The Devil Attacking You?

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I have a copy of a Byzantine Catholic Prayer that is said at evening time. (There are plenty more concerning protection from the ‘evil ones’.

O Lord, our God, in whom we believe and whose name we call upon above every other name, grant us, who are about to sleep, rest of soul and body. Keep us from every disturbance and dark sensuality. Calm the striving of the passions and extinguish physical excitements that arise. Grant that we may live a chaste life by words and deeds, and upon living a life of good deeds, we may not fall away from your promised blessings, for You are blessed forever.

It really works!


Glory be to Jesus Christ! Glory to Him Forever!
Tonight’s Catholic Answers Live is talking about this very subject!
Download it and listen to it. I am listening to it Live right now!


Glory be to Jesus Christ! Glory to Him Forever!
It just occured to me that I am attacked in a unique way as well.

When I pray, (it just happened tonight when I was praying the Evening Prayer on EWTN Radio). I start to yawn. I’m serious about this! I was standing and at times I begin to yawn, at Church, anytime I trying to be in deep contemplation: Rosary, Divine Mercy Chaplet, Jesus Prayer, I have this overwhelming experience of yawning, which does distract me. After the praying, I am fine as if nothing happened and my energy level is not affected.

I see it this was, if the distraction of yawning is to keep me from prayer to our Lord, then I’ll deal with it with God’s help.


Glory be to Jesus Christ! Glory to Him Forever!
I believe that the most open and apparent attacks by the devil are against the holiest and most virtuous of persons as a general rule. Remember virtues and vices, both, are HABITS. If you have developed habits that can be called vices, the more you practice them, the easier they are to commit. It is also true about virtues. They may be hard to start, but the more you “force” yourself the easier they become. A rare virtuous act by a person does not make that person virtuous; neither does a rare act of sin cause a life-time of depravity. I believe that satan concentrates on the virtuous, because those are the ones that need his attention. Those that live a life of vice (sinful habits) need far less of his attention. They’re riding the slippery slope already. St.John Vianney, the Cure d’ Ars, had frequent physical battles with the devil, many causing destruction of his furniture. He often laughed at the devil, and about the devil’s antics, because St. John’s virtues (habits) were too ingrained to be affected by the physical threats performed.
What about people in your life? Sometimes it seems like the devil can use them to try to make you make a wrong choice or turn from God?

Indeed. Remember how Jesus once rebuked Peter and told him, “Get behind me, Satan…”, when Peter was telling the Lord that His Passion should not happen, or to that effect…
Yes, the devil is like a roaring lion, lying in wait, waiting for someone to devour, so says St Peter.

Hence, we have the prayer to St Michael the Archangel. Our Mother, the Holy Catholic Church, is in the forefront of this battle. But even Jesus promised that the powers of Hell will not overcome Her.

We must praise and thank the LORD for such a promise! No amount of scandal and what-have-you could rock the Church. She has withstood all of these since the beginning.
Even Our LORD Jesus knows that the devil will do everything in its power to distract us.

Hence, the LORD’s PRAYER.

The devil is real. One must not take him for granted. We must always be on guard. We must strive to remain HOLY. Only then will the devil become powerless.
The Barrister:
This gives me chills just putting this into words.

Since my return to the Church, I have come under intense attacks right after going to Confession. Every time. Each time, within a night or two, I am subjected to the worst nightmares imaginable. Not the typical “someone’s after me” or “catastrophe” or “car accident” stuff. I mean evil, sick, vicious, disgustingly vile stuff, things I cannot dare repeat out loud, even to my spiritual director. Things that would make you want to vomit. Things that would make you quickly turn away and never have the slightest inclination borne of curiosity to look back.

These dreams never come at any other time. It’s like the devil reminding me, “You’re mine. Bwah ha ha!”

Daily temptations also increase and often become irresistable. I feel like I’m being physically and mentally guided to disobey God. I have difficulty praying because of intrusive thoughts. Sometimes, the very idea of sticking with a particular devotion is unattainable. I now fear going to confession not because I am ashamed of my sins, but I fear the attack that is sure to come.

