St. Joan of Arc’s open rebellion against the faith
By John Grasmeier
August, 2005
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Although the degree to which individual Catholics are catechized is diverse and our personal knowledge of Church teachings may vary, it doesn’t take a degree in theology or canon law to identify that which is distinctly outside the faith. Regarding heterodoxy, there is the insidious form which resides in that “grey area” of doctrine, then there’s the literal and overt form. The former will go unnoticed by all but well formed and knowledgeable Catholics, while the latter can be identified by anyone who happens to witness it. Even those with limited catechesis know overt heterodoxy, heresy, scandal and liturgical abuse when encountered. Given the fact that the law of God is written in all of our hearts, all of us, even non-Catholics know distinct aberration when we see it.
One such aberration is the parish of St. Joan of Arc (SJA as it’s known) in the archdiocese of Minneapolis - St. Paul. To anyone who visits the SJA website, it will quickly become obvious that SJA is at best a parish in open rebellion against the Church, at worst it’s a hopelessly fallen congregation on an active mission to usurp the faith.
Be forewarned that if you harbor any degree of affinity for the Catholic faith and plan on browsing the this website, you may afterwards feel the need to shower. Better yet, call your local Homeland Security asset and ask if they would indulge you a full de-con scrub while you pray the Rosary.
This bastion of Catholic mockery contains no church teaching or content directed towards proper Christian formation. Although you’ll find a “flying Jesus”, you will not come across any images of crucifixes or our Lady, or anything else that will remind you that the site is the property of a Catholic church. What you will find is unbridled left-wing social advocacy, promotion of hedonism, prayers to idols and lessons on socialist political activism.
What follows is some of what those who surf the SJA site are subjected to.
St. Joan’s Healing Circle Ministry (Link)
If you’re feeling afflicted and think it the perfect time to enrage your Lord and Savior, then St. Joan’s Healing circle is for you. Here you’ll find a crew of pleasant post-menopausal ladies dedicated to making your final judgment as horrific as possible. The ladies all have “credentials” in various forms of pagan healing, so the monthly theme of these sessions could be anything from Japanese Reiki to the “Crown Chakra”, which was the theme of the July 19th session and subject of the linked article. Chakra is a Hindu practice where emphasis is placed on certain anatomical areas the body, while everyone stands around a cloth adorned with strange trinkets and statues. The information contained on the page doesn’t indicate whether any of the nice ladies are credentialed in Voodoo.
It’s too bad women like these weren’t around when Job was suffering, perhaps he would have gotten some relief from those pesky boils.
St. Joan of Arc’s open rebellion against the faith
By John Grasmeier
August, 2005
Click here to comment on this article.
Although the degree to which individual Catholics are catechized is diverse and our personal knowledge of Church teachings may vary, it doesn’t take a degree in theology or canon law to identify that which is distinctly outside the faith. Regarding heterodoxy, there is the insidious form which resides in that “grey area” of doctrine, then there’s the literal and overt form. The former will go unnoticed by all but well formed and knowledgeable Catholics, while the latter can be identified by anyone who happens to witness it. Even those with limited catechesis know overt heterodoxy, heresy, scandal and liturgical abuse when encountered. Given the fact that the law of God is written in all of our hearts, all of us, even non-Catholics know distinct aberration when we see it.
One such aberration is the parish of St. Joan of Arc (SJA as it’s known) in the archdiocese of Minneapolis - St. Paul. To anyone who visits the SJA website, it will quickly become obvious that SJA is at best a parish in open rebellion against the Church, at worst it’s a hopelessly fallen congregation on an active mission to usurp the faith.
Be forewarned that if you harbor any degree of affinity for the Catholic faith and plan on browsing the this website, you may afterwards feel the need to shower. Better yet, call your local Homeland Security asset and ask if they would indulge you a full de-con scrub while you pray the Rosary.
This bastion of Catholic mockery contains no church teaching or content directed towards proper Christian formation. Although you’ll find a “flying Jesus”, you will not come across any images of crucifixes or our Lady, or anything else that will remind you that the site is the property of a Catholic church. What you will find is unbridled left-wing social advocacy, promotion of hedonism, prayers to idols and lessons on socialist political activism.
What follows is some of what those who surf the SJA site are subjected to.
St. Joan’s Healing Circle Ministry (Link)
If you’re feeling afflicted and think it the perfect time to enrage your Lord and Savior, then St. Joan’s Healing circle is for you. Here you’ll find a crew of pleasant post-menopausal ladies dedicated to making your final judgment as horrific as possible. The ladies all have “credentials” in various forms of pagan healing, so the monthly theme of these sessions could be anything from Japanese Reiki to the “Crown Chakra”, which was the theme of the July 19th session and subject of the linked article. Chakra is a Hindu practice where emphasis is placed on certain anatomical areas the body, while everyone stands around a cloth adorned with strange trinkets and statues. The information contained on the page doesn’t indicate whether any of the nice ladies are credentialed in Voodoo.
It’s too bad women like these weren’t around when Job was suffering, perhaps he would have gotten some relief from those pesky boils.