#1 It is anti-Catholic, they like anything that brings doubt to the validity of the Catholic Church because it bolsters their postition that they don’t need Apostolic authority to explain morality and Scripture. They have taken Scripture which came out to Sacred Apostolic Tradition, yet have thrown out the rest of Tradition it came out of.Why do so many people who believe in sola scripture, believe in the davinci code? That is all I have to ask.
#2. They seem to believe that however someone wants to interpret Scripture is just fine because the Holy Spirit will lead them. Admitting that someone could read Scripture and come up with something wrong is like admitting that their theology is not fool proof. Of course, for people of a specific denomination, if someone does not come up with the same theology as *their *church, they are suddenly taking it out of context. I went to my friend’s nondenominational Scripture study and it was amazing how so many people came up with off the wall meanings for the same scriptural passage, and nobody corrected anyone according to historical or eveidence in other Scripture.
#3. People who follow Sola Scriptura are more susceptable to accepting a heresy such as the gnostic gospel of Thomas because the Catholic Church declared it a heresy. They already took the Catholic Bible (Greek version) in the 16th century and changed it and formed their own protestant cannon to fit *their *theology the way they saw fit. If someone comes to them and says “This is the Gospel of Thomas, the Catholics have been hiding it from us” they will be tempted to buy into it because they don’t trust the Catholic Church.
This is what I can come up with, anyway.