An atheist, who denies the existence of any and all uncaused intelligences, does not have this particular problem.
The above seems consistent with the following:
I accept the multiverse, so I have no problem with the general concept of a first cause. It is the other attributes, like intelligence, that I have a problem with.
The problem, it seems to me, is that merely accepting, say, the multiverse as a brute fact rather than abiding by the principle of sufficient reason (the grounding principle of intelligence) is that you are setting a precedent with regard to the kind of grounds you will allow as the “ultimate reality” behind the ATE universe.
There is nothing in the idea of multiverse that explains why it ought to exist, let alone exist necessarily. It is very ad hoc, in fact.
Seems to me that the principle of sufficient reason requires that wherever the causal “buck stops,” so to speak, THAT terminus must be self-explanatory, I.e., explains itself along with everything else. Otherwise the principle of sufficient reason is not satisfied.
If you simply want to permit brute facts, I.e., that the terminus or Uncaused Cause can be one, as a matter of brute fact, then there is no reason why we wouldn’t just accept brute facts at any point along every causal sequence and claim the ATE universe just is that way in this universe or that one because such things are quite permissible in infinite sets of universes, especially when
rossum needs them to be, i.e., to conveniently address the discussion where he chooses to appeal to brute facts, after “rejecting” all other competing possibilities.
Why did that vase fall and break? Well, it just did as a brute fact in the way this particular universe functions as one of the infinite set in the ATE universe, just as the ATE multiverse is a matter of brute fact that we can just conjure up in order to explain the unimaginable fine tuning in our universe. Why does the multiverse exist eternally and necessarily? Well, it just does. No reason except that we can imagine it as the spawning principle of an infinite set of universes.
Seems like the mother of all wish fulfillments for those who need one.
Seems, also to set an awful precedent for intelligent beings.
I have another issue with not accepting intelligence as uncaused and explanatory which I will address in the next post.