We are
not Roman Catholic. Catholic is
not synonymous for Roman Catholic. Byzantine Catholics are
not Roman Catholics with a different Mass. We have our own Liturgy, theology, etc. We study and follow the early Fathers of the Church. The Church is much more when not looking at it only through Roman lenses. Since Pope Leo XIII, we have been told by Rome to hold on to our ancient ecclesiastical heritage.
We don’t believe in the filioque. It’s not said when we sing the Creed. We don’t celebrate the Immaculate Conception. Byzantine Catholics do not have a devotion to the Sacred Heart of Jesus. We have the same liturgical calendar and theology as the Orthodox. Last week we celebrated the Fathers of the Seventh Eccumenical Council. That’s not on the Roman lectionary. Saint Gregory Palamas is on our liturgical calendar. Not yours. We are Orthodox in communion with Rome! If you have ever been to a Byzantine Divine Liturgy, the only reason you would know we are Catholic is because during the litany we pray for the Pope of Rome.
What I can’t understand is how a document like the Chieti document comes out, looks seriously at the role of the Church during the first millennium, locally, regionally and universally, and states that the Pope did not have the role of authority that it does today and
some, not all, but
some RC’s get all up in arms over it. “It was written by liberal catholic bishops” is the excuse rather than seeing how the Church opporated at those three different levels. For crying out loud, the document does not take away primacy from Rome, it supports it! I have a friend, Melkite Greek Catholic, and he was in a discussion on Facebook with an apologist from CA (discussion not a debate). He asked why CA apologists have not brought up the Chieti document and discussion ended. Never heard back from him. Why?
Have you ever been accused by fellow Catholics that you’re not Catholic? We easterners get that all the time. That’s why we can be the way that we are sometimes, always having to prove how catholic we are. We are in this unusual place, stuck between Rome and the east. As Melkite bishop Nicholas once said, “we have everything in common with the Orthodox except communion and we have nothing in common with Roman Catholics except communion.” As a Roman Catholic, I’m sure you would find it strange that my priest, when parishioners are traveling and we are in a place that does not have a Byzantine Catholic Church, suggests we go to an Orthodox Church!
I was once pretty hard core into RC apologetics. I owe CAF a huge debt for helping defend my faith at a time I needed it the most (undergrad in college as we probably have all been in that situation. First time out in the world with Protestant Christians, non-believers and some professors that during a lecture will show thier anti-Christian views) but I discovered, on CAF, that the Catholic Church is much more than Roman. Much more diverse than Roman.
I’m taking a break. Not from CAF but this thread :joy