But since homeless people are considered and treated as failures in this highly self centered, self righteous society there will continue to be very little attention given to them.:sad_bye:
Its a perception and along with many others. But then too thats human behavior, and success is how people are indeed measured especially in the materialistic USA. So this is much deeper than homelessness. Its a cultural attitude we breed in America. And we are adding to this cultural view. Not correcting it.
But, I assure you the substance abuse is a factor which statistically effects 87% be it alcohol or drugs. 10-years ago there was absolutely no reason to be on the street, unless you chose to live this way. In fact the police would scoop them up whenever they came by them, and drop them off. However shelters just don’t feed you and give you a bed. You cannot be drunk or high because there are children involved along with a host of other issues they present. So a good deal even here is behavior, even when drugs are not involved. Today its a little different since the welfare population increased and housing is selective. You have 25% of the worlds incarcerated here in the US and without mental health aside from intake screening that’s it, just to make sure they are not suicidal, delusional etc. So in fact we are creating mental heath issues and dangerous ones in crime school. Muslims recruit in these places, gangs recruit and muslims are a gang in prison. And most insane is we are placing some very workable people in these situations to feed the revolving door syndrome. The DOC is Americas better money maker and employer. So in effect in this regard we are “abusing” people. And for petty nothingness, and if they play their cards wrong in there they may never leave again. And when they are out and with a record by large they are not able to receive housing and various programs which they are excluded from. They don’t have equal rights.
State to state it varies. For example homeless in some states equates to a ride to the state line or incarceration for vagrancy which is a crime for example in Florida and enforced and in other states especially transient.
And its no secret who in fact is always helping, By large the Catholic Church and other congregations. So now, we want to strangle their finance, and in the final analysis who do you suppose will pay the price?
Our mental heath problem begins with our American lifestyle which is why the Pope called it the culture of death.
We are talking throw away people here and most people will avoid contact with them so it doesn’t rub off on their success and idea of it.
And also as the Pope has repetitively stated you need to get out and reach out to the other side. Its not enough to be encapsulated in ones own life and home. And thats the attitude that most Americans have.
Can you help them all and change thw problem, you can add to the success rate, you can help someone in this situation who is behaving and being overlooked etc.
If the attitude continues so will the problems, you can’t ignore them, lie to public to pretend to look good and appear as if something is being done, Nothing has been done the past decade, in fact the problems are all worse. And the fairy tale that by 2025 poverty will cease to exist is just that, paralyzing hope thats not coming. Theres no need to pretend things are better than they are or getting better. Its doesn’t help. And thats all thats occured the past decade.
And the mental heath, don’t even get me started on that. Its sickening how we treat people out here, and we think we were barbaric 20-30 years ago and now reached a level of humanity never achieved before. Simply another lie and false perception to think “at least we treat people better than we use to”. Its a clever lie. :sad_yes:
How do you in your wildest dream suppose we would abort 1-million a year and care for throw away proven failures? And the elderly, I can’t imagine they find much comfort in all this. If the VA lets you die, I assure you so will the state and every other money making so called private care will also.
And the STDs we allow to run rampant. Just this point for perspective, Hep C. to treat today cost 84 thousand dollars for 12-24 weeks of treatment. Just Hep C. And we are allowing TB and long list of others “new” to America in at the border and taxing an over taxed system.
Yet those who sit around and do nothing like most Americas about these problems will cheer Obama on as if he is Jesus Christ.
You want to know just how few help out? Go to your local Shelter and just look at the Volunteer list. They all have one and keep track who is coming and going and when. They must to plan meals. And you will see how many Americas actually help out, and its not many. Course this doesn’t account for donations, but those are more seasonal, like Christmas and so forth.