The devil could ask for forgiveness and be immediately forgiven

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@Thom18 I understand. They know all the things they are supposed to know, yet chose to remain outcasts?
@Thom18, still I find it all so tragic and sad, as if they re so mournful, for some reason. I think they are suffering quite badly, to be honest. I think they are feeling severe pain and burning right now, but are so forlorn
why would outcasts from God prefer this life:

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They would react the same way. By giving Satan the chance in her revelation, God is also showing it applies to the fallen angels. All choose hell because they hate Him so much and choose the pains of hell over being with Him. As I understand it.
I question that. People choose to live in mortally sinful lifestyles, not because they hate God, but because they just want to have an easy life, or to obtain temporal advantages, or to keep from losing someone to whom they’ve become attached, or any number of reasons. I don’t think they’re bad people in the core and depth of their being, they just have something in their life that they have to have — that thing they like is “real” to them, and somehow, God is “less real”. God is an abstraction to them, but the affections and intimacies they share with their illicit lover, or the abundant lifestyle they can give their families through ill-gotten gain, or what have you — those things are very real to them. They may reason that they will “get right with God” after they’ve lived their share of “good times”, but then there’s that car accident, or unknown aneurysm in their brain, or that diseased heart valve that they didn’t know they had, and boom! — they’re gone.
the devil could ask for forgiveness and be immediately forgiven…
but the devil won’t seek forgiveness.

God desires the salvation of all because He is good. However, through free will, people can choose themselves over God. This decision is precisely what the devil and the other fallen angels have chosen. And they are still choosing that decision. Because they are incorporeal beings, outside of time, their decision is timeless. It’s a decision that they instantaneously chose and will always choose. God is merciful. The fallen angels despise His mercy.
still I find it all so tragic and sad, as if they re so mournful, for some reason. I think they are suffering quite badly, to be honest. I think they are feeling severe pain and burning right now, but are so forlorn
Don’t pity them. They don’t pity you, and hate you so much, they want you to join them in their eternity of hating you, them, God, and everyone and everything.
why would outcasts from God prefer this life:
First of all, that’s an illustration of Dante’s Inferno, which while a fascinating read, is not dogmatically how the Church views the punishments of Hell. The chief punishment of Hell is separation from God, and to the souls Hell, that is mercy, not a punishment. Since it’s hard to imagine that, Dante used physical pain to illustrate it.
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I am still wondering what St Liguori meant, other than that God is all-merciful and would have given Lucifer a chance if he had wanted to repent and come back to God.

@TK421 So if demons are fallen angels, then who are the ones who haunt the living-souls in purgatory?

@Vico @TK421 How many fallen angels are there? and where do they currently reside?

@HomeschoolDad wasn’t Lucifer a favorite of Gods? How can someone’s sins be so bad that God can never forgive them-----or its because they don’t want forgiveness?

Lucifer took many with him----where are they now? does hell exist now?
The fallen angels, called demons, are in hell now. They are pure spiritual beings. Revelation mentions one third of the angels as fallen.

Revelation 12
4 And his tail drew the third part of the stars of heaven, and cast them to the earth: and the dragon stood before the woman who was ready to be delivered; that, when she should be delivered, he might devour her son.
As for mankind, so for the angels, although there initial choice was final due to their superior intelligence.

Catechism of the Catholic Church
1033 We cannot be united with God unless we freely choose to love him. But we cannot love God if we sin gravely against him, against our neighbor or against ourselves: "He who does not love remains in death. Anyone who hates his brother is a murderer, and you know that no murderer has eternal life abiding in him."610 Our Lord warns us that we shall be separated from him if we fail to meet the serious needs of the poor and the little ones who are his brethren.611 To die in mortal sin without repenting and accepting God’s merciful love means remaining separated from him for ever by our own free choice. This state of definitive self-exclusion from communion with God and the blessed is called “hell.”
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The fallen angels, called demons, are in hell now
@Vico thank you vico. I take it that they are free to leave hell then because they come by living humans to torment them.

Maybe like the article linked above, I am feeling like Mary and wanting to only forgive, if they would repent and humble themselves. I feel empathy, for them.

As you say, they were very intelligent and made an unchangeable choice due to that intelligence.

So it’s two-sided then? They won’t repent or humble themselves, and God keeps them separated from Himself.
if they are in hell then, how come we pray to St Michael to protect us from evil spirits who roam about the world?

Obviously they are roaming and attatching to people here on Earth, not staying in hell at all, if the entire Church has to pray this prayer to St Michael.
The fallen angels, called demons, are in hell now
@Vico thank you vico. I take it that they are free to leave hell then because they come by living humans to torment them.

Maybe like the article linked above, I am feeling like Mary and wanting to only forgive, if they would repent and humble themselves. I feel empathy, for them.

As you say, they were very intelligent and made an unchangeable choice due to that intelligence.

So it’s two-sided then? They won’t repent or humble themselves, and God keeps them separated from Himself.
Torment is psychic, and perhaps by apparition.

Well, they decided to separate themselves “self-exclusion”.

Notice that the Catechism says it is a state: “this state of definitive self-exclusion from communion with God and the blessed is called “hell.””
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@Thom18, still I find it all so tragic and sad, as if they re so mournful, for some reason. I think they are suffering quite badly, to be honest. I think they are feeling severe pain and burning right now, but are so forlorn
They chose to separate from God because they hate humanity. They were disgusted when God decided to become human and give humans the ability enter the Kingdom of Heaven.
Maybe not for spirits - but for bodies, it is… Alphonsus wrote a little book on the topic, coincidentally. “What will Hell be like?”

To the OP - Angels aren’t human (no flesh) and so don’t “think things through” - they just know what their actions mean.

We have to think things through - and at the resurrection our soul (confirmed in glory or… not…) receives our body. Reception is according to the mode of the receiver - one is then a whole hylomorphic (matter and form) unity of “glorification” or “damnation.”
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I understand that fallen angels and demons are the same thing. Once they fell, they became demons. Once Lucifer fell, he became the devil.
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