The false belief that religions are more or less equal

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okay stand back because as soon as I speak my piece this thread is going to be overtaken by people with very passionate views on the liturgy.

anyone who goes to Mass looking for a comfortable, enriching, self-satisfying experience, for emotional satisfaction, to feel good about himself, to receive approbation for his sensibilities and opinions, to leave with the same level of self-esteem as when he entered, to hear good music, to hear a stimulating sermon, or even for the spiritual consolation, the warm fuzzy feeling after communion that Jesus is with me, is going for the wrong reasons.


From Liberalism is a Sin

People today, in other words, have RETAINED the general ideas that man is immortal, that he is destined by God for an eternity of happiness in the next life, that he must lead a good life in this world and die repentant of his sins to gain Heaven, and that the wicked will be punished in Hell. But they have LOST the exact knowledge of just what a “good” life entails and of bow all-consuming the job of salvation is and that it of Jesus Christ, which He gives through the Sacraments of His Church, and therefore that membership in His Church, the Catholic Church, is essential to salvation. (This membership is essential because only Catholicism has the KNOWLEDGE, through faith, plus the DIVINE LIFE and the HELP received from the Catholic Sacraments that we need for attaining this end.) Therefore, in the distance between modern man’s SOCIAL AWARENESS (inherited through the centuries from Catholicism) that “all is well with man” (we are immortal and destined for Heaven if we will “be good”) and the PRECISE KNOWLEDGE of the monumental task of salvation (achievable only with the exact knowledge of the Catholic faith and the assistance of the Catholic Sacraments), Liberalism—that doctrine that one religion is as good as another, that it does not matter what you believe so long as you lead a good life, that in effect if you do not accept any religion at all, it is all right—finds a comfortable atmosphere in which to thrive, living, as it only can, on contemporary man’s SOCIAL AWARENESS that “all is well” regarding eternity and his ignorance of PRECISE spiritual truths and his laziness to bestir himself to learn the truth, plus his fear of the challenge which a correct perception of the truth will force him to accept. Probably the most important spiritual fact lost to the majority of people today—a fact that makes Liberalism so plausible—is the Catholic distinction between the natural and the supernatural orders—between natural ends and means and supernatural ones. Those today who entertain the fuzzy thinking of Liberalism do so largely because they have lost cognizance of this distinction. Heaven, according to Catholic teaching, is a supernatural state, an end or objective above man and beyond his ability to attain, a goal which man on his own cannot achieve. It is the presence of God. It is the eternal vision of God and an eternal sharing in the life of God Himself. But this is not something within the nature of man to achieve or possess. It is rather a special, supernatural gift from God, an unwarranted (on man’s part), gratuitous GIFT OF GOD. We do not deserve it. We can only attain it by the special, supernatural assistance which God has given us through the knowledge of the “faith of God” (Rom. 3:3) and the help of the Sacraments of the Catholic Church, the divinely revealed religion. These Sacraments were given by Jesus Christ, the Second Person of the Blessed Trinity, to the Church and are supernatural means to give us supernatural assistance to save our souls and attain Heaven, a supernatural end. People who have lost the Catholic faith but retain the “social awareness” that we can be saved will just automatically think that every “good” or “nice” person who dies will be saved, not realizing that “None is good but God alone” (Luke 18:19) and that Heaven is something we do not deserve in the natural course of things, but that it is a supernatural reward freely given by God, as a result of supernatural faith in His revealed word and requiring supernatural means to attain (which He provides through the Sacraments of the Catholic Church).

Thus, when people lose the True Faith, the natural and the supernatural get blurred or lost sight of, and people think everyone can be saved or even that everyone is saved—no matter that they ignore and neglect the only means of salvation. This is why Liberalism can exist!
I didn’t know how to answer in this poll.

I was born and raised a (Roman) Catholic. The idea of changing my religion has never occured to me, and I doubt it will happen.

But I love to study other religions. I am secure enough in my (Roman) Catholicism that there is no chance of me converting to something else. So I just assume other Catholics are the same way.

What I do see is a lot of lapse Catholics who claimed to have been alienated by the Church for various managerial policies (Vatican II, etc.) but they still cling to the Catholic doctrine without converting to some other religion.

