This may interest you. Did you know that the Mormons believe that what took place in the Garden of Eden was a good thing? That if it did not take place they would not have a chance at godhood, at eternal progression. . In essence they take the devil literally when he tells them “Did God really say you would die if you ate from the tree? He did not mean that! No, you will gain knowledge and be able to become a god. They can’t seem to see the lie here and it makes God the liar when he told them that they would die if the ate of it. As Catholics we know that without God, outside the garden, His life giving Grace we do all die. That the fall was inevitable because we are not God. Because we can not live without His grace. We cannot be centered in self, only in Him. So in the garden when mankind “us” chose our own centers over Gods, and this we do daily,…we die. But thank God for Gods goodness and His love. Thank God for Christ!!! If you are speaking to Mormons this is a great place to go. “The Fall” Learn more about this, stay centered in Christ, bring Christ foreword and seeds can be planted. If you would like to learn more about how to speak to Mormons or if you know someone who is considering Mormonism, you can e-mail me anytime at the utahmission@aol.com