A law is…
- When God causes an effect to happen on specific occasions.
- a tendency intrinsic to the natures of things.
- A thing in itself that acts on other things to make them act certain ways
- Nothing more than descriptions we make of observed regularities.
It’s a combination of the second and fourth.
Regarding the second for example, protons have certain inherrent properties. For example being a particle having a positive charge of 1 and an atomic mass of 1. Which is actually the wrong way around in describing it because that implies that protons
must have those properties. Which then implies if not a design or a necessity but perhaps a requirement. Which isn’t the case. It isn’t the case that protons must have these properties. It’s just that we call all particles that have a positive charge of 1 and a mass of 1 ‘protons’.
This might seem a minor point but it’s critical. Because the question is always along the lines of: ‘Why is it that a proton
has an electrical charge of 1?’ as if there’s something deeper here to be discovered. But it’s no different to asking ‘Why is it that all bachelors are not married?’.
Let’s say that in the first moments of the big bang there was an exotic combination of quarks that produced a single particle with weird properties that went almost immediately out of existence and had no interaction with any other material. If we knew it had existed and knew its properties we might give it a name: Wesrockium. Would it make any sense whatsoever to ask
why Wesrockium must have the properties it did? Obviously not. There was a particle that had some random properties and we happened to give it a name. The properties weren’t
required by Wesrockium. The properties weren’t a necessary condition for it to exist. We just associated the two.
The same is true of protons. If there had just been the one and we said ‘Hey, mark it down as a ‘proton’ and note that it had x properties’ then nobody woild be looking for a deeper meaning as to ‘why’ it had those properties. It just did. So there turned out to be more than one. And the properties they had meant that they didn’t go out of existence. But is there any deeper meaning? Well, there wasn’t in regard to Wesrockium so why for protons?
And if we have protons and then we have electrons then we have everything we need without some underlying intelligence to guide it all.
And the fourth item is just the way we describe regularities in nature. They don’t control anything in the way that the offside law in soccer requires a certain action. It simply describes it.