Devil attacking me? You betcha. Your prayers are much appreciated.
You will have my prayers and I hope that the blessed Mother watches over you and you get some rest soon. Also when we moved into our new house I had the Preist come and bless the home and all the rooms a month later. I can not tell you how much better the sleep has been.:blessyou:
Thanks to all for the prayers and suggestions.

I’ve also heard that the devil goes after the more virtuous among us… and knowing what MY sins are, I can only imagine what kind of sinners the rest of you must be! 😉

Nah, de debbil comes after all of us. Maybe he gets through my defenses at those times because that’s when I’m feeling “virtuous” and invincible.

A little more humility, more frequent confession, and developing a better prayer life will help.

Thanks again, and God bless all of you.
Wow! Thanks for sharing these experiences. Is the post about God and or the Devil using your dreams in line with Catholic teaching?
I had never thought of dreams as messages. My mind may be to full of modern psychology. Looking back at some of my dreams as messages puts a whole new perspective on things. How would one characterize people in my dreams either shooting at me or in desperate need of assistance. I once had a dream that included my then best friend in sixth grade. We were literally having a duel with pistols. Only my gun would not fire. He kept shooting me and hitting me and there was nothing that I could do about it. Soon after the seventh grade we were no longer friends. Many of my dreams are like that; no matter how hard I am trying to do something in my dream I can’t do it. What ever this adds to the post I have no idea. I just thought of that dream and decided to share it.
I am sure that I have been used by the Devil to do and get others to do sinful acts. I truly am sorry. But people also have told me that they felt as though God was talking through me when discussing their problems. People will open up to me and tell me the most heart breaking passages of their life. I once met a man skiing that told me his story. We were both skiing alone and happened to ride the same chair lift. On the way up we just started talking. At the end of the first ride up the lift a little voice kept at me to ask him if he wanted to ski a few runs with me. During the subsequent lift rides he opened up to me about a terrible loss in his life. I hope he and his wife are doing well.

Wow! Thanks for sharing these experiences. Is the post about God and or the Devil using your dreams in line with Catholic teaching?
I had never thought of dreams as messages. My mind may be to full of modern psychology. Looking back at some of my dreams as messages puts a whole new perspective on things. How would one characterize people in my dreams either shooting at me or in desperate need of assistance. I once had a dream that included my then best friend in sixth grade. We were literally having a duel with pistols. Only my gun would not fire. He kept shooting me and hitting me and there was nothing that I could do about it. Soon after the seventh grade we were no longer friends. Many of my dreams are like that; no matter how hard I am trying to do something in my dream I can’t do it. What ever this adds to the post I have no idea. I just thought of that dream and decided to share it.
I am sure that I have been used by the Devil to do and get others to do sinful acts. I truly am sorry. But people also have told me that they felt as though God was talking through me when discussing their problems. People will open up to me and tell me the most heart breaking passages of their life. I once met a man skiing that told me his story. We were both skiing alone and happened to ride the same chair lift. On the way up we just started talking. At the end of the first ride up the lift a little voice kept at me to ask him if he wanted to ski a few runs with me. During the subsequent lift rides he opened up to me about a terrible loss in his life. I hope he and his wife are doing well.

Benjamin You need to get in touch with a Priest that is in line with Rome and seek spuritual direction from him. This is for your protection as well as allowing yourself to be properly guided to do God’s will with what may really be a gift, but you must get with someone who can help you here, do not try to figure this out on your own or walk away from it. By the way are you confirmed?

God Bless and thanks for sharing.
Oh yes I am confirmed. I was confirmed at St Joan of Arc in Arvada Colorado when I was fourteen. My fondest memories of going to Church as young man where my years as an alter boy. I thank you for your concern.

I would just like to add my :twocents:

Evil and scary dreams had been plaguing me as well for a long time. I lead a prayerful life but still was being ravaged with scary dreams. Ones in which sometimes I would wake up in the middle of the night with eyes wide open and unable to move from the fear. It finally dawned on me after browsing a few Catholic web sites to ask for protection not only from the Blessed Mother but from my guardian angel as well.

