The Fall of mankind: inevitable part of God’s plan or unexplainable mystery of faith?

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To make this project more understandable, I added the bold.
At this point, I believe that it is important to take time to search the first three chapters of Genesis for evidence about Adam himself. My suggestion is to start with the dramatic shift from Genesis 1: 25 to Genesis 1: 26-27

One way to do this is to use the CCC “Index of Citations” beginning on page 689. Looking down the first page under Genesis, there is 1:26 followed by paragraph numbers which use this verse. Paragraph 343 is a must. See its footnote 211.

I am not sure how quick the both of us can find information about Adam as a real person. I know there is evidence of Adam’s intelligence.** Being responsible for a garden which is the source of nourishment is a good start**. …
granny’s list of citations.
Note: Because this is a personal list, I will honor objections, but I will not reply to objections.

Genesis 1: 26-27
Genesis 1: 28
Genesis 1: 31
Genesis 2: 7
Genesis 2: 8
Genesis 2: 16-17
Genesis 2: 19-20
Genesis 2: 23
The designation of “we” in Genesis 3: 2-3
Genesis 3:6
Genesis 3:9-12
Genesis 3: 20
According to the Catechism, the reason for the first sin is that (CCC 398) “man preferred himself to God and by that very act scorned him. He chose himself over and against God…. Seduced by the devil, he wanted to “be like God” but “without God, before God and not in accordance with God”.

My question is, why would pre-fallen man prefer himself to God? It seems Adam, while created very good, was easily susceptible to emotions of fear, mistrust of God’s promise, and possibly pride. God could have left out these traits and desires during his creation and still preserved Adam’s free will. So why didn’t God create a man of strong character who would have resisted temptation (while still preserving his ability to choose)? It seems to me there are two responses:
  1. It was God’s divine plan for Adam to fall. Or…
  2. It is beyond our ability to understand why Adam was created this way.
The first answer is problematic because it is contrary to the faith. Yet saying we can’t know is challenging, since our understanding of the fall is critical to everything that follows, from free will to salvation.
God is inherently, unavoidably, superior to man in every way-infinitely superior. And no matter *how *great God creates a being, that being will always be limited and imperfect relative to His limitlessness and absolute perfection. And therein lies the crux of the “problem”. Only God can know with perfection of His true value, of His unlimited worthiness. We don’t have the mind of God; we lack the capacity to know him the way He knows Himself; we are capable of error and wrong choices, of valuing lesser things over greater ones. He is not.

We can benefit, however, from learning the hard way, learning just Who deserves the title of God, and why, as we experience life distanced from Him and the sin and error and evils that enter upon us as we participate in this “exile” from Him. As we come to learn this valuable lesson we have the opportunity, in light of God’s revelation and grace, to turn away from ourselves and to Him, to align ourselves with Truth and Reality and Goodness.

God made His creation in a “state of journeying to perfection” according to Church teachings. He didn’t cause evil (that which is opposed to Him, aka “sin”), but allows us to experiment with it for the ultimate purpose of demonstrating its futility, ugliness, negativity, and destructiveness so we’ll begin to identify and learn to freely shun and turn from it-and turn to Him, the Ultimate Good, as we’re called.

And in this way, of first of all freely coming to acknowledge God’s worthiness above all else, placing Him first, we come to participate in our own justice, our own perfection. This is what God desires to draw out of us- our part, what Adam failed to do.
Free will is the ability to choose otherwise. And that ability is driven by our character, our desires, and our knowledge. I will continue to contemplate Adam’s nature, but I am also learning to be comfortable in the mystery, which will never be fully understood.
The answer to this dilemma is so infinitely simple that our minds cannot grasp it, no matter how much we try to nail it down.
God is simple.

Why would he allow us to fail knowing the consequences for us?
God is love.
Love is a radical pouring out of God’s will into creative power.
This love must be reciprocal. It is a relationship between persons. Both must be completely free or you do not have love. Or both must have the possibility of complete freedom. We have that God-given potential.
In this freedom love is radically reckless. By that I mean it is risky, because of the freedom of both parties. God’s love does not count the cost of our freedom. He simply grants us the freedom to return his gift.
We are free to reject. And we do unfortunately.

Love is also communitarian. We are not the only persons God creates. There are others.
Since we are all united as children of God, the good of one is the good of all, and the fall of one is the fall of all.

We are united in God, whether we acknowledge it or not.
Adam is our brother, for better or worse.

Is there any other way we would have it? I don’t think so. I want so bad to attain brotherhood with others. I am willing, to the extent I am able, to share in their lives, for better or worse.
(In practice I fail at this constantly, preferring my self at the expense of others, which sows division. I try to escape Adam rather than embracing him. )
Perhaps Adam was the child, naive and full of wonder, while mankind is in the process of becoming an adult. Exposed to loss and pain, but able to truly appreciate and reciprocate love.
Wow, do I like your approach! Don’t we all have the perception that we are born innocent, but somehow become somewhat “stained” along the way? And look what happened, our drive for territory, wealth, autonomy, and popularity have come forth in our minds, as have our sexual desires. Our nature has introduced these drives and capacities as we age, and we react to them, we find them less than innocent.

And yes, “able to truly appreciate and reciprocate love”! In my own experience, my own ability to appreciate and reciprocate has been enhanced by the very thing you are holding up as “mystery”. “Fall” is a label that we use to describe something that we regret, we resent, we blame, we grieve, or even condemn in the human. However, can the adult human truly appreciate all of the capacities and drives I mentioned (as well as others) as gifts? And then, when we see them as gifts, how can we not love and appreciate (reciprocate) more than ever before?
Yes, I think we are all blinded by our desires. It’s very difficult to get outside ourselves. I suppose that’s why we ask Christ to enter us and lift us up.
Here’s an example: why did God create us with the capacity to become functionally blinded by our desires? Asking such questions is part of becoming an adult, I think. It involves taking ownership of our nature and watching it, becoming a contemplative observer, not being controlled by our nature, but respecting it and it’s source with wonder and love.

Yes, we do ask this of Christ, as Christ inspires us to transcend our nature.
Naivete isn’t bad per say. If a modern human were to meet the pre-fallen Adam, would they even be able to relate to each other?
Great question. Adam and Eve’s nature has been defined as “pretenatural”, as having an “infused knowledge” and “without concupiscence”. So, with these super-human attributes, does the story of Adam and Eve (if taken literally) really have anything to do with we real humans? And why would God withhold such “infused knowledge” and add concupiscence to our nature knowing full well that such modifications would only add to our capacity to do very hurtful things to one another?

Hey, I really don’t have anything against “mysteries”. But on the other hand, if we can offer an explanation for it all while truly affirming and demonstrating both God’s benevolence and Adam’s innocence, why should we cling to “mystery”?

Philosophers from Aristotle to Aquinas to Molina have struggled to reconcile these two facts, and underlying each philosophers’ argument is an element of mystery. And I think this is where I have come to be. That it is a mystery that cannot be solved by our minds.
But it can be solved! The only mystery we can be left with is the mystery of man’s naivete, as we have already addressed.
God knew that Adam would fall because Adam was finite, limited, dependent, and fallible, as we all are by nature. God can not create an infallible, infinite, unlimited, and independent man, to do so is to create Himself, which is an impossibility. The greatness and magnificence of God was manifested in taking this helpless creature, man and sharing His perfection, holiness, and making him an adopted child of God sharing with Him His divine life for eternity. A t ask only God could do, nothing is impossible to Him, manifesting His glory.
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