The "is it a sin" thread

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Now that warmer weather is coming (in the Northern Hemisphere, at least), I wonder, is it a sin to sing while driving with the car windows rolled down?
No, it’s an act of charity, to encourage others in repentance.

Is it a sin to think about meat on fridays?
Quite so, as Pope Strictus V warned in one of his Lenten homilies: “You have heard that it was said, ‘You shall fast from meat on Friday.’ But I say to you, everyone who looks upon a steak with lust has already broken the fast in his heart.”

Is it a sin to pre-record your confession of sins, then digitally alter the voice, and play it back in the Confessional?
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Not at all, provided you don’t mind that Father does the same with his counsel and “absolution.” 😱

Is it a sin to leave our clean socks unsorted in a large basket?
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Milk chocolate is a venial sin. Dark chocolate is darker so is it a mortal sin?
Brother Doobie reminds us of the words of the well-known hymn, “Old black water, keep on rolling,” and so it is not a sin.
I framed a picture of Buddha. Did I sin?
It is indeed a sin to frame anyone for a crime they did not commit, even a picture of Buddha. For your penance, hire the best defense attorney you can afford to get Buddha’s picture off the hook.

Is it a sin to do yoga poses while standing in line for Confession?
Most definitely. Grave matter.

Are all sins involving graves mortal sins, seeing they would be grave matter.
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Are all sins involving graves mortal sins, seeing they would be grave matter.
Brother Coffin replies: “I can dig it!”

Speaking of laundry (referring to an earlier post), is it a sin to separate whites and colors?
Depends. Why were you rolling around in the grass? 🤨

Never mind, don’t answer that question…
Speaking of laundry (referring to an earlier post), is it a sin to separate whites and colors?
Could be a sign of interior prejudice. Better confess that.

Now, is it a sin to alphabetize your sock drawer?
Now, is it a sin to alphabetize your sock drawer?
Brother Cy Coneurotic, OCD, considers this a holy and absolutely necessary habit. No sin.

Leaving aside possible copyright infringements, would it be a sin to write a short story where modern-day Christian Crusaders storm Hogwarts, and after an epic battle pitting the power of Faith against heathen magic, forcibly compel Harry and his pals to once and for all break their magic wands and destroy their wicked books of spells?
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Leaving aside possible copyright infringements, would it be a sin to write a short story where modern-day Christian Crusaders storm Hogwarts, and after an epic battle pitting the power of Faith against heathen magic, forcibly compel Harry and his pals to once and for all break their magic wands and destroy their wicked books of spells?
That’s called Fan Fiction and from what I’ve heard, Harry Potter has had some really nasty fanfic in the past.

Burn Hogwarts!

Now, I know that I probably shouldn’t ask this question here… I’ll probably get the Thread Closed for asking this…


Is reading Harry Potter a SIN??
Is asking about reading Harry Potter a sin?
We have a priest named Harry Potter. The Bishop wants us to call him Harold but everyone calls him Father Harry Potter. Is that a sin?
Is it a sin to leave the dishes till morning ? 😴:plate_with_cutlery:
How about eating apple cores and orange peel ?
The friars of the Sacred Penitentiary are on a retreat in the desert this weekend and have entrusted their email to a new cloud-based artificial-intelligence system. Let’s see how it’s doing:
Is reading Harry Potter a SIN??
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Is it a sin to do yoga poses while standing in line for Confession?
🤔 There are a great many nuances to be considered here.

Are you making huffing noises? Sin.
Are you bumping or in any way touching any of the other people in line? Sin.
Are you stepping out of the line to do the poses and then stepping back into the line? Mortal sin.
Are you wearing yoga pants? Mortal sin.
Are you wearing a Harry Potter t-shirt or sweatshirt? Expect a lightning bolt before you reach the front of the line.

The good news is, except for that last one, you’ll eventually make it to the front of the line and be able to confess all this evil, you bad boy. 😈

Is it a sin to keep bringing muffins to my parkour coaches, even though one of them described them as “like crack for me”? 😱
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