In these days of uncertainty and confusion, where do we go for truth and direction? Priest contradicts priest, bishop contradicts bishop and pope contradicts pope. The Catechism appears changeble at will, the moral law is relative, the Catholic Church is one of the many “willed” religions.
Will there be a return by some to “sola scriptura” as during the times of the Reformation? Will each of us choose our own point of reference and authority as with religious sects? Will we just muddle on like the Anglicans / Espsicopalians / Presbyterians and become irrelavant, even to our own salvation? Will there be some intervention, such as the Council of Trent, to re-orientate ourselves? Or will we see some mighty movement of the Holy Spirit to bring us back?
I am interested what faithful Catholics think might happen? I personally have begun to look at Christianity in the first three Centuries for an interpretation of these times and a sign post for what might happen. Please note I am not intending to criticise the Pope or his governance of the Church - I am simply reading the times from where I sit.
Will there be a return by some to “sola scriptura” as during the times of the Reformation? Will each of us choose our own point of reference and authority as with religious sects? Will we just muddle on like the Anglicans / Espsicopalians / Presbyterians and become irrelavant, even to our own salvation? Will there be some intervention, such as the Council of Trent, to re-orientate ourselves? Or will we see some mighty movement of the Holy Spirit to bring us back?
I am interested what faithful Catholics think might happen? I personally have begun to look at Christianity in the first three Centuries for an interpretation of these times and a sign post for what might happen. Please note I am not intending to criticise the Pope or his governance of the Church - I am simply reading the times from where I sit.