Well, there is only one little note I have on this: The Crisis ™ long predates Catholic blogs, fora, and even Catholic press.
You and I are old enough to know the world before the Internet, and before large scale availability of Catholic press.
And you and I know that the crisis started in modern terms around the 1930s or so in small intellectual circles. The vast majority of people living in 1930-1960 had little or no access to what was being taught and spread in theological circles. Even many of the clergy had no idea which is why so many clerics were blindsided not by Vatican 2, but by the results which happened after Vatican 2.
And all this took place without Catholic blogs, fora, and press. Many of the Catholic press organs no longer exist today. Many (such as Maryknoll Magazine) have undergone a huge change from what they were before 1970 or so.
We lost a ton of people to the religious crisis of the modern age well before blogs and fora existed, and well before the majority of Catholics were able to go online and find things like the documents of Vatican 2, before the catechism of Pope St. John Paul 2, before one could read the Register or the Wanderer or even the Bitter Pill or the Reporter.
The crisis in large part exists because both before and after the Internet, the majority of adult Catholics were influenced by their teachers and priests and bishops. If you were lucky enough to have lived in a solidly Catholic area where you had a decent Catholic education and --even more important–you were lucky enough to avoid the major conflicts of the sexual revolution–and–nearly as important–you were able to have the good ‘reinforced’ and not be challenged by major life events–then you were very lucky. Many more have fallen victim to one or all the above–again, without any (name removed by moderator)ut from the Catholic blogs, fora, or Catholic press.
While those things may ‘generate income’ (and we’ve seen plenty of the above come in, do okay for a while, and then fail, so it’s certainly in no way a guarantee to 'get income by fomenting crisis), it is not a cause of the crisis for this to happen.