The Devil Attacking You?

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What do people think or what does the Chruch teach on the idea of the devil or demons making attacks on people…maybe by twisting their thoughts or making bad things happen in their life to try to make them turn from God? I’ve heard a couple different things, but nothing from any source I would take as an official answer.

I’ve heard some of my friends say things about feeling really attacked or Satan not wanting things to happen like a retreat or something and saying he tried hard to mess it up.

I just wonder if it’s that or just things happening that way?, or God testing you in some situations (not all)… I have a hard time wrapping my head around this one, and the one thing I wonder is how to differentiate between Satan doing something and it being something else.

…I don’t even know if what I just typed made sense…if it didn’t I can clarify, but I want to see what people have to say?
What do people think or what does the Chruch teach on the idea of the devil or demons making attacks on people…maybe by twisting their thoughts or making bad things happen in their life to try to make them turn from God? I’ve heard a couple different things, but nothing from any source I would take as an official answer.

I’ve heard some of my friends say things about feeling really attacked or Satan not wanting things to happen like a retreat or something and saying he tried hard to mess it up.
The church has always taught that Satan is real and he does try to confuse us onto the wrong path.

In devil’s ultimate goal is to remove each of us from God’s presence permanently, he sometimes uses ploys which seem to lead people toward holiness, yet which turn out to be cleverly devised traps designed to impede our progress toward God.

Consider what happened when Paul and Silas were preaching the gospel in Macedonia:
As they were going to the place of prayer, they met a slave girl with an oracular spirit, who used to bring a large profit to her owners through her fortune telling. She began to follow Paul . . . shouting, “These people are slaves of the Most High God, who proclaim to you a way of salvation.” She did this for many days. Paul became annoyed, turned, and said to the spirit, “I command you in the name of Jesus Christ to come out of her.” Then it came out at that moment" (Acts 16:16-18).
There are two important details to be aware of in this passage. First, notice that it was a demonic spirit who was telling people to heed Paul’s teaching. The demon was calling people to believe the gospel which would, in the normal course of events, draw people to God. If you look closely you’ll also see there was an error subtly embedded in the demon’s message, “These people . . . proclaim to you a [not ‘the’] way of salvation,” implying that there are other ways to salvation. That is false, of course, and completely contrary to the gospel Paul was preaching.

There is only one way to salvation: through Jesus Christ alone.
Jesus said, “I am the way the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me” (John 14:6 [see John 10:9]). Peter echoed the Lord’s teaching, explaining, “There is no salvation through anyone else, nor is there any other name under heaven given to the human race by which we are to be saved” (Acts 4:12).
The demon in Acts 16 was trying to introduce error sugar-coated by a perfectly laudable appeal to embrace the gospel.

Never doubt that the devil can, if he thinks he needs to, use the incongruous ploy of urging us to turn to God as part of his larger plan of introducing error and exploiting religious fervor that’s not solidly grounded upon authentic Christian spirituality. That’s why the first pope warned us to be on guard against his wiles. He can also make us feel confused as to what the right thing is. He is clever but Gods grace abounds.
Be sober and vigilant. Your opponent the devil is prowling around like a roaring lion looking for someone to devour. Resist him, steadfast in faith, knowing that your fellow believers throughout the world undergo the same sufferings (2 Pet. 5:8-9).
Hope that helps. I think it was a good question.
I see the Devil attacking me all the time, through the everyday temtations of life. Sure God lets the devil tempt us, why would our yes to God mean anything if we couldn’t say no, but God does not do the tempting.
Tyler Smedley:
I see the Devil attacking me all the time, through the everyday temtations of life. Sure God lets the devil tempt us, why would our yes to God mean anything if we couldn’t say no, but God does not do the tempting.
What about people in your life? Sometimes it seems like the devil can use them to try to make you make a wrong choice or turn from God? I guess I wonder sometimes if the devil has used me in some way to harm someone else or used others around me I trust to do the same? I guess that’s where following God’s path for you and being faithful to Him comes in. If you are doing that then you are being an example for those around you as well.

