The Idiocy of Gender Equality

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The Idiocy of Gender Equality

Adam Young | March 21 2005

Somehow, Sweden doesn’t strike me as a place of unrelenting misogyny and patriarchal tyranny. Are Swedish women lower than Afghan women under the Taliban? Sure, 45 percent of Swedish members of parliament are women, but what do I know, I’m just another tyrannical male, how could I know the sufferings of the average Swedish female?

Luckily for the masses of oppressed Swedish women and low-browed troglodytes like me, there exists Gudrun Schyman, who is surprise, surprise, a pinko commie who has now decided to dedicate her career to the burning issue of Swedish sexual “equality,” vowing to form a women’s political party to specifically target the 2006 general elections.

Ms. Schyman previously made headlines when she floated the idea to levy a tax on men to cover the costs of violence against women.

“It must be obvious to all of us that society has a huge problem with male violence against women and that has a cost,” she told Swedish radio.

“We must have a discussion where men understand they as a group have a responsibility.”

Schyman made headlines in 2002 when she compared the plight of Swedish women to that of women under the Taliban, claiming that sexual “discrimination in Sweden followed the same pattern as in Afghanistan under the Taliban.”

She also suggested that the state (that is, Swedish taxpayers) should supply free tampons to women.

It’s obvious here that we are dealing with a heavily indoctrinated mind. But Ms. Gudrun Schyman isn’t alone in this insanity. She has surrounded herself with a number of other “high-profile” Swedish feminists. One is the author Maria-Pia Boethius, who in 2002 wrote “the Anti-Patriarchal Manifesto.”

“We’re going to give everyone a kick in the backside,” said Boethius, who even earlier tried to launch her own feminist party.

And since a politician is the same everywhere, no matter what ethnicity or gender, the chairwoman of the ruling Social Democrats, fearing the loss of votes, has vowed the party will issue its own feminist proposals.

Not only has the political syndicate adopted this nonsense, it has found surprisingly wide and deep support among the deluded herds of Swedish voters. In the same article, while Ms. Gudrun Schyman herself isn’t particularly popular due to her communist taint, her ideas however, are. A poll published in the Swedish daily Aftonbladet showed that 23 percent of all voters, and 27 percent of women, would consider voting for a feminist party.

For women’s voices to be heard “one needs to have a very clear mandate that states what this is about: breaking the patriarchal power structure,” Schyman said.

I suppose this is typical of the age we live in. Here we have a woman raging against the existence of the male of the species, and in the name of making women equal to those men, promotes the notion of a sexually-based punitive tax based not even on guilt but on one’s mere existence and not only that, is now advocating the formation of a sexually exclusive organization to promote one sex over the other. And this is supposed to be equality? Is this what equality is supposed to look like?

I don’t know, but I’m willing to bet that Sweden, like every other quasi-totalitarian regime, has edicts outlawing organizations from discriminating between the sexes. Would men be barred from joining this Women’s Party? Maybe they could join but not vote as members? Maybe men can join and even vote but couldn’t expect to occupy the major party offices? After all, what sense would it make for a Women’s Party to be headed by a man? One can’t have the dreaded patriarchy in the all-women’s party, after all.

I think we can be pretty sure that this “Women’s Party” will be controlled and staffed by women and that men will be barred from its higher ranks. Or maybe they’ll just have a token man or two high up to show how open-minded and tolerant they are, unlike those nasty, women-hating men.

On the bright side, if this ridiculous idea for this party is ever realized, we could be treated to the example of swarms of women maneuvering and arm-twisting behind the scenes to prevent any man from being elected to its higher offices, putting the lie to the feminist dogma that women conduct the evil of politics differently then men.

Or maybe they will simply ban men from having any role in their party at all and damn the law. After all, it’s what they would like to do to society if they ever achieved power over the lives of men.
It’s a reflection on how politics has corrupted our language and our ethics that it is seen as perfectly legitimate to attempt to remedy the old pre-industrial privilege for men produced by the military-agricultural complex of pre-capitalist society not by removing the legal disabilities on women, but to actively seek revenge upon men as a class.

Gender equality is a fraud that masks a naked lust for power by a small minority of totalitarian, anti-men fanatics. The very notion of gender as a whole being equal requires a mass hatred, a sense of resentment and entitlement that can only culminate in a desire for revenge, to seek out and punish all those who belong to the official enemy class of humanity. This fool’s conception of equality offered by would-be tyrants everywhere has more to do with a burning envy of others and a smoldering love for the power to destroy. This is not equality.