Sick and tired of the fear, one night I told my guardian angel the problems I had been having with my dreams. I asked for their protection, when I am fearful in my dreams to remind me to call for their help or the Blessed Mother, and to never leave my side.
After all that, I said the Guardian Angel prayer. From that point on I never had evil encounters in my dreams, at least not to the extent I had previously before asking for help. When I did have frightful dreams it was because I had not said those particular prayers. Never have I gone a night without asking for the help of my guardian angel.

So that’s my recommendation. Ask for help from your guardian angel too. You can never have enough people on your side

Barrister you are also in my prayers
I have very much enjoyed reading the posts in this thread. For what it’s worth, here are my thoughts on the subject.

In my experience, I have found that the closer I move toward God, the harder Satan has tried to get me off track. Similar to what others have said, Satan is definitely a tactician. He will spend more effort on those who are the most threatening to him. We should keep this in mind as we continue to hear about the priest sex scandal. If you think the temptations we face are bad, just think what priests experience.

Some of the worst attacks come in the form of the most subtle of deceptions. Although some may be intimidated by scary dreams or horrific visions, I think he more often cleverly uses things that on the surface seem to be quite good. One trick that I have discovered is to make us want to be so busy doing “good deeds” that we begin to destroy ourselves and/or our families. The best weapon for this is to stay in prayer. Remember how often Jesus took time away for prayer.
I have recently been using the rosary as a form of contemplative prayer. I went to a workshop on this a week ago. You pray on one of mysteries per week. As you are saying the Hail Mary’s you start putting yourself in the prayer and then you start going deeper into the prayer. What happens as the mediation deepens is “chaotic energy” This is when your mind starts to wonder about what you are going to have a dinner, a friend you haven’t talked to in a while, etc. You let this pass by saying a holy word to help you get back into the “center” These distractions are probably things that you need to attend to.

I have also been attacked by Satan and was led down a very different path. I became an “apprentice” for a Wicca priestess.
A very strange time in my life. I finally saw the Light and thru a lot of prayer, and confessing, I was received unto the Church 4 years ago. Satan still is trying to distract me. When ever I am reading a book on our Blessed Mother, that is when everyone I have ever known in my life decides to call or come by. So I have tried to read before going to bed and I have the horrible nightmares as well. I usually keep my rosary with me the next day.
I feel like the Devil is attacking me all the time through family members, by there rude and mean remarks about my faith or in how we are bringing up our childern. Sometimes it get a little unbearable.
I feel like the Devil is attacking me all the time through family members, by there rude and mean remarks about my faith or in how we are bringing up our childern. Sometimes it get a little unbearable.
Keep trucking, don’t worry about what your family members say, you know you are in the right. In fact try to convert them when they make comments to you.
I feel like the Devil is attacking me all the time through family members, by there rude and mean remarks about my faith or in how we are bringing up our childern. Sometimes it get a little unbearable.
You should take courage in that fact Jesus himself told us that we would be persecuted, the fact that this is happening to you may well show that you are in God’s grace and the devil will do anything to get you away from that. Trucker do you have a support group. If you are over the age of 18 and a Catholic in line with Rome may I suggest contacting your local Knight of Columbus chapter and look into becoming a member. One of the reasons that Fr. Mike started this group was so they could lean on one another. I can tell you that my brother Knights have been very helpful to me.

You have my prayers.
The clique, ‘An idle mind is the Devil’s playground.’ come to mind here.

Also, remember that God spoke to his people in dreams, St. Joseph comes to mind. So since God can speak through dreams, them I am sure the devil would have some influence too. I have experienced some strong sexual dreams which were from my past. At times the dreams actually had colors and physical touching, images very vivid and clear. :eek: After a while, I kept on living a chaste life and prayed to our Blessed Mother for help in a Chaste and Pure lifestyle. 😉

Currently, things have been good, but I cannot drop my guard. “Pray always without ceasing.”


Glory be to Jesus Christ! Glory to Him Forever!
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