The Great Accuser & his PROMINENT role in Media Coverage, Comments etc

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2018 definition for satan, the devil, beelzebub: Hollywood monster, symbol for evil or sin, mythical enemy in legend…

Pope Francis mentioned satan yesterday in his homily, concerning satan’s role in this current crisis in the Church. And after reading the transcript and reflecting overnight, I have the following observation:

People, in 2018, especially in North America it would seem - but I wouldn’t be surprised if it was world wide - have a crisis of faith, not so much in God - though that crisis of faith exists in the public square, I’m not sure that crisis has any real roots in personal hearts… no I’m speaking of a crisis of faith in a created being like you and me, namely satan (yes I refuse to capitalize his name).

People don’t belive in the devil anymore.
He’s been reduced to a Hollywood monster, good for a good scare or a good Halloween costume, but little more. His reality has been shifted to mere metaphor for sin and evil.

Wake up people. He is a created being. A created free being operating on a different wave length of our reality, but he is real as the nose on your face.

One other warning - do not underestimate him. His knowledge and ability far outweigh our strengths as human beings.

Do not underestimate his influence on so called whistle blowers or “commenters” on Catholic social media boards.

The fight now has been reduced to this:

Either you view Pope Francis as a liar and a cover up artist or you are lambasted on social media.

Though satan is defeated in the war, i’d say he is winning the battle of hearts in the summer of 2018.

The typical responses of “how about the perpetrators of these sexual crimes…” will come, as they should -

But the outright attack on the Chair, Office and person of the Pope is diabolical - the sex crimes of a few were a means to an end for a caged, yet it would seem unchained beast.

DO YOU BELIEVE satan EXISTS? Do not forget satan. believe he exists. And fight him with St. Michael’s help.

St. Michael the Archangel,
defend us in battle.
Be our defense against the wickedness and snares of the Devil.
May God rebuke him, we humbly pray,
and do thou,
O Prince of the heavenly hosts,
by the power of God,
thrust into hell Satan,
and all the evil spirits,
who prowl about the world
seeking the ruin of souls. Amen.
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