The only genuine form of equality is individual liberty. Liberty as pointed out by philosophers like Herbert Spencer and Roderick Long practices an equality that does not distinguish between gender and ethnicity, but on ability and the requirements of the division of labor. Free market equality values the individual not for what they are but for who they are as a person. A person who has individual needs and desires and interests. The free market deals with real human beings. These tyrannical counterfeit egalitarians like Gudrun Schyman and Maria-Pia Boethius deal instead with straw men and stereotypes.

To be free is to be equal, free from the State and its privileges for some at the expense of the property and lives of the many.
Gender equality is a fraud that masks a naked lust for power by a small minority of totalitarian, anti-men fanatics. The very notion of gender as a whole being equal requires a mass hatred, a sense of resentment and entitlement that can only culminate in a desire for revenge, to seek out and punish all those who belong to the official enemy class of humanity. This fool’s conception of equality offered by would-be tyrants everywhere has more to do with a burning envy of others and a smoldering love for the power to destroy. This is not equality.
The author mistakenly equates sameness with equality. Yes, the genders are equal. No, they are not the same.

Catechism of the Catholic Church2334 "In creating men ‘male and female,’ God gives man and woman an equal personal dignity."118 "Man is a person, man and woman equally so, since both were created in the image and likeness of the personal God."119
Not the same:
Catechism of the Catholic Church2335 Each of the two sexes is an image of the power and tenderness of God, with equal dignity though in a different way
Of course therre’s no gender equality, women have been superior for years!!!
I wonder, which gender is the one that God gave the gift of life to?
Of course therre’s no gender equality, women have been superior for years!!!
:hmmm: You may have something there, Norwich…especially woman of french heritage 😛

Okay–let me state it more specifically. Which gender was blessed with the gift of bringing God’s children into this world?
I wonder, which gender is the one that God gave the gift of life to?

To women, God gave the ability to bring forth Physical life.

To men (priests) God gave the ability to bring forth Spiritual life (Eucharist)

As we are both creatures of Matter and Spirit, the two distinct roles are complementary and critical.

You hit is exactly right…we are equal…God made us equal but not the same…🙂
I think that when the Church talks about men or women and men being equal she just means that we all have bodies and souls that are capable of knowing and loving God to whatever degree that His grace allows us to.

I don’t think she means for example that women and men are in equal in mathematically ability or in strength or things like that. Same for races.

This is just my guess 🙂

Okay–let me state it more specifically. Which gender was blessed with the gift of bringing God’s children into this world?
male and female, procreation is a cooperative act between a man and a woman.

Okay–let me state it more specifically. Which gender was blessed with the gift of bringing God’s children into this world?
Well if you wanna be technical… one part men (seed)… and one part God (The soul)

Those two are then added together in the woman (conception) who then does the most work…


Men have the seed, the women have the egg, God has the soul and God makes the choice to allow the life to come into the world. Now, think about it, when God chooses to allow a life to come into this world, it is through a woman…Jesus came into this world through a woman.
Ms. Schyman previously made headlines when she floated the idea to levy a tax on men to cover the costs of violence against women.

Schyman made headlines in 2002 when she compared the plight of Swedish women to that of women under the Taliban, claiming that sexual “discrimination in Sweden followed the same pattern as in Afghanistan under the Taliban.”

She also suggested that the state (that is, Swedish taxpayers) should supply free tampons to women.
I love it. Maybe as a prevention of violence against women, schools can encourage or mandate women to become lesbians and be artificially inseminated (paid by the taxpayers) if they desire motherhood.

What real purpose do men serve? Men create wars, spread violence, and are less caring than women. Women don’t start wars, don’t commit violent acts, love their children and neighbors.

Schyman is all about “girl power” and more power to her. I say to her: “You go girl! You are strong, you are invincible, you are woman!” Now, time for me to go back to watching Lifetime and WE. :rolleyes:
first of all, Hildebrand, may I simply say:

:rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl:

and - of course - :rotfl:

I once suggested to someone who claimed that a woman who dresses provocatively is partly responsible for her own rape that an extrapilation from that belief could mean men should never be allowed out of restraints in order to protect females; afterall, if men cannot be held responsible for controlling their actions because when and if they see a flash of boobie or thigh the poor things go wild, thereby losing the ability to make a choice in behavior that reflects their love for Jesus - then for the protection of the female population they should be kept chained up at all times.

Now of course I don’t believe that - I know too many men who, because they love Jesus, would no sooner act upon their thoughts of lust or violence than they would cut out their own tongue. And I also believe that women should dress in a way that inspires respect instead of lust. There is a lot of violence against women, but to blame “men” as a class is just plain wrong.

But then again, I think men are pretty special. Oh, I guess I think women are too - afterall, we are created in His image!:blessyou:
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