“Metaphysical intuition” is a nice phrase, but nothing more. Premise #1 is just an unsupported assumption. Moreover, if it were true, it would invalidate the concept of free will. By definition, an act of free will cannot be caused by external causes.
Answer to premise #2:
The definition of the universe is “everything that exists”. Therefore the universe cannot be caused by external causative agent(s), since they would be part of the universe.
Therefore the Kalam argument fails. Q.E.D.
Answer to premise #1:Christian philosopher and apologist William Lane Craig has recently revived the argument and formulates it as follows:
Premise 1: Everything that begins to exist has a cause.
Premise 2: The universe began to exist.
Conclusion 1: Therefore, the universe must have a cause.
Craig asserts that the first premise is “relatively uncontroversial”. He defines “begins to exist” as “comes into being,” and argues that we know from **metaphysical intuition **that things don’t just pop into being uncaused. According to Craig, this establishes premise 1.
The second premise is usually supported by the following argument:
- An actual infinite cannot exist.
- A beginningless series of events is an actual infinite
- Therefore, the universe cannot have existed infinitely in the past, as that would be a beginningless series of events.
“Metaphysical intuition” is a nice phrase, but nothing more. Premise #1 is just an unsupported assumption. Moreover, if it were true, it would invalidate the concept of free will. By definition, an act of free will cannot be caused by external causes.
Answer to premise #2:
The definition of the universe is “everything that exists”. Therefore the universe cannot be caused by external causative agent(s), since they would be part of the universe.
Therefore the Kalam argument fails. Q.E.D.