The devil could ask for forgiveness and be immediately forgiven

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the devil could ask for forgiveness and be immediately forgiven…

St Alphonsus Liguori said: the devil could ask for forgiveness and be immediately forgiven

because God desires all to be saved, correct?

He is mercy, all mercy

fallen angels are damned due to their own actions, not because God wanted them to go into the fire…right?
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Due to their nature, fallen angels had one chance, and blew it. They will never even desire forgiveness, they are fine with their choice. But yes, it is due to their evil, not God, that they will be damned.
St Alphonsus Liguori said: “the devil could ask for forgiveness and be immediately forgiven”

Wonder what he meant by saying the above?
I might have to track down the page and post it now, to avoid further confusion 😄
One saint said that during a private revelation with her, God offered to Satan to forgive him if he asked. He said never and that he would prefer hell.
@TK421 ST. ALPHONSUS LIGUORI has written some truly beautiful, deep and profound sentiments. I would love to find out what he meant-if you can.

God bless you
@AHapka do you happen to remember who the Saint was that said that?

Are fallen angels, like Lucifer, demons? or just fallen angels? can God forgive demons?

But not forgive fallen angels?

Should we Catholics pray for demons?
We don’t need to pray for demons because they are already forbidden so we will be waisting our time
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demons seem to be greatly suffering and seek to come back, from the dead, if only they could, into human form or at least to rejoin us, the living.

they seem full of regrets…wont God hear them?

Its so sad.
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I forget where I read this but it said something to this degree: If you could ask the fallen angels if they regret their decision, they would say yes. However, if you also asked them if they would have chosen differently, they would say no. It is because angels have full knowledge of all their decision making.
Demons and fallen angels are the same thing. They are spiritual beings created by God. Due to their nature, they are unable to change after they make a decision. Fallen angels decided not to serve God, and they are obstinate in their sin.
the devil could ask for forgiveness and be immediately forgiven…

St Alphonsus Liguori said: the devil could ask for forgiveness and be immediately forgiven

because God desires all to be saved, correct?

He is mercy, all mercy

fallen angels are damned due to their own actions, not because God wanted them to go into the fire…right?
Catechism of the Catholic Church
393 It is the irrevocable character of their choice, and not a defect in the infinite divine mercy, that makes the angels’ sin unforgivable. “There is no repentance for the angels after their fall, just as there is no repentance for men after death.” 272

272 St. John Damascene, De Fide orth . 2,4: PG 94,877.
It’s in The Revelations of Saint Birgitta. It’s a long document, and I can’t go through it all on my phone.
Fallen angels and regular ones are outside of time so their choice is solidified forever, meaning they can’t change it if they wanted to.
the devil could ask for forgiveness and be immediately forgiven…

St Alphonsus Liguori said: the devil could ask for forgiveness and be immediately forgiven

because God desires all to be saved, correct?

He is mercy, all mercy

fallen angels are damned due to their own actions, not because God wanted them to go into the fire…right?
By the same reasoning, wouldn’t souls who die in mortal sin be able to repent once they realize they are in hell, be forgiven, and be taken out of hell into heaven?

I don’t intend to breathe heresy, just asking the question — why give Satan this chance, and not give the same chance to some unfortunate who died in mortal sin?
They would react the same way. By giving Satan the chance in her revelation, God is also showing it applies to the fallen angels. All choose hell because they hate Him so much and choose the pains of hell over being with Him. As I understand it.
I am still wondering what St Liguori meant, other than that God is all-merciful and would have given Lucifer a chance if he had wanted to repent and come back to God.

@TK421 So if demons are fallen angels, then who are the ones who haunt the living-souls in purgatory?

@Vico @TK421 How many fallen angels are there? and where do they currently reside?

@HomeschoolDad wasn’t Lucifer a favorite of Gods? How can someone’s sins be so bad that God can never forgive them-----or its because they don’t want forgiveness?

Lucifer took many with him----where are they now? does hell exist now?
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When humans on earth make a decision on something, we can change our minds or the way we feel about it because we are capable of learning something new about it. Angels, fallen angels and the saints are incapable of changing their minds on anything because they have all of the information, and not even reflection on it will enable them to change how they feel about it.
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