I study other religions as Philosophy, and not as an equal to my own.
I figure such services have the chance to get the people who do not have a strong hold on their faith (eg. poor Catechesis), especially younger people who often must be entertained to remain interested in something for very long.

Kevin Walker:
I didn’t know how to answer in this poll.

I was born and raised a (Roman) Catholic. The idea of changing my religion has never occured to me, and I doubt it will happen.

But I love to study other religions. I am secure enough in my (Roman) Catholicism that there is no chance of me converting to something else. So I just assume other Catholics are the same way.

What I do see is a lot of lapse Catholics who claimed to have been alienated by the Church for various managerial policies (Vatican II, etc.) but they still cling to the Catholic doctrine without converting to some other religion.

I study other religions as Philosophy, and not as an equal to my own.
Hmm - imagine I’m a rational alien. (Well actually I am as far as you are concerned 😃 )… I meet knowledgeable and devout Catholics who explain why they believe that their faith represents the high truth. They say (smugly?) 'all religions aren’t equal because one is true (the Catholic religion - or at least my particular branch of Catholicism). But then I meet other Catholics (ultra-conservative, liberal, intellectual, Jesuitical [my personal favourite] , charismatic, liberational), Protestants (Episcopal liberal, Episcopal African, Anglo-catholic, Methodist, Baptist, white fundamentalist, black fundamentalist), Seventh Day Adventist, Mormon, Quaker, Sunni muslim, Shiite Muslim, Indian Buddhist, Nepalese Buddhist, Chinese Buddhist, Sikh, many different Jewish groups, haitian voodoo, West Indian obeah, animism, countless African and Polynesian beliefs, Chinese Confucianism, Taoism, Japanese Shinto, da-da etc etc - you get the idea). Each and every one of the people, that I as a rational alien meet, believes, with total conviction and confidence, that his religious beliefs are true. Each is utterly convnced that her belief represents the ultimate truth and that all the others are ‘superstition’, ‘error’, ‘heresy’. (Except there are a few, who whilst holding to their own faith acknowledge other paths, in charity, love and understanding, but they are few, very few).

So, here I am, a rational alien on this earth and hundreds of people have grasped me by the buttonhole of my alien cybersuit and with all conviction have said to me ‘mine is the way, the truth and the light - others are mistaken, or evil, or damned, or pitiable’.

My question is this - in all this maze of belief and disagreement, how do I as a rational alien, unburdened with the bias of being born into this faith or that, come to the conclusion that any one of these deeply held convictions should hold sway over all the others. What are the criteria that I should apply, and in applying these criteria, why should I come to the conclusion that the mainstream version of Catholic belief represents truth and all others are mistaken? Why?

It’s very easy. Check out all the religions. Most of them have truths that are common for they can be easily found. Now you will see a trend starting. Some of these religions have some truths and some have more. Keep working your way up and you will be able to see that there is only one that possesses the fullness of truth.
A lot of people seem to think that religion has to feel good all the time. A person’s relationship with God, like any other relationship, will have times where the person just doesn’t feel anything. This is the cause of many shallow relationships with people. People need to understand that love is not a feeling- love is a commitment. Love isn’t all about sparks flying. Love is keeping the commitment to the other person, even when there are no sparks, or things may not be going well at all.
Someone qouted this:_

"As Catholics are we suppose to believe that all religions are worshipping the same god. "

The way i look at this argument is like this.

All religions dont call God by the same name for a start.
and only christianity believes in jesus a messiah and The Son Of God and accept all that he said.

I think its important to remember that the NAME OF JESUS and believing he is the messiah the son of God is the truth and also it is IN Gods OWN eyes the only way to salvation.- St peter said that.

So if there is any other religions (all of them to my knowledge)
that dont believe in himto be the messaih and son of God or his name and sometimes purposely say he isnt God’s son ( islam does that )
they are either false religions ( deliberatly evily telling lies)
or just ignorant and proud (not really knowing things but pretending to be wise by copying obvious morality teaching via using the inward inbuilt knowlegde of the universal laws of God set out in the jewish torah)

That has got to be the truth
because the importance of the NAME of Jesus is exactly how God chose to save.

And anyway Jesus christ is God the fathers very own name.
It says that in John’s Gospel.

