I am not expert of Hebrew language, but here is what I found from Ancient Hebrew Research center and other sources:I am sorry, but I don’t know where you have gotten these translations. They are rather contrived.
In Ezekiel, ‘Taw’ in Hebrew literally means ‘mark’, any mark. It is not a cross. This definition comes directly from it’s ancient Egyptian roots. the ‘Tau’ is different from ‘Taw’. ‘Tau’ is Greek and can mean a cross, but this is not what neither the Hebrew nor the Greek Septuagint states. ‘Taw’ is used in the Hebrew and semeion (σημεῖον) in the Septuagint which means a ‘point, dot, or mark’".
It is only later through the exegesis of Origen in the second and third centuries that the link between this mark and the Greek letter Tau is made. It is then that this mark in Ezekiel is seen to be the Greek letter Tau, not a simple Hebrew taw, or mark.
All historical evidence points to Crucifixion being invented over a hundred years after Ezekiel’s death.
In Revelation, the translation of ‘Alpha and Omega’ as Aleph and Tau is poetic license trying to make the Biblical language sound more Hebrew in origin, which is somewhat ridiculous as the New Testament was written in Greek. Aleph was the first letter of the Hebrew alphabet and Taw was the last. This is the only reason why the translation was given as it was. It was imitating the Alpha and Omega in Greek, the first and last letters of the alphabet. Alpha and Omega have no symbolism of God apart from being the first and the last. Omega does not mean Cross.
Again, the equivocation of a cross as a Greek Tau to the Hebrew did not come into Hebrew literature until after the Greek invasion of Israel in 333 BC. Even then, ‘Tau’ in the Greek is not used in the New Testament as a stand alone word to my knowledge.
Last letter of ancient Hebrew
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How to pronounce it:
Exactly same dialet for god “Tau” in Far East. Same dialet of El Shaddai for Supreme God Shangdi in Tau country!
Some sources say at the time of Ezekiel, they still wrote letter Tau as a cross symbol.
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