Out of nothing comes nothing.
Its mind boggling to me that somebody would ask for a justification for such a simple concept.
It’s just straightforward critical reasoning being applied. There’s nothing complicated about the question:
what is the warrant for this assertion? If there is warrant for it, then provide it. If there’s not, then it either gets classified as axiomatic – necessary or self-evident – or just unwarranted.
Let me explain this in a more explicit way.
If there is “no” being, then we cannot predicate to non-being that which pertains to the reality of beings such as "change
", “
cause”, “
effect”, “
actuality”, “
potentiality” and “
possibility”; since such things cannot meaningfully be advocated by that which does not exist, because it does not exist. Thus there is no potentiality for the existence of any given thing outside of the reality of being; since potentiality has no existence by itself; because potentiality is not an actual “
being”. If something has the potential to become or begin, it is because something that already has the reality of “
being” is the cause of that potentiality. Ok, so what it “potentiality”, and how does it work? What gives ‘potentiality’ its ‘potentiality-ness’? In terms of physics this is a fairly coherent concept; we can describe potentiality in terms of
potential energy, for example, and understand that background factors in nature provide “pontentiality”. Splitting an atom the right way can exploit the energy that holds the nucleus together, to devastating effect if caused in a cascading chain.
I won’t go into more examples than that, but our concept of “potentiality” in terms of physics comes by way of experience and empirical knowledge. But what do we know of
metaphysical potentiality, and how do we know it? It turns out these are exceedingly dificult to answer with any substance, and very easier to answer with pat answers: *I just know, *or
I trust my intuition. If that’s the answer then it’s my turn to be boggled in the mind by such hubris – man’s intuition as metaphysical oracle! Heh.
There is no other simpler way to put it.
punkforchrist’s first premise is a good example of the problem of promiscuity in language, divorced from real-world experience that is problematic throught the entire landscape of metaphysics, and acutely in Thomistic metaphysics:
1. Whatever begins to exist has a cause.
This is a tautology masquerading as a premise. Philosophically, we would says this is “tautologically true” or “trivially true”. And that is a charitable way of speaking about it when our goal is to make statements about reality, for such a premise as (1) is perfectly unattached to any observation or interaction with reality. It is a definition, restated as:
1a. Whatever has a cause has a cause.
But (1) isn’t stated as (1a) which is much more clear, because it’s clearly problematic, and the sophistry of (1) is made evident by comparing it to (1a). What do we mean by “begin”, then? Why, we mean something which is caused by something else! This is very useful in our own physical world; we might say a human life “begins” when a sperm and an ovum unite to form a zygote. A Zygote doesn’t just “poof” into existence, we understand. No, it requires causal elements – the sperm, the egg, the chemical context for them to interact and for the sperm to fertilize the egg.
But we’ve perfectly ZERO knowledge – forget knowledge, we’ve got ZERO EVIDENCE about how causality works in terms of metaphysics, how “something” comes from “nothing”. The strong temptation is just to use the ideas we hav about the real world and steal those concepts, supposing, just because we just feel that’s how it is, that metaphysical causality is like physical causality. Totally unwarranted in terms of reasoning and epistemology, but very hard to resist, as we are creatures that have a hard time just plodding on without some answers to such questions.
As I pointed out to punkforchrist, even our physical concepts of potentiality and causality are problematic. A zygote doesn’t “begin to exist”
de novo,
ex nihilo. Matter and energy that already exist in the form of sprem, egg, and surrounding materials are just rearranged into a zygote. Nothing fundamentally new is created (*First Law of Thermodynamics *and all that).