They believe that their god lives on a planet that revolves around a star named Kolob. The Mormon god is a physical being and therefore cannot be omni-present. He is also limited in many other ways. Joseph Smith taught that “God never had the power to create the universe.”. They believe that gods “organize” (but cannot create) worlds from already-existing matter. Mormons are taught that matter always existed, but their gods did not. Their gods actually arose and evolved from a type of matter they call “intelligence”. Completely different from the Judeo-Christian concept of the eternal almighty self-existent creator God.Another interesting tidbit about their belief in heaven. They believe God the father actually has a physical living place. I’m not positive, but I think it’s is by a star called Zoron. I’ll have to check on the name, but they believe there is a physical dwelling place and that that is the highest level of heaven.