So any religion that disputes this or is either against it because of deception or is just plain pretending to know the truth yet denying it through ignorance or through human pride of mans ideas above God’s which is a sin, is wrong and shouldn’t be seen as true in any sense of the word true .

All religions dont call God by the same name for a start.
and only christianity believes in jesus a messiah and The Son Of God and accept all that he said.
You don’t resolve the problem that other religions are free to assert all other religions to be wrong based on their own dogmatically accepted truths.

Someone qouted this:_

"As Catholics are we suppose to believe that all religions are worshipping the same god. "

The way i look at this argument is like this.

All religions dont call God by the same name for a start.
and only christianity believes in jesus as The messiah and The Son Of God and accept all that he said to be true.

I think its important to remember that the NAME OF JESUS and believing he is the messiah the son of God is the truth and also it is IN Gods OWN eyes the only way to salvation.- St peter said that.

So if there is any other religions (all of them to my knowledge)
that dont believe in him to be the messaih and son of God ordont mention or deny his name and sometimes purposely say he isnt God’s son ( islam does that ),they are either false religions -(deliberatly evily telling lies)
or just ignorant and proud (not really knowing things but pretending to be wise by copying obvious morality teaching via using the inward inbuilt knowlegde of the universal laws of God set out in the jewish torah)

That has got to be the truth
because the importance of the NAME of Jesus is exactly how God chose to save.

And anyway Jesus christ is God the fathers very own name.
It says that in John’s Gospel.
the diferent categorise of thses relgions i list below ,it coevers all possibilty of not being of the truthand therefore needing to bow to the truth and submit themselves to God through Jesus christ who is Lord of all .
And saviour of all those who lets him save them.

So any religion that disputes this or is either against it because of outright deception ,a spirit of obvious antichrist, that is directly whithin the actual texts asserting jesus not to be the messiah and or son of God, Is both false and very definitly of the devils invention to oppose the Gospel deliberatly.

or another category is religions just thinking themselves to be the truth yet missing it through ignorance of the truth. The samaritons were of this category i believe.

or in another category there are religions/philosphies that end up missing the truth because of stubborness to favour the human pride of mans own ideas above God’s which is a sin, greek philosphy was in this category and humanism ,which i believe to be a religion and science also fall into this category.

All these are wrong and shouldn’t be seen as true in any sense of the word true .

AT one time judaism was THE TRUTH
but now the books of judaism ARE STILL THE TRUTH yet the exclusive practice of Judaism is no longer truth

This cannot be said of any other ancient tradition or so called Holy book or teaching, for all these books and teachings and traditions and relgious practices WERE NEVER EVER IN ANY WAY TRUE AND NEVER SHALL BE.So all other faiths arent TRUE.

Judaism sadly falls into A special category now , yet the truth of judaism still stands if accepted in its full revelation of christ’s coming to fulfil it.

so Judaism is in a different category and is unique on its own.

for it is part of the truth and yet can become a falsebelief system if it is not acompanied by faith in christfor it leaves out the revelation of its own messiah.
In the respect that it can become a denial of faith yet the words of the law and prophets are always true, and are NEVER FALSE.

infact this argument is used MISTAKENLY to defend other faiths.

ie. they have elements of the truth

but they dont and never have had in Gods eyes.

they have vague moral truths. But legally THEY HAVE NEVER BEEN TRUE!
because they dont ever quote from the law and the prophets so THEY ARE NOT LEGALLY THE WORD OF TRUTH, i mean they are not the word of God like the law and the prophets which are still read in judaism are. Infact as i wrote above they just use inbuilt moral arguments that are part of Gods universal moral laws, and what is important as i said they either use them for
1 deception
2 in ignorance of the whole truth
( has to be pre the coming of christ or recieving of him)
3 out of defence for human pride above Gods wisdom.

i have posted on false relgions above.

But i read some of the other posts and some have mistakenly focussed on judging religions by the moral actions of their adherents.

This is not the true way to examine or judge a particular doctrine or religion or practice for its TRUTH.


we are not talking about individuals moral goodness.
for any person of any or no faith can be seen as good or do good.
this does’nt mean they are good or doing good because of the truth of their individual beliefs based upon a relgious text or none.

a GOOD man brings good out of the good stored up in his haert and and evil man brings evil out ofthe evil stored up in his heart.

that argument in relataion to whether or not a man follows a certain faith is irrelevent for all human beings are capable of doing good or evil even those who dont believe in any God or dont read or believe any religious teachings or text.

