work.

Heavy taxation that supposedly “helps the poor” but actually helps the bureaucracy that is supposedly helping the poor hurts those of us who are “average”, but not in such a way as to jeopardize our health and security. We’ll probably still have enough to live a decent life and even have a few extras.

But for the ones who are “below average” but keeping afloat, heavy taxation hurts a lot! It jeopardizes their ability to stay in a decent home, have enough healthy food to eat, maintain their health through regular visits to doctors and dentists, insure themselves, buy and maintain a reliable car, and pay for expenses that children create (e.g., toys, etc.)

These are all “basic needs” in the U.S. (yes, for most folks a car is not a luxury but a necessity, as public transportation is not always available in a useful way in smaller cities like ours, and distances between homes, workplaces, health care, schools, and shopping areas are too far to walk or ride a bike,plus walking or riding a bike is extremely difficult when the temperature is 12 degrees, as it is outside in my city this morning! Brr!)

The best way to help the poor is to reduce the taxation burden and continue to teach God’s great plan of salvation for mankind which, when accepted, gives us the Holy Spirit to help us be good and just without needing a 'law" or an “economic system” that tries to force us to be good by taxing us.

No matter what we do, no matter what “laws” or “economic system” we impose, the greedy and selfish will ALWAYS, ALWAYS have more than everyone because they figure out how to grasp and take more than their share and refuse to share it. Even in the concentration camps of the 3rd Reich, there were prisoners who figured out how to milk the system and not only survive, but end up with a stash of material wealth! We cannot “outlaw” selfishness. All we can do is try to counteract the harm that these people do to their society and pray for their eyes to be opened to the fate that awaits them after they die.
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Capitalism without some regulation leads to the rich getting richer and richer, with everyone else getting poorer and poorer.
Until there was a minimum wage in this country, employers could pay as little as possible of labor.
Most laws in the world come about because some people cannot conduct themselves in a moral or reasonable manner.
For example, we have speed limits. Why? Because for every person who is happy to drive 70 miles per hour, there are some knot heads who believe they should be able to drive 95 miles per hour, if they want, despite any dangers caused.
Yes! Exactly this. Sin. Sin will always be. Those promoting utopian fantasies through socialistic and central (planning) governments will never succeed because of our fallen nature.

There is no, and never will be a, perfect answer. So we have to take the least worst system.

It is better to have people work for $12 hour and work long hours but be in “economic slavery” than no job at all. Not that this is right but central planning, redistribution and total equality of everything will always fail and any versions of that however light will do so as well.

We need the least worst system and change the hearts of individuals to see everyone has equal human dignity, not equal in all things.
But like many in the party, he goes along to get along. Is that hypocrisy? Perhaps.
Marco Rubio is still learning his political trade. It takes years to hone those skills.
I think Rubio’s attitude towards Trump as been, for the most part, issues based. Not always perfect, but I think in general his support for Trump has been when he agrees with a given issue and when he disagrees he has said so.

You are correct, I do not think he has any great love of Trump.
There was a lot of controversy about the Gang of Eight Immigration Bill that ultimately passed the Senate, but didn’t go anywhere in the House, and expired at the end of that session.
Rubio never needs to apologize for the Gang of Eight Bill. It was a noble attempt to solve our absurd immigration system. Not perfect, but nothing will be, and it is much better than what we have now. Nothing wrong with seeing a big problem and trying to compromise and get something done that will be a significant improvement, if not perfect.
Capitalism without some regulation leads to the rich getting richer and richer, with everyone else getting poorer and poorer.
What liberals do not understand is how over regulation favors the income disparity. Large corporations often do not mind over regulation, it makes it harder for smaller companies to arise and compete, increases the barrier to entry. The only industries that really mind are those where competition is already very strong, eg auto manufacturing. But many others do not mind at all, eg banks and health insurance companies. And when the companies can get outrageously big, they become servants of management, you see more and more outrageous executive compensation packages.
Without liberal ideas like minimum wage, some people would receive $2 an hour or less, like they get in China and other great countries around the world. The Chinese Communists love capitalism. Sweat shops. Slave labor. No rights for the workers whatsoever.
The trouble with go along to get along is that you enable those who abuse the system to further what they are trying to do.
In pre-World War II Germany, many people who could have stopped Adolf Hitler thought he could be appeased by throwing him a bone here or there. But they learned what happens when you do not stand up to a person who has no sense of right and wrong.
I am not comparing Trump to Hitler.
I am comparing people like Marco Rubio to people like Neville Chamberlin.
You are hitting on the elephant in the room. The unholy alliance between western capitalism and eastern communism to profit from economic slavery.
I am not advocating for no regulation. My point is, like most things in life, moderation in all things. There are many liberal ideas and policies that have contributed to income inequality. As to minimum wage protecting against slave wages, that is a whole nother issue. But one certainly cannot attribute the rise of the American middle class to the establishment of a minimum wage. That is completely revisionist history. I can list probably 3 or 4 historical causes that allowed the middle class to rise, the mininimum wage is certainly not one of them.
Marco Rubio needs to run in the Republican primary in 2024 with these principles as part of his platform. He’d have my vote.
Perhaps, but no Republican could beat Trump in the primaries. Republicans need to stay united, even though Trump is far from perfect. He’s already demonstrated that he can win a presidential election.

The Democrats are in utter disarray, and from the Republican point of view, that’s a good thing.
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