There is not such a thing as virtual form. There is only physical form which this is not possible without the stuff which takes form. This means that a pure immaterial being, mind for example, cannot have knowledge.STT OBJECTION 2:
(1) Knowledge is about the relationship between things
(2) This requires that knower has a form
(3) God (omniscient) is formless
(4) (2) and (3) contradict each other
(5) Therefore (3) is wrong
This means that either God is not omniscient or He has form. Which one do you pick up?
REPLY TO STT OBJECTION 2: By assuming that knowledge is physical you beg the question against the argument. It has been established that the Unmoved Mover is immaterial. It has been established by the Principle of Proportionate Causality that the form must exist within God virtually. This was done without first assuming restrictions on the nature of knowledge. If you wish to object that knowledge must be material and deny that abstract universals can be said to be true, that must first be established before any contradiction to the argument for the Unmoved Mover’s omniscience can be claimed.