No the test of a RELIGIOUS TEXT is wether or not it it is the WORD OF GOD OR NOT And also WETHER OR NOT IT IS THE GOSPEL OR NOT.

heres an example so you can see what im saying.

If my mother told me to always give food to the hungry when i see them in need but she herself had also said to me , she doesnt believe jesus to be the messaih and said she dont think he Gods son.

Her guidance on feeding the hungry couldnt save me, infact her guidance on feeding the hungry might even become a deception in itself leading me to augue to those who say when im older “you need to have faith in christ to be saved.”
Leading me To argue with them, "

well my mum always did good to the poor and she never believed in jesus.
So the fact she showed me and taught me to do good to the poor might even fuel and logically to me backup my argument and justify my resistence to accepting the TRUTH!!!

because i was taught this way by my mum.

and who is to argue its not good to feed to the poor?

you see how deceptive the devil can be and is?


You don’t resolve the problem that other religions are free to assert all other religions to be wrong based on their own dogmatically accepted truths.
"You don’t resolve the problem that other religions are free to assert all other religions to be wrong based on their own dogmatically accepted truths. "

what i meant was that jesus asserted all other relgions to be wrong even if they assert all other religions beside there own to be wrong based on their own dogmatically accepted truths.

He believed himself and his father to be truth
as to them (other religions) asserting jesus not to be true by not accepting his truth i.e what they would term given dogma, he would say what???-I am the way the truth and the life!!!

’ SoHow can you argue about truth when you dont except me when i am THE TRUTH.’

so jesus did and does resolve that problem.

so jesus did and does resolve that problem.
I’m sorry, but unless we do not refer to the same problem I cannot agree. Religions either claim exclusivity or not. Those that do obviously assert that they are right while all the others are wrong. When this is accepted as a dogmatic truth, it is trivial to brush away different beliefs. But it doesn’t answer questions to the veracity of the truth of any religion. In that respect, all religions are on equal footing. If any religion can lay claim to truth without falling back to dogma, it’s a different story. Prominent Rabbi Converts
Praised be Jesus Christ!
Just some good news here for the ‘good of the order.’
The joy found from a Jew discovering the Messiah is
ever new - no matter how recently it occured.

At the conclusion of WWII, the Chief Rabbi of Rome, Israel Zolli,
converted to Catholicism. His story is wonderfully told in the book
he wrote, Before the Dawn.

When asked “Why didn’t you choose one of the Protestant denominations, which are not so demanding?”, Zolli replied,
“Because protesting is not attesting.”

What an elegant testimony, a faith which professes what it
believes (attesting), rather than protesting against what it does
not believe(protestantism).
Something for our non-Catholic brothers and
sisters to consider.

God Love Ya!
Jim B
in answer to the above descirption of a rabbis aparent conversion to christ. iI point out this -
When Peter first confessed christ he didnt confess faith in a church.
I’m sorry, but unless we do not refer to the same problem I cannot agree. Religions either claim exclusivity or not. Those that do obviously assert that they are right while all the others are wrong. When this is accepted as a dogmatic truth, it is trivial to brush away different beliefs. But it doesn’t answer questions to the veracity of the truth of any religion. In that respect, all religions are on equal footing. If any religion can lay claim to truth without falling back to dogma, it’s a different story.
If you personally think Jesus christs claim to be THE TRUTH AND THE ONLY WAY TO GOD THE FATHER. Toi be a dogma why didnt you say so.
If that is the case your obviously not a believer in jesus christ, because you doubt his claim to be exclusively the ONLY WAY TO GOD AND THE TRUTH ISTLEF. Because that is exactly what he claimed.

As far as im concerned if someone of another faith disregards this as dogma and not admisable testimony.
I consider them to be unsaved and am not suprised they dont accept the words of christ.

I n other words to look at this argument from the point of view of unberlievers is stupididty itself as they dont know or have the truth.So why expect them to accept christs claims of exclusivity in ragards to be the only saviour?

its a none argument and a stupid idea to put forward.
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