The Heart of Darkness

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The Heart of Darkness
A quick tour of the evil we face.

As the war on terror continues, it is vital to pause occasionally and remind ourselves how truly horrific an enemy civilization confronts. In militant Islam, America and its allies — and even some nations that have sidestepped this conflict — face a breathtakingly evil foe. In recent weeks, this Coalition of the Wicked has reconfirmed its barbarism. Until liberation, Fallujah was an Islamist house of horrors. U.S. soldiers discovered up to 20 blood-stained homes in which innocent hostages were detained and killed, often on videotape. Amid guns, rockets, and an unfinished car bomb, terror master Abu Musab al-Zarqawi’s headquarters included computer and audio-visual gear for disseminating al Qaeda’s hateful missives and real-life snuff films.

-Iraqi forces found a reputed toxic-weapons laboratory featuring poisonous chemicals and anthrax recipes.

-Roughly half of Fallujah’s mosques doubled as military outposts. Their minarets became sniper’s nests. American GIs found artillery shells, machine guns, and anti-tank mines at the Saad Bin Waqas Mosque on November 24. The Sunni shrine also housed a suspected mobile bomb factory inside a truck, rocket-propelled grenades, surface-to-air missile parts, and, a military spokesman told the Associated Press, “documents that detailed insurgent interrogations of recent kidnap victims.”

-Dublin-born Margaret Hassan, 59, married an Iraqi, converted to Islam, and spent 30 years bringing Iraqis medicine, clean water, and other relief. She also denounced the Iraq war. Impossible-to-please Islamic extremists kidnapped her in October. A mid-November videotape showed an unidentified terrorist fatally shooting a blindfolded captive believed to be Hassan.

-James Mollen, 48, cheerfully spent 16 months improving Iraq’s beleaguered schools and linking some to the Internet. Nonetheless, a Zarqawi-tied assassin fatally shot Mollen in the head as he drove through Baghdad November 24.

-A Sunni communiqué promised, as NBC News’s Richard Engel reported November 18, “to kill all organizers of coming elections here, and anyone who votes.” Not since the Ku Klux Klan’s glory days in the 1950s and ‘60s have hooded villains threatened lethally to disenfranchise those who aim to cast and count ballots.

As Andrew Higgins chillingly related in the November 22 Wall Street Journal, two days after Van Gogh’s death, Islamists aimed their knives at Dutch parliamentarian Geert Wilders, a critic of open immigration. They posted his picture on line beside this message: “The punishment is beheading, and the reward for doing it is paradise.”

Moderation against such fanaticism is inconceivable. Fundamentalist Islam must be transcended from within while militant Islam must be vanquished from without. Victory cannot come too soon.

Until then, Geert Wilders grasps the stakes. “Bush was totally correct,” he phoned Higgins while dashing between safe houses on the advice of police. “This is war, a world-wide war.”

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