The Islamicization of Public Education Continues Apace

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This is horrific and we just take this injustice from a public school and a teacher who should be fired? Get ready USA to be just like Europe. What ignorance we have regarding the Islamic religion.
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And if it wasn’t bad enough that this girl received a failing grade, they forced her to view pro-Muslim PowerPoint slides. From the article;
Astonishingly, for asserting her right not to profess the Islamic faith as part of her public school’s curriculum, Wood was also forced to view a series of pro-Islam PowerPoint slides—including one casting aspersions on Christians, which said, “Most Muslims’ faith is stronger than the average Christian’s.”
It’s as if they’re telling her, “You’re going to get your mind right young lady.”
Notice, the conversation about everything Islam ended with the discontinued pictures and videos of head choppings and body burnings.
Could it be PTSD or something else?
It will be interesting to see which way it goes when the Moslem parents object to LGBT-friendly sex Ed and transgender ideology and mixed-sex locker rooms in the public schools.
It will be interesting to see which way it goes when the Moslem parents object to LGBT-friendly sex Ed and transgender ideology and mixed-sex locker rooms in the public schools.
You have heard of “picking your battles wisely “
Convert first and then …
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“Most Muslims’ faith is stronger than the average Christian’s.”
This is true.
It will be interesting to see which way it goes when the Moslem parents object to LGBT-friendly sex Ed and transgender ideology and mixed-sex locker rooms in the public schools.
Apparently in England, Muslim parents continue to object to them despite the attacks and ridicule from the Left while the majority of Christian parents continue to submit to Almighty State.
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This is utter nonsense. Learning about something isn’t the same thing as endorsing something. This is the kind of ignorance that demonstrates the need to learn about facets of our history.

From the court ruling: “Wood also was required to complete a worksheet summarizing the lesson on Islam. The worksheet addressed topics such as the growth and expansion of Islam, the “beliefs and practices” of Islam, and the links between Islam, Judaism, and Christianity. Part of the worksheet required the students to “fill in the blanks” to complete certain information comprising the “Five Pillars” of Islam.”

This is standard social studies introductory information. There is nothing about learning about other faiths that contradicts someone’s Christian faith. At least I sincerely hope that trying to remain willfully ignorant is not a Christian ideal. Spoiler alert: I already know it isn’t.
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Following on from the comment above, it’s well worth looking into this story a little further. The article linked in the OP states:
Wood refused to take part in a school exercise she felt would deny her faith “by making a written profession of the Muslim conversion prayer known as the shahada —‘There is no god but Allah and Muhammad is the messenger of Allah’.”
This is, however, clearly not true. See here, for example:

Wood also had to complete a worksheet that required students to fill in the blanks. One of the questions was the statement: “There is no god by [sic] Allah and Muhammad is the messenger of Allah.” This statement is known as the shahada.
The words I have highlighted in bold are the words that had to be filled in on the worksheet (indicated by underlining in the article).
The panel reasoned that writing two words in a fill-in-blank assignment falls far short of a compelled speech violation.
Quite plainly, she was not asked to make “a written profession of the Muslim conversion prayer”. She was merely asked to demonstrate that she knew the text of the prayer and that she knew what it was called.

Fill in the blanks:
“I swear that I will be faithful and bear true _____ to Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth the Second, Queen of Canada, Her Heirs and Successors, and that I will faithfully observe the _____ of Canada, and fulfil my duties as a Canadian citizen.” This is called the _____ of Citizenship.
I filled in the blanks. Did I make a written profession of the Canadian citizenship oath? Have I just become a Canadian citizen?

“These fanatics find our governments weak and compliant; our liberal and democratic principles quite conducive to their political objectives; our Christianity favourably disposed to a multi-faith ecumenical love-in.” ~Archbishop Cranmer~

I can guarantee that you won’t find fill in the blanks on any Middle Easterners grade school test that reads these words.

(Please Note: This uploaded content is no longer available.)

Civility, clarity and compassion isn’t exactly what Archbishop Nona was saying.
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Agreed. What happened to the student, assuming we have all of the information we need, is wrong. At the same time, the author does not make a case for this being a widespread trend. The article present nothing more than anecdotes.
If a student is knocking on the door of Supreme Court Justice
Huh??? There’s no mention of any student in your Lifesite link. Or any Supreme Court case? And this article, too, was an anecdote. It’s about a teacher training program, not a Supreme Court case. Lifesites spin does make my head . . . spin!
The hired Muslim consultant was Huda Essa, a resident of the Dearborn area and of Arab descent. She appeared before the Novi teachers in a hijab, the Muslim headscarf,
I’m sorry if Lifesite is hearing this for the first time, but Muslim women wear hijabs. There’s no point in going out of their way to mention that she was wearing one.
billing herself as an expert in “cultural competency” and “culturally responsive teaching.”
Whether or not LS questions her expertise, yes, teachers frequently undergo training on how to work with students of other cultures. I’m still saving my outrage.
Most disappointing was the fact that of the more than 400 teachers attending the workshop, not one teacher challenged Essa’s denigration of Christianity or attacks on America.
Maybe because LS is making a bigger deal out of this than it was? Maybe because we should trust 400 people over LS and TMLC that it wasn’t really as terrible as it’s being portrayed?
All references to terrorism were dismissed as having nothing to do with Islam.
It’s true. Terrorism has nothing to do with Islam, just as Westboro Baptist Church and abortion clinic bombings have nothing to do with Christianity.
White Christian males, she suggested, are more dangerous than Islamic radicals.
Within the U.S., white men with guns have killed more people than Middle Eastern terrorists.
Under the banner of promoting diversity, inclusion and a multicultural approach to education, Essa sets about comparing Islam to Christianity, calling them “mostly similar.” The one big difference, she claims, is that Islam is the world’s “only purely monotheistic religion.”
Sure, I disagree. But that’s to be expected. I’m a Catholic Christian. Muslims are going to give the Muslim perspective and teach what they believe at a cultural sensitivity workshop. No shock there.

I read the rest of the article, but I don’t have all morning to keep picking apart the ridiculousness. Catholics are facing issues like the slaughter of unborn children, public bigotry when we run for office, and attacks and our freedom of conscience. And TMLC instead decides to get petty. Sad.
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Catholics are facing issues like the slaughter of unborn children, public bigotry when we run for office, and attacks and our freedom of conscience.
We all face the horror of abortion.

Catholic politicians that defend abortion made a name for themselves…no one else. These tainted Catholic politicians are being used in a larger mechanism that is extracting their potential and will soon spit them out. Read the history of education the past forty years.
Just for the record…not one single congresspersons name on the list of 120 sending CAIR a welcome was revealed nor is there a single hint to what happened at the 25th gala on MSM.
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