Vatican , Jun. 18, 2004 ( - Cardinal Walter Kasper (
bio -
news), the president of the Pontifical Council for Christian Unity, has said that
“Eucharistic hospitality” is licit in some circumstances.
Speaking at a major conference of German Catholics in the city of Ulm on June 18, Cardinal Kasper said that “there are
circumstances when a non-Catholic can receive Communion at a Catholic Mass.”
As says the both the Pope and Katherine!!
Sacred Scripture, St. Matthew 7:6:
Give not that which is holy to dogs; neither cast ye your pearls before swine, lest perhaps they trample them under their feet, and turning upon you, they tear you.
St. Thomas Aquinas, Summa Theologica (III, q. 80, a. 6, ad 1):
Holy things are forbidden to be given to dogs, that is, to notorious sinners. . . .
**Fourth Lateran Council (1215), Constitution #3, on Heretics:
Clerics should not, of course, give the sacraments of the Church to such pestilent people * nor give them a Christian burial nor accept alms or offerings from them; if they do, let them be deprived of their office and not restored to it without a special indult of the apostolic see.
** Pope Eugene IV, Council of Florence, “Cantate Domino” (1441):
…unity of this ecclesiastical body is of such importance that only for those who abide in it do the Church’s sacraments contribute to salvation and do fasts, almsgiving and other works of piety and practices of the Christian militia productive of eternal rewards; and that nobody can be saved, no matter how much he has given away in alms and even if he has shed blood in the name of Christ, unless he has persevered in the bosom and unity of the Catholic Church.
** Pope Pius VIII, Traditi Humilitati, 4 (1829):**
Against these experienced sophists the people must be taught that the profession of the Catholic faith is uniquely true, as the apostle proclaims: one Lord, one faith, one baptism.[Eph 4:5] Jerome used to say it this way: he who eats the lamb outside this house will perish as did those during the flood who were not with Noah in the ark. [Epistle to Pope St. Damasus I]
Pope Pius IX, Amantissimus, 3 (1862):
Indeed, they [the Church Fathers] have never stopped teaching that . . . “He who deserts the Church will vainly believe that he is in the Church” [St. Cyprian, de Unit. Ecclesiae]; “whoever eats of the lamb and is not a member of the Church, has profaned” [St. Jerome, Epistle 15 to Damasus].
Canon 731 §2, 1917 Code of Canon Law
It is** forbidden that the Sacraments of the Church be ministered to heretics and schismatics, even if they ask for them and are in good faith,** unless beforehand, rejecting their errors, they are reconciled with the Church.
Oh Contrar to CONSTANT Church Teaching
Canon 844 §§4: New Code of 1983:
§4 …in the judgment of the diocesan Bishop or of the Episcopal Conference, there is some other grave and pressing need,
Catholic ministers may lawfully administer these same sacraments to other Christians not in full communion with the Catholic Church, who cannot approach a minister of their own community and who spontaneously ask for them, provided that they demonstrate the Catholic faith in respect of these sacraments and are properly disposed.*