I’ll try your question of more options than just Lord, liar, lunatic: Q; why they didn’t just get caught up in the ‘excitement’ of His ministry and went along with it after His death~ or other?
A; They could have of course but I don’t think they did and will use your apparent incorrect view of Islam as/and the reason it is wrong, to justify Jesus is divine. After reading all the posts here I am enlightened to your view in that even if Christ sat physically before you now you might still pass on worship if not acknowledgement.
No one, including Mohammed knew who was giving him revelations though it is assumed as Gabriel but the Quran does not say and the hadith identifies the spirit that spoke to Moses which is not widely regarded as being Gabriel. It frightened Mo and never identifies itself in the cave or elsewhere. Islam’s first and last martyr will die in the ignorance of Mohammed. Jesus knew when He was a child.
I think you said earlier you doubt the NT more than the Quran. If that is so, do you differentiate the inspiration of each; Koran and Gospels or reject them both equally?
Jesus had a 3 year ministry before being killed as a martyr and Mohammed had 23 years from first call to his death not as a martyr~ not slow poison over 3 years, he is rightfully denied the honor if you call it that. A day in the life of Jesus outshines the entire 23 years of revelation from Mohammed with hours to spare. Jesus’ message never changed, Mo’s changed constantly after fits and starts. From the very first call as much as 2-3 years go by without any new revelation and by the first 10 years he had maybe 300 followers. The Gospels talk of thousands believing in Jesus within the 3 years of His ministry.
At Mohammeds farewell rant it is understood by those listening to him that the charity he speaks about is intended only for them like a family while the non-Muslim was not family but to be guided to the ‘way of allah’ the same way it was brought to the Bedouin and small communities of Arabia who never declared war on Islam as Islam declared war on them. The last 10 years of Mohammeds life was the offensive military and then political leader.
It has been narrated by 'Umar b. al-Khattib that he heard the Messenger of Allah say: I will expel the Jews and Christians from the arabian Peninsula and will not leave any but Muslim. (Book #019, Hadith #4366)
There was no incentive to be Christian as it was to be Muslim. Mohammed only took 20% of the booty and they Muslim warriors could split the rest. Converts were offered wealth and war which was desired and Mohammed said god allah approved. Christians were instructed by the Gospels to not seek riches and avoid violence and give 10% because the Church does not wage war for the community as Islam did/does.
For at least 200 years the growing Christian community spoke the Gospels and wrote them down but was truly persecuted by others/governments, a Mohammedan claim undeserved for his time in Mecca before fleeing to Medina. A boycott by merchants and going hungry with no reported deaths is nothing to being a human torch in a Roman garden at night or beheaded/hung on a cross in the center of Rome. And not just a few.
All the lipstick in the world won’t make Mo look better and Jesus doesn’t need any. Getting caught up in something explains Islam, but not Catholicism.
You speak of the supernatural being a reason to disbelieve the resurrection. Set it aside for a moment and look at the other miracles together with His wisdom as recorded in the Gospels to apply divinity. Moses spoke with authority from God. Jesus speaks with authority as God. The seas parted for Moses by God but Jesus walked on the sea and calmed them. Nature will obey God alone because God created nature and nature obeyed Jesus.
John 11 tells us how/why:
I’ll try your question of more options than just Lord, liar, lunatic: Q; why they didn’t just get caught up in the ‘excitement’ of His ministry and went along with it after His death~ or other?
A; They could have of course but I don’t think they did and will use your apparent incorrect view of Islam as/and the reason it is wrong, to justify Jesus is divine. After reading all the posts here I am enlightened to your view in that even if Christ sat physically before you now you might still pass on worship if not acknowledgement.
No one, including Mohammed knew who was giving him revelations though it is assumed as Gabriel but the Quran does not say and the hadith identifies the spirit that spoke to Moses which is not widely regarded as being Gabriel. It frightened Mo and never identifies itself in the cave or elsewhere. Islam’s first and last martyr will die in the ignorance of Mohammed. Jesus knew when He was a child.
I think you said earlier you doubt the NT more than the Quran. If that is so, do you differentiate the inspiration of each; Koran and Gospels or reject them both equally?
Jesus had a 3 year ministry before being killed as a martyr and Mohammed had 23 years from first call to his death not as a martyr~ not slow poison over 3 years, he is rightfully denied the honor if you call it that. A day in the life of Jesus outshines the entire 23 years of revelation from Mohammed with hours to spare. Jesus’ message never changed, Mo’s changed constantly after fits and starts. From the very first call as much as 2-3 years go by without any new revelation and by the first 10 years he had maybe 300 followers. The Gospels talk of thousands believing in Jesus within the 3 years of His ministry.
At Mohammeds farewell rant it is understood by those listening to him that the charity he speaks about is intended only for them like a family while the non-Muslim was not family but to be guided to the ‘way of allah’ the same way it was brought to the Bedouin and small communities of Arabia who never declared war on Islam as Islam declared war on them. The last 10 years of Mohammeds life was the offensive military and then political leader.
It has been narrated by 'Umar b. al-Khattib that he heard the Messenger of Allah say: I will expel the Jews and Christians from the arabian Peninsula and will not leave any but Muslim. (Book #019, Hadith #4366)
There was no incentive to be Christian as it was to be Muslim. Mohammed only took 20% of the booty and they Muslim warriors could split the rest. Converts were offered wealth and war which was desired and Mohammed said god allah approved. Christians were instructed by the Gospels to not seek riches and avoid violence and give 10% because the Church does not wage war for the community as Islam did/does.
For at least 200 years the growing Christian community spoke the Gospels and wrote them down but was truly persecuted by others/governments, a Mohammedan claim undeserved for his time in Mecca before fleeing to Medina. A boycott by merchants and going hungry with no reported deaths is nothing to being a human torch in a Roman garden at night or beheaded/hung on a cross in the center of Rome. And not just a few.
All the lipstick in the world won’t make Mo look better and Jesus doesn’t need any. Getting caught up in something explains Islam, but not Catholicism.
You speak of the supernatural being a reason to disbelieve the resurrection. Set it aside for a moment and look at the other miracles together with His wisdom as recorded in the Gospels to apply divinity. Moses spoke with authority from God. Jesus speaks with authority as God. The seas parted for Moses by God but Jesus walked on the sea and calmed them. Nature will obey God alone because God created nature and nature obeyed Jesus.
John 11 tells us how/why:
18"No one has taken it away from Me, but I lay it down on My own initiative I have authority to lay it down, and I have authority to take it up again. This commandment I received from My Father."
33The Jews answered Him, “For a good work we do not stone You, but for blasphemy; and because You, being a man, make Yourself out to be God.”Metaphorically, if your shadow or reflection could separate itself from you and speak, how would it describe its relationship with you to others?
All that is left is for you to believe in God.Acts 1: 21"Therefore it is necessary that of the men who have accompanied us all the time that the Lord Jesus went in and out among us–
22beginning with the baptism of John until the day that He was taken up from us–one of these must become a witness with us of His resurrection."