Excellent counter-point holy_wood…
True but without the promise of Heaven or the punishment of Hell there is no real incentive to follow them and many even state that it doesn’t matter if you follow them or not as long as you live a life in accordance with there moral and philosophical code. In this situation I feel the urge tom remain Catholic.
Actually we can look at his 120 photographs at various places and take DNA samples of his body and see if it matches with his lineage…
Ok bad example.
Actually it isn’t, but your point is not lost here, let’s replace Honest Abe with an obscure figure from ancient times, like Marius…
My response would be that the Bible, unlike the Koran, is a collection of text written by various authors, some of who never met each other, that speak of the resurrection of Christ as well as his claims to divinity.
And lets not forget that the Bible is only the Bible because it is believed to be the Word of God. The Letters of Ignatius, Barnabas,Polycarp and the like also attest to the claims of Christ divinity.
Furthermore, what exactly would be an unbiased source in these matters. If you see a guy who claimed divinity be tortured, killed (and you know for a fact he was actually dead), and rise from the dead, would you not be very inclined to believe what he said? Thus making you part of the biased writers of the event to the unbelieving world who weren’t present at the event.
This is very true in many cases. People find it hard to believe new revelations, like the world not being flat, or the earth revolving around the sun… We also have very very few documents that state that he even existed besides other Major religious texts.
Again, what would be an unbiased source? Tacitus, Fliny the Younger, Josephus? And why is the word of a commoner or locale not authoritative. If they are willing to die and suffer persecution I believe there word should be at least considered.
Not at all! Most people would be very content with a reasonable faith I think, though thus far all of the major religions have a prejudice against including scientific logic in their faiths. I think faith is an important part of logic and logic is an important part of faith.
Luckily, the Catholic Church doesn’t have this problem.
people are capable of quite a few things if they believe strongly enough in something, take the Enlistees in Vietnam who believed that their fight would save the United States from the plague of Communism…
Yeah, but was there hope based on reason. And hey the U.S. is not communist is it?
Now, these 11 Jews actually did have something to gain, arguably two. The Favor of a god who would likely grant them passage into heaven, as well as the sheer satisfaction of spreading a message you think is helping humanity!
My point is they suffered physically for a belief system they would have known was a lie. If it was true then of couse “The Favor of God” and “the satisfaction of spreading a message you think is helping humanity” would be a gain. If it was a lie and Christ did not rise then as the Bible says there faith is in vain and they were still in their sins; something they would have known to be true being that they were the first generation of Christians. Not one recanted later.
- Someone who believes they are god
- Someone who wants to lead a life as a powerful figure
- Someone who wants a lot of money
- Someone who wants excitement
5 Someone who doesn’t want the Jewish religion continued
6 Someone who wants revenge against the romans/jews
The list goes on, but these are the basic ones
These are the most reasonable ones and I will proceed to destroy them.
- Would mean Jesus is insane
- Would mean he was morally a bad person
- Lived in virtual poverty, even ran from the people when they wanted to make him King. So this was not it.
- Possible but still morally bad for claiming divinity if he knew it was not so
- He said he came to fulfill the law not to abolish it. He also ordered the masses to obey the Phharisees and Sadducees butt not fall into there hypocrisy.
- First off, Jesus was a Jew who followed the law perfectly. His teachings and actions did not hurt the Romans or the Jews.
This is exactly how the jews thought, they either believed him (like the followers of jim jones) or thought he was crazy (skeptics of jim jones) or thought he was a liar (General public on Jim Jones),
Yeah, but making a public spectacle of his crucifixion would have put an end to any belief of divinity. All but one Apostle abandoned him. The tomb was empty. Seeing as the tomb was guarded by Roman soldiers and no account of a raid on the tomb by fanatical deciples can be produced one may be inclined to believe that Christ really did rise.
Buddha was all of those things as well, do you think he is a liar or lunatic or a sage?
In his
Fundamentals of the Faith, Peter Kreeft writes that “there have been only two people in history who so astonished people that they asked not ‘Who are you?’ but ‘What are you? A man or a god?’ They were Jesus and Buddha.” He then contrasts the striking differences between the two: "
Buddha’s clear answer to this question was: ‘I am a man, not a god’;*** Christ’s clear answer was: ‘I am both Son of Man and Son of God***.’
Buddha said, ‘Look not to me, look to my dharma’;
Christ said, ‘Come unto me.’
Buddha said, ‘Be ye lamps unto yourselves’;
Christ said, ‘I am the light of the world.’"
Christ claimed to be the one and only true God who came to suffer, die, and rise again, establishing a unique and everlasting covenant with man.
Buddha is believed to be one of many thatãgata**thatãgata who come in various ages to teach that life is an illusion and to remove human desires and attachments. (thus-come-one). The historical Buddha is just one of several . **
Christ** taught that he is “the way, and the truth, and the life.” The way to what? “No one comes to the Father,” Jesus continues, “but by me” (John 14:6). Jesus comes to reveal the Father, the Creator of all things, so man could have fullness of life.
Buddha taught how man could escape suffering through loss of desire and personality. He held that every person must find his own path to nirvana, or the extinction of self.
Christ preached the reality of sin, the nature of God the Father, and the need for repentance and salvation.
Buddha preached the untenable nature of existence and the means to escape suffering. Buddhism denies the ultimate existence of sin and the necessity of grace.
Christ taught that God is completely other, but he also taught that God wishes to share his divine life, given through the Son by the power of the Holy Spirit.
Buddha taught individuality must perish and that everything is one.
Christ established a Church, with a structure of authority, based on his words and example. He said, “Follow me!”
Buddha left a teaching in which each person must find his own path. He stated, “After my death, the dharma**dharma and you will be true to me.” shall be your teacher.
Christ rose from the dead only once and will return as the King of Kings. He revealed his own divinity, saying, “Truly, truly, I say to you, before Abraham was, I am” (John 8:58).
Buddha is a “model,” regardless of whether he was a historical person or not. Buddha suggests that “there is no ‘I’; there is no ‘self.’” At his death, when he experienced pari-nirvana (“final extinction”), he stated that the question of the afterlife was “not conducive to edification.”
Essentialy Buddha would be a sage and a philosopher.
Check out this link for a slightly more detailed look at the religion.
Christ if he is not God would be a lunatic.
As for your thoughts on the Koran, Muhammad was a prophet, a mortal man (a man of god, but still mortal) and can thusly misinterpret things about a culture he does not understand much like the rest of us…
. I would say the misinterpretation of a people’s religion is much less grave an error for a God as misunderstanding his own creations (Jacob’s flocks having young that took characteristics from visual stimuli).
First off, in your next post clarify what you mean by the Jacob comment and secondly the text was written to convert Christians!!!
Your explanation does not fly. The Koran is Allah’s Word not Mohammed’s, this is not my belief, it is Muslims. The mistake must be contributed to Allah if one is being consistent with the theological system.
I actually had this debate with Muslims before and they don’t even make the claim you put forth.
And yes it is a trinity but the text implies Christians worship Mary and that she, along with Jesus and the Father, make up 3 gods. An Inerrant, all-knowing God should have known this was not believed.
If you really want to get into this with me start another thread and we can discuss the other errors in the Koran. And not to show bias you can start a thread where I can address “apparent errors” in the Bible as well.