The French Are Fretting

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The meetings came after France, in particular, had grumbled over a U.S. official’s suggestion that France was not being particularly generous, and as President Jacques Chirac was reported to be growing increasingly concerned that U.S. aid efforts were designed to circumvent the United Nations in potentially damaging ways…"

."…But a German press account, the general outlines of which were confirmed by a French official, suggested that Chirac was concerned that the U.S. tsunami aid operation had sidestepped traditional UN channels. This followed a U.S. decision to form a separate aid coalition with Australia, Japan and India, all key regional powers with substantial resources.
The account, in the Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung, reported that Chirac, without openly criticizing the Bush administration, feared “that Washington is deliberately circumventing the United Nations and wants to compete with the international organization.”
It said, without citing its sources, that “President Chirac wants to hinder America from using its ad hoc-organized aid operation to set a precedent that will lastingly weaken the role of the United Nations.”
It quoted him as having said publicly that the tsunami had provided proof that the fate of all people “cannot be separated from that of our planet” and that global organizations like the UN must therefore be strengthened.
"…There had been earlier friction when the head of the U.S. Agency for International aid, Andrew Natsios, said in a television interview that “the aid program in France is not that big” and that the French “do not tend to be dominant figures in aid.”
Ambassador Jean-David Levitte, in a letter of protest to Natsios, spoke of his “shocking and uncalled-for comments” and asked his reasons for “misguidedly impugning France.” Loiseau said that France had since provided aid figures to Natsios, who, he said, “maybe didn’t have the right figures.” The Foreign Ministry said that French development aid exceeded that of any other of the Group of Eight wealthy countries, including the United States, when expressed as a proportion of economic output…
"…France, like the United States, has gradually stepped up its tsunami aid total. France said Monday that it was increasing aid to $66 million, which is triple its initial level…
The European Commission has so far donated $45 million from the EU’s common budget, and has said $408 million is available. Among individual EU nations, Britain has pledged $95 million, Sweden $75.5 million and Spain $68 million.
In addition, Luxembourg, which on Saturday assumed the rotating EU presidency, has summoned aid ministers of the 25 EU nations to a meeting Friday to review emergency aid and coordinate long-term reconstruction assistance.
The United States on Friday offered up to $350 million, more than 20 times its initial total, which is second to Japan’s promise of $500 million.
I’m conflicted. On the one hand, all of this nationalist, “we give more than you do” stuff is really stupid. On the other hand, it is bringing more aid to the victims. 🙂

France is afraid the UN will look unimportant compared to the US ability to provide aid. I thought we already proved their insignificance.😃

God Bless,
I’m conflicted. On the one hand, all of this nationalist, “we give more than you do” stuff is really stupid. On the other hand, it is bringing more aid to the victims. 🙂

France is afraid the UN will look unimportant compared to the US ability to provide aid. I thought we already proved their insignificance.😃
I don’t think the nationalism stuff has increased the donations by one kopek. It takes time to assess what needs there are and to define them and so initial responses as well as initial reports need revising as a better pricture of things emerges.

I think as long as Chirac and his coterie are in power, no one need do a thing, they will all on their own prove how irrelevant and petty they have become in international relations. They are begininning to mirror the UN they love so well.
The UN is unimportant…it takes no effort by us or any other nation for that reality to surface…the UN is a joke…it is a sterile organization that benefits only a handful of countries, i.e. France, Germany, and China…and its leaders are so corrupt, they make Huey P. Long look like an altar boy. Just look at all of their miserable failures and all of their miserable leadership…we should side step them on everything…heck, in all actuality, we should withdraw from the UN…they hinder us more than they help us…and I have a real problem having to be bullied around by the Yellow French and the Commi Red Chinese have a veto power…all of this is just too much to swallow. The UN puts power into the hands of the least deserving, i.e. France and China…
I’m conflicted. On the one hand, all of this nationalist, “we give more than you do” stuff is really stupid. On the other hand, it is bringing more aid to the victims. 🙂

