A couple angles -It is a mortal sin to miss mass on Sunday. But if you don’t know then it ain’t. Should we not tell people that it is a mortal sin so they can’t commit what they don’t know is a mortal sin? That was my question.
We can Look to history for an answer.
Did Jesus tell the apostles to hide the good news, or share it?
Does a doctor help or just know what would help, but withhold the information.
Full context is not simply ‘no sin if you go here’, but ‘boundless graces within’, specifically when there is understanding of the event going on within and one enters prepared for the event.
Then you have the ‘to whom much is given’ angle.
If one is Catholic, that’s quite a jewel. If a Catholic travels through life clueless of the requirements of Catholicism, they may be in for a rough surprise.
If a knowledgable person travels through life not sharing the good news of Catholicism, they might be in for a more rough surprise.
The most common sins and ironically, the most ignored for confession are those of omission.
Not using well that ‘much’ that is given.
I hope this helps.
Take care,