I did some other searching and I found that there are areas that have gone as far as to use legal fights to discourage house owners from renting their houses to Section 8. Which reminds me, a foreclosed or abandoned home isn’t necessarily without an owner. There may be banks or other entities that have ownership of such a home that would probably make decisions to the advantage of their financial interest more often than from charity. So such homes might not be available for the purpose of housing tenants in need for free.
Well, if a house already has an owner like that, how can homeless or squatters get the utilities turned on and in their names in the first place? I know after a certain period of time, they can get the legal deed, but in order to do that, they must maintain the property, pay the taxes, keep it looking good,etc…all this takes money, not sure how a homeless person could even afford to do any of this, but it probably would be best since many banks or other investment type owners dont do any maintaining of these homes, so Id imagine cities would prefer someone, anyone to live there, as long as they keep it looking good, keeping the taxes paid up to date, etc. so its win win for the homeless and the cities.
Plus, alot of these homes are used and taken over by drug dealers to operate from…no one seems to bother them, but when it comes to a homeless person just looking for a roof over their heads, suddenly there is a HUGE problem?? Ive never understood that LOL
I think with alot of these abandoned, foreclosed homes, who actually owns them is up in the air, as usually they package up 100s or even 1000s of these homes as part of investments, so it may be difficult to find the actual owner, and a particular investor may not even know they own a certain house, depends on how its packaged and how many they have though.
Id imagine alot of these homes slip thru the cracks, where no one claims ownership, I bought a car about 8 years ago and had that happen, after paying the monthly payment for 6 months, the bank with the loan stopped accepting the payments, told me they didnt hold the lien on it, I tried and tried to resolve it, but they claimed they didnt have it, so nothing I could do, eventually I had to go to the courthouse and get the lien removed, it worked out good, as I got the truck for the price of 6 monthly payments, but someone, somewhere lost money on that, but probably so many of these, they cant keep track of them all!! I joked with my wife at the time, I should have bought a Ferrari thru that company!!!