Every wise person should not fear God our Father but the loss of Him, that is to be rent of His eternal love and sustinance. As for judging the person by their acts, the heart of repentance is not known by us and never will be, only God can read the soul and heart and KNOW exactly what is truly held within that person despite their sins, Christ’s redemptive sacrifice is ALWAYS our salvation whether our sins are venial or mortal. If God had tired enough of the world He would and could remove His sustaining self from it and bring about it’s end, but He didn’t He so loved the world He sent His only Son for it’s salvation, this by no means means we can sin without regard to Our Lord’s suffering and feel that His suffering is going to save us and we can live as we like. Relationships are ALWAYS a two way street or they don’t function properly. Hell is bought by the absolute and utter pure turning away from God with full consciousness and knowledge of what a person is doing with no love for God and no intention to repent ever. If when you sin you know it is wrong but then you repent and are truly sorry even if you die before you make it to confession, God will truly honour the state of your heart and your love for Him and not your human love or it frustrated by sin ,inadequate in the light of His Divine love. Yes people will go to hell, but we don’t know who they are. Yes people who have committed mortal sin will go to purgatory and be cleansed of their sins to be made pure enough to receive the Beatific Vision.Yes we should make ourselves knowledgeable of what God desires of us in order to spend our eternal lives with Him and to please Him with our lives here on earth. We live in hope of eternal life and to lose hope of that is another hell in itself. Why make it so difficult for ourselves? If we were meant to know the end of the world in it’s entirety and the absolute end of our lives as deemed by God and our eternal outsome, we would know it, God would have made that information available. But we do not know it for sure, we have a guideline on how to gain God’s love for all eternity and this is what we work towards in this life, by living in that love here and now. Live in hope of salvation, live everyday as it is your last as we do not know the hour of our death, love God first and second each other. Above all remember through Christ you are his brothers and sisters and God’s sons and daughters and that the Father loves you so very much despite your sins. Love much and worry about today as that is enough as Christ said. If a man whispers to God on His death bed that he is his son even though all his life he lived denying his Father in heaven, yes the Father will embrace him. Our heaven with God is meaured by love and how we loved Him and each other in our life time our reward in heaven is metered against this.Store up your treasure on earth for your heavenly home. God Bless you and much peace to you. xxxx