Thanks for replying…you guys have helped a lot!
Thats a little bit tricky, ok I will take a stab at it. Yes the Devil can use you to tempt and lead others away from God. And yes you and me have probably caused at least one person to sin in our lifetime. Though it all comes down to choice, are you going to follow God’s will or not? That it the core issue.
Certainly Satan pit’s us one against another. We can and do fail sometimes. That is the never ending circle, but with Gods grace we grow closer to Him and are able to stop our part of the cycle. We forgive others and pray for them. That is a cycle of love which overcomes and triumphs over Satan everytime.
I feel like I want to find every person I sinned against and apologize…I better get that list started, being an imperfect person this could take awhile…
Thats not a bad Idea really, if you want to make a list I recomend that you do. One of my friends went that route and really found fulfilment in that. Increadiblely thereputic (sp).
I feel like I want to find every person I sinned against and apologize…I better get that list started, being an imperfect person this could take awhile…
Being old and imperfect mine will take longer. 😉
This is one time I’m pretty sure I don’t want to try to beat your assertation Marie 😃
I’m counting on you to beat me to holiness a whole lot sooner. 😃 😛
That’s a heavy burden to bear…but I’m already working on it.

…It being following God’s desire for me to be holy.

What did you think I meant?
That’s a heavy burden to bear…but I’m already working on it.

…It being following God’s desire for me to be holy.

What did you think I meant?
Exactly what you meant. You love God and your working on it just like we all are. 😉
This gives me chills just putting this into words.

Since my return to the Church, I have come under intense attacks right after going to Confession. Every time. Each time, within a night or two, I am subjected to the worst nightmares imaginable. Not the typical “someone’s after me” or “catastrophe” or “car accident” stuff. I mean evil, sick, vicious, disgustingly vile stuff, things I cannot dare repeat out loud, even to my spiritual director. Things that would make you want to vomit. Things that would make you quickly turn away and never have the slightest inclination borne of curiosity to look back.

These dreams never come at any other time. It’s like the devil reminding me, “You’re mine. Bwah ha ha!”

Daily temptations also increase and often become irresistable. I feel like I’m being physically and mentally guided to disobey God. I have difficulty praying because of intrusive thoughts. Sometimes, the very idea of sticking with a particular devotion is unattainable. I now fear going to confession not because I am ashamed of my sins, but I fear the attack that is sure to come.

Devil attacking me? You betcha. Your prayers are much appreciated.
Just wanted to add something;
Probably one of my favorite books is from C.S. Lewis and happens to be on the subject of demons. It is often quoted by apologists on the subject of demons.
The Screwtape Letters, is the name of the book. Fantastic and an easy read.

Barrister, I have never experienced what you are experienceing (thank God.) I have read tha Padre Pio used to experience those type of things. He claimed demons used to physically assault him, among other things. So it isn’t unheard of, just remember that anything is worth going through in order to reach paradise.
Respectfully, pkmksk.
Praying for you here in Texas, especially asking St. Padre Pio’s intercession on your behalf & for him to send his guardian angel to watch over and pray for you.

I’m sure you have already discussed this with your spiritual advisor, but this is truly a dangerous attack. Without frequent confession, receiving Our Lord in Communion can actually be detrimental rather than salvific.

I pray that your advisor, or a priest that God sends to you will help you resolve this battle that is being fought for you.

In Christ’s peace and love,
I never believed this stuff when I was young, but the older I get and I see the havoc sin and addiction play in peoples life the more I believe it.

Call EWTN and order the tapes by Father Corapi on this topic. Get some Holy Water and say your Rosary, keep it in your hand at night.
Remember you belong to God, and no dream the devil sends you is as real as the eternal reward awaiting you.

Email me.
The Barrister:
Devil attacking me? You betcha. Your prayers are much appreciated.
Barrister, as a child I suffered terribly from nightmares. The most horrific looking things would appear to me and I knew whatever they were wanted to kill me. I was literally petrified to go to sleep. There was nothing anybody could do to help me. I was 6 years old when I learned to pray the Rosary. One night I cried to the Blessed Mother and asked Her if I would say the Rosary every night would She stop these nightmares. That very night I prayed the Rosary before going to bed and the nightmares stopped! NEVER have I forgotten what the Blessed Mother did for me.

I never had another nightmare until a few years back when I went on a medical mission to Haiti. While there, we had a witch doctor outside our hut chanting all night long. The night I returned home, I had a similar nightmare as the ones I had as a child. Even though I was sleeping, I was well aware of what was going on. The most demonic looking things appeared to me and again, I knew they wanted to kill me. I was PETRIFIED! They had the most hideous laugh. Right when I thought I would die of a heart attack from fright, I literally screamed the name of JESUS! The things instantly fled at the mention of His Name. I woke up feeling so victorious as I realized that demons truly do tremble and flee at the Holy Name of Jesus Christ when spoken in belief.

If you’re aware of what’s going on in your nightmares, call on the Name of Jesus. He’ll help you.

