The Great Moral Europe

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Details… I think a person likely to attack others in his vicinity could be kept in a cell while still being allowed to communicate with people around him. This would be better than sol. con.

And for those who might communicate with outsiders, transfers and heavy supervision. No access to WiFi.
Details… I think a person likely to attack others in his vicinity could be kept in a cell while still being allowed to communicate with people around him. This would be better than sol. con.

And for those who might communicate with outsiders, transfers and heavy supervision. No access to WiFi.
I think through deliberation and discussion and debate, we can always come up with a more humane system. By holier than thou, I mean settling for the status quo we have (both in the USA and Europe that is) instead of being willing to improve it (by trying new things and removing what hasn’t worked).

Yes, if there was a way to absolutely understand how criminals speak in code and you’re truly able to decipher it and eliminate one’s ability to offisicate incaraceration, I think the death penalty (and solitary confinement) becomes unnecessary or at least is more of an opinion on whether retribution is acceptable and not in regards to safety of the society as a while (aka with terrorism or mass casualties or mass murder).
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The problem in Europe is the Western nations gradually turned to socialism after World War II.

Because of the historic, social caste systems of Europe, socialism was less of a stretch of them.

Also, in a twist of irony, socialism is an easier way for the nobles to remain in power, vs pure republicanism like the United States.

This same problem is already taking root in Canada and Australia, and finally showing it’s ugly head here in the United States. In the US, the Democratic Party is currently in the middle of a civil war to see if it will PUBLICLY become a socialist party.

Socialism is the root of the problem.

God bless
Socialism is the root of the problem.
Very true. Socialism is the idolatry of a secular or theocratic society. It doesn’t allow for human nature and intuition and self-interests. It allows individuals to have fewer choices as to their well-being. If the government “takes care of” the poor rather than being the place of last resort, people are going to be less charitable as the government is already taking care of it.
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This same problem is already taking root in Canada and Australia, and finally showing it’s ugly head here in the United States. In the US, the Democratic Party is currently in the middle of a civil war to see if it will PUBLICLY become a socialist party.
People don’t realize how harmful this is to the world. The left is very different from liberalism. Economic mobility is far more important than a social safety net, regardless of whether you are poor or rich socioeconomically.
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And you are somehow blaming the Europeans for the fact that we now have a leader that boasts of chasing random women around and grabbing them by their birth canals? That’s rich!
President Trump wasn’t talking about “random women” but those who were chasing him around because he was a star and let him grab them.

The tale told by the President, which may or may not have had a basis in reality and was told to amuse the Bush scion and TV viewers, was a story about some gals who throw themselves at A List Celebrities.
Just to point out Europe is a continent not a country. One cannot generalise about the morals of an entire continent when it is made up of a significant number of countries, only some of which are part of the EU, each with its own laws and systems.
This same problem is already taking root in Canada and Australia, and finally showing it’s ugly head here in the United States. In the US, the Democratic Party is currently in the middle of a civil war to see if it will PUBLICLY become a socialist party.
Your tin-foil bill must be staggering!
why do you say this?

The Democratic Party is already part of the Progressive Alliance, which has several socialist parties among it’s membership and a few marxist parties too.

Socialists have been in the Democratic Party since the time of FDR, but they historically have been in hiding. Now, they are no longer afraid to announce their views. While a vast majority of Democrats in Congress are NOT socialists, a lot of the younger Democrats are socialists, and the number is growing. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez is just the start.
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I think you need to think through what you just wrote. It’s one thing to call someone a doubling-dealing dastard and another to punch him in the nose.
Words are cheap, one has to walk the talk. What use is saying I like cows, when cows are illegal, hence cannot be liked .
Or saying we all have equal rights equal pay equal whatever, when it’s simply not expressed anywhere physically
Europe had thousands of years of executing hundreds of thousands of people, often in gruesome ways, before they got around to abolishing the death penalty. The USA wasn’t even invented during much of that time, and even if we count Native Americans “executing” each other, the numbers will never reach the numbers of people executed in Europe because of population density.

It’s not a question of Europe being this super moral place. They just happen to have current death penalty policy already in line with the Vatican teaching, probably in part because people over there got sick of thousands of years of state-sponsored, often unjust bloodshed.

Happy now?
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