France is afraid the UN will look unimportant compared to the US ability to provide aid. I thought we already proved their insignificance.😃

God Bless,
Of course Chira would prefer the US money went through the UN so he coulod get his hands on some of it. If France insists on being a “Counter Weight” to the US let them begin here by matching the amount of funds we’re spending to help victims.
Michael C:
Of course Chira would prefer the US money went through the UN so he coulod get his hands on some of it. If France insists on being a “Counter Weight” to the US let them begin here by matching the amount of funds we’re spending to help victims.
I agree. If the U.S. money went through the UN, probably a lot of it would end up in somebodys pocket, like the Iraq oil for food program. How do you satisfy these people?
The Foreign Ministry said that French development aid exceeded that of any other of the Group of Eight wealthy countries, including the United States, when expressed as a proportion of economic output…
I wonder what that says about France’s economic output :rolleyes:
The UN is unimportant…it takes no effort by us or any other nation for that reality to surface…the UN is a joke…it is a sterile organization that benefits only a handful of countries, i.e. France, Germany, and China…and its leaders are so corrupt, they make Huey P. Long look like an altar boy. Just look at all of their miserable failures and all of their miserable leadership…we should side step them on everything…heck, in all actuality, we should withdraw from the UN…they hinder us more than they help us…and I have a real problem having to be bullied around by the Yellow French and the Commi Red Chinese have a veto power…all of this is just too much to swallow. The UN puts power into the hands of the least deserving, i.e. France and China…
They are so lame they meekly joined the organization the US put together with India, Japan, and Australia to manage disaster relief.

They want to control things only so they get the cash flow. They run on the fuel of greed and lust for sex and power.

Yep. Kick em out of New York. And do it soon - before Bill Clinton is running the show and his sidekick runs for the Whitehouse.
I cheered when I heard that we were circumventing the inefficient and ineffective UN!!

HA! Take that, Kofi!!

I wonder what the economic impact on NYC would be if the UN were to be relocated?? Yes, they drain US taxpayers with their pampered excesses, yet at least it is being spent IN the good ol’ US of A, and not in Paris or Brussels for goodness sake.

I say keep the UN, but hold their feet to the fire. The idea of having an org like the UN is good, but not when their effectivness is nil. If they have to compete for dollars with other coalitions like the Japan/Aussie/Indi/US one, they will have to get their act together.
I cheered when I heard that we were circumventing the inefficient and ineffective UN!!

HA! Take that, Kofi!!

I wonder what the economic impact on NYC would be if the UN were to be relocated?? Yes, they drain US taxpayers with their pampered excesses, yet at least it is being spent IN the good ol’ US of A, and not in Paris or Brussels for goodness sake.

I say keep the UN, but hold their feet to the fire. The idea of having an org like the UN is good, but not when their effectivness is nil. If they have to compete for dollars with other coalitions like the Japan/Aussie/Indi/US one, they will have to get their act together.
If the UN left NY the impact would in most likelyhood be positive. NY would not have to put up with illegally parked diplomat plated cars, security cost would go down to next to nothing, the building could be leased to tenets who would pay high rent, smuggling through diplomatic pouches would cease. I just don’t see a down side to kicking them out. Also it is our money we are donating to the tsunami victims and none of France’s business or anyone else for that matter what we choose to do with it.
If the UN left NY the impact would in most likelyhood be positive. NY would not have to put up with illegally parked diplomat plated cars, security cost would go down to next to nothing, the building could be leased to tenets who would pay high rent, smuggling through diplomatic pouches would cease. I just don’t see a down side to kicking them out. Also it is our money we are donating to the tsunami victims and none of France’s business or anyone else for that matter what we choose to do with it.
Can’t say I disagree. Just thinking it through…
The French! If it wasn’t for the United States, the French would be goose stepping down the Champs d’ Elysees singing “Deutschland Uber Alles!” Who gives the back side of dead rat what the French think?!?!?
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