I think that is how you understand the problem. I can represent it…
Let me stop you there: you are saying given a series of states, and an eternal creator the series of states must not be sequentially created, but only set in motion (otherwise an eternal being is changing). Your conclusion does (correctly) follow from your premise but I am attacking that premise. The picture isn’t
God eternal act
N-> s0->s1->s2…
It is closer to this:
Within God’s eternal mind exists a couple arrays and a matrix:
{WS0, WS1…WSX}
Time is for each creature {WC0, WC1,…WCX} there is a set of actions:
WC0A{WN, WS1,…, WS250,987,030,375,897},
WC0A{WN, WS1,…, WS250,987,030,375,897, WS250,987,030,375,898}
Where A is the action of the creature upon each state set.
Further where each WSX includes the results of all the actions each creature takes at any given state.
W is just to differentiate my notation from Bahmans. The universe is like a matrix of things in the eternal mind of God. Unfathomable in its size, and complexity, but each element is simultaneously extant. The universe can’t exist on its own. It doesn’t tick. It doesn’t move it just is. God sees every element that could have been in the data structure, and every element that is in the data structure. Eternally.
I see where you are and I was stuck there too for a while. I already explained how you resolve this issue. The problem you are stating is demonstrating the fact that this issue is impossible to imagine and that your imagination wants to help. It can’t. You can represent it however you like, but at the end of the day? Any pictorial representation is going to lie to you, mine does, mine is closer to the truth, but it falls woefully short in its representations, and is lacking a lot of explanations for other things. The temporal nature of the universe is not at odds with eternity (in fact the temopral sequence is simply a limit on the universe, and the reason it is finite: infinite means without limits, and even if there’s an unbounded sequence in time it is still finite due to the internal subdivisions, we mathematicians have stolen the term and changed it slightly so it’s useful to us, but philosophically there’s a different notion of infinite).
You’ve as well demonstrated adaquately you either aren’t able or are unwilling to understand. I think it’s the latter, as it’s a tough pill to swallow that God’s will (permissive or ordaining will) indeed is required for every subatomic particle, every single moment, especially when you’re not ready to fully trust He exists. This isn’t something anyone can help you see, you’ll just have to come to terms with reality in God’s time. God bless.