It also accepts the possibility that none of these exist.
Actually, it doesn’t. Rather, it says, “if this is what you believe, then
this is your expected value.” Subtle, but important, difference.
The loser gets nothing, but loses nothing. You take my decision on who wins on faith alone. Are you in? Pascal’s Wager says you should be.
Not exactly. Pascal says that you’re ‘in’ by virtue of being alive. That’s the ante; you’ve already ‘paid’, by virtue of being alive.
If you don’t believe in my God, not only will you suffer infinite, eternal torment, so will all your loved ones.
Pascal expresses his wager in terms of Catholic belief. It’s an argument
for belief
against unbelief.
Trying to turn it into an argument
for a particular belief system
against (n-1) belief systems misses the point of the argument. Worse, using a one-religion-against-many approach is logically unsound: it would be like disproving the statement “milk is good for you” with the claim “yeah, but what about chocolate milk? strawberry milk? goat’s milk? yak milk? See… you’re wrong!”
Lip service is not enough for salvation. I’m sure even those that have come to despise me on these forums will agree with this.
LOL! (Who despises you?)
Pascal isn’t claiming that lip service suffices. Rather, he’s quoting the Nike tagline:
Just do it. His claim is that, if you want to believe, but are having difficulties, then just start the practice of Catholicism (prayers, Mass, etc), and you will attain to faith. If you think Pascal is saying “meh… you don’t have to believe; just fake it”, then you’re misreading the Pensées…
Pascal doesn’t say, for instance, you must believe in God AND give 10% of all your money to your local Church. Salvation requires more than what Pascal says it does. He’s a snake oil salesman.
Nah, hardly. Belief in God – in the context of the Church – includes all of the practices of the Church (tithing isn’t one of them, by the way; that’s an OT standard, not a NT one). I think your “snake oil” statement comes from your misunderstanding of his “just do it” assertion, but perhaps you simply mean “since Pascal doesn’t reiterate all of the catechism of Trent, he’s a liar!” That would be just plain silly, so I hope it’s not what you mean.
The point is that there is NOTHING in Pascal’s Wager that in any way prevents it from being used by another religion.
Agreed. But, doing so would be making a
different argument. If it proceeds from Pascal’s Wager, it would have to take the terms of the Wager into account. Simply lining up
n religions and making
n parallel arguments doesn’t cut it.
Pascal’s Wager has been refuted for centuries.
Yeah, yeah, yeah. So has the existence of Christ. Doesn’t mean that the refutations have merit.