God bless you
These dreams never come at any other time. It’s like the devil reminding me, “You’re mine. Bwah ha ha!”
One thing you could do taht Ive really found effective is to first of all pray and ask the Lord to cover you with His blood before you go to bed and also bind every negative dream or vision that is not from the Lord.You need to do this since there are a number of times the Lord will want to speak to us through a dream or soemthing,esp at times when we need answers adn are praying about it…we might not get it directly since we are so restless,but He will give it in the night…and thats the time the devil will bring his messages across too…that needs to be bound…

and about the attacks of satan…here are three common ways he attacks:

1. Temptation - that comes to everyone on earth…
2.Affliction - this is a little more serious…you can understand it this way…lets say your whole life can be divided into several areas;affliction is where he takes control of one or more of these areas.
For eg., a person who has the frequent habit of lying,maybe they would have been doing this for fun…he sometimes takes control of that…then this person will have absolutely no control of his habit…you ask him what he’s eaten and he will lie…!!
something like that…this happens in several cases…and is not really indicative of the holiness of that person, a person might be very prayerful and all but might be afflicted;
this can happen for several reasons, but most common is hardened sin in some area, and also another big one is unforgiveness…wherever there is deep rooted unforgiveness,there is plenty of room for the devil to work…
and even things like listening to certain kinds of music (like Metallica,AC/DC…etc) can open a door for the evil one to work; Ive seen some whom I know,who were really very nice people but many times would react violently,a girl who would want to strike with her hands and cause hurt for every small thing…due to an affliction that bound her hands. Why? Severe sin committed through the hands in her case…a very long time ago…
even some dances like bharatanatiyam (its an indian dance,now unfortunately very popular in the west too) can get the persons hand’s /feet or anything else afflicted since its basically a form of worship towards the hindu gods and godesses; (A very close friend of mine had an awesome liberation from this…)
this results in different forms…many times it is not all that easily discernible, but the people can usually be set free by a prayer of liberation and ofcourse deep repentance and confession…theres a lot more on this…its just too long…
and the third is the worst…
3.Possession Here the evil one takes control of every area of your life…and it can be driven out only by a priest appointed by the bishop for this purpose (an exorcist)

There was a long time that I avoided this subject totally…but i had to get into this when i found that even very close friends of mine were being somehow attacked by the devil…in different ways…and today unfortunately, many catholics shy away from this much needed knowledge…
like one of my very close friends sometime back kept telling me that she would die very soon…said she just felt it…and she’s a real God fearing, loving person…and after a long talk with her found that, she hears voices in her head which tell her “You are useless” and recently they had started saying “you will die soon”…
All she had to do after I explained to her the power of the Blood and the anointment of the blood on the ear of the priest in leviticus was for her to apply the Blood of Jesus on her ears(by faith ofcourse) and bind all negative messages from the devil…they stopped from then.
Now she’s happily married and still very much alive and in love with life…

whew! this has been one long post…just had to write all this once i started…hope this helps someone…
“An exorcist tells his story” by Fr.Gabrielle Amorth,(Romes chief exorcist) Ignatius press is a good starting point for anyone wishing to pursue this further…

Throughout history, the Saints have made it clear that the devil and his demons have plagued them, not only in spirit but in substance as well. Satan is real, as are his demons.

I feel that part of society’s general decline in faith is owed to the devil’s attempt to convince us that ‘real’ evil is not real. That it is merely the absence of God, that we make our own evil, etc. NOT TRUE. Further, by studying the saints, we see that the closer they move toward God, the more they are plagued. Those who move determinedly in holiness are special targets for just that reason. We move up the ladder as ‘enemies of darkness’ as we shed more and more darkness from our lives. The closer we are to God, the more we are despised by evil.

YET, it is also most important to note that the Saints did NOT FEAR this evil. They simply banished the demons in the Name of the Blood of the Lamb of God. We are soldiers of the Lamb, and as such, true evil will not prevail against us. Once, Blessed Faustina was surrounded by a pack of demons in the form of vicious demonic dogs. She told them to go ahead and rip her to shreds if they wanted, for it was only by the Will of God that they could they even touch her. They vanished at once. The Lord will not let his sheep stray, and will always stand by our sides when we envoke his name.

I think a VERY powerful moment in the movie The Passion of the Christ is when Mary was following Jesus to be scourged, and Satan was moving across from her. She saw Satan, recognized him/it for a moment, and then trained her eyes back upon her Son, her Savior. How powerful a lesson that is for us all!

(Note that I understand your situation, and have been subjected to things that have literally made my blood run cold. I used to fear, but the fear itself was an instument of torture for my soul. Once I realized this, I was able to rise above it and not notice and not be disturbed.)

I am praying for you. :praying: Stand strong!
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