The latest on a certain case in Australia that is subject to suppression orders here

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It seems to be an increasingly common practice, when faced with unwelcome news, to reach for some conspiracy theory that will keep the news at bay. Unless you come across evidence of what you allege, it would be more sensible to regard the jury’s findings as very probably justified.
Normally I would agree that accepting a jury’s decision should be the default and that these convicted clergy are indeed pathological liars and sociopaths to deny what is true. However Cardinal Pell has long been targeted in Australia for his orthodox conservative positions and has been adamantly smeared by the homosexual lobby especially. Previous allegations made against him were only dropped when he was able to produce 50 years of old passports, categorically confirming that he wasn’t even in Australia at the time of the incident. Passport proves Cardinal George Pell’s point

This is one case that I’m going to suspend judgement until everything is fully known to the public.
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Thank God at least one person read your links…I wish more would rather than taking a stubborn stance against what you say without proper knowledge .
Thanks .
“It was absolutely clear to everyone in that court that the accusations were baseless. It wasn’t that Pell didn’t do what he’s accused of - he clearly couldn’t have done it.”

The allegations are understood to concern Pell assaulting the two choristers in the sacristy of Melbourne cathedral on several occasions immediately following Sunday Mass.

The defense presented a range of witnesses who testified that the cardinal was never alone in the sacristy with altar servers or members of the choir, and that in all the circumstances under which the allegations are alleged to have taken place, several people would have been present in the room.

The sacristy in Melbourne’s Cathedral has large open-plan rooms, each with open arches and halls, and multiple entrances and exits, the defense noted.

Defense attorneys also produced a range of witnesses who testified that Pell was constantly surrounded by priests, other clergy, and guests following Sunday Masses in the cathedral, and that choristers had a room entirely separate from the sacristy in which they changed as a group, before and after Mass.

Observers also questioned whether some courtroom tactics used by state prosecutors were intended to stoke anti-clerical feelings in jury members.

One priest, a Jesuit, was called as an expert witness by the defense, but was consistently referred to as a “Christian Brother” by prosecutors - a move, the court observer told CNA, that seemed calculated to invoke the religious order at the center of a widely known clerical sexual abuse scandal in the country.

“It was a blatant move, but it sums up the sort of anti-Catholic, anti-clerical drift of the whole trial,” CNA’s courtroom source said. “The jury were being winked at.”

Full discussion of the charges and the evidence laid against Pell remains impossible because of the media blackout. The gag order was imposed at the request of prosecutors in June, who argued that media attention could bias the case.

In this case I remain unconvinced that the prosecution was fair. I think that this is really an assault against the Catholic Church and the Catholic people of Australia.
Thanks for posting the CNA article. It seems to be blocked to Australian readers! Interesting that the gag order came from the prosecution. I was assuming that it came from the defence.
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The targeting comes from alleged roles in covering up or not doing anything about the abuse going on in the Diocese. Its got nothing to do with the homosexual interest, not was the historic sexual abuse anything to do with that interest.

However, this person is not on trial for anything related to that.

Our homily today was the homily you don’t have about the person you can’t mention about the legal issues that are suppressed , and about the submissions to the Plenary Council , the outcomes of the Royal Commission and recommendations to be or have been implemented.
It was mastery of discourse.

Because of course everyone knows about what we aren’t meant to know. And from this pool of people, the second jury will be picked. For the second trial.
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As I stated earlier, they are not my words. Erika spirit somehow quoted my name as she was quoting the news article.

@Erikaspirit16 cannot change her post now , but she could still delete it and I would be happy if she did , as it misrepresents me.
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Poche is that link still active or is it just blocked to Australians
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The targeting comes from alleged roles in covering up or not doing anything about the abuse going on in the Diocese. Its got nothing to do with the homosexual interest, not was the historic sexual abuse anything to do with that interest.

However, this person is not on trial for anything related to that.
The targeting dates back to the “Rainbow Sash Movement” in the 90’s. Then AB Pell had stood his ground defending Church teaching against homosexual sex and gay marriage. The lobby group converged on his Mass wearing their trademark rainbow sash and filing up to Communion. Pell was forced to refuse them. triggering a campaign to bring him down.

My position is that it is possible that my faith in Pell is misplaced but I will reserve judgement until all there is to know is known. That goes for Pope Francis as well. So many say he is bad news but nothing from his past gives me reason to believe that. They are two clergy from different walks that strike me as targets of the devil.
it began way before then. And includes several leaders of the Diocese who knew about priests like Risdale, the Christian brothers, etc and did not take them out of circulation.
One public figure also did a lot to clean out certain factions in certain religious institutes. And was targeted for that too. Big time. You might find one of those connections relates to your example.

I am not sure if you are in my Diocese, Risdale’s old stamping ground, I can only imagine yours to be like mine , if you are not, and taking quite a bit to digest the latest that this figure has been found guilty.

Justice must be served where it is warranted, but still its kind of a stunner to many. But of course not to others.
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(from my deleted post earlier…) When I was in Australia in Nov. 2012 there was a trial of a priest going on, and Cardinal Pell turned up. A reporter asked him why he was there and he said “I"m here in as a sign of solidarity.” Reporter: “With whom?” Pell: “With the priest.” I was appalled. I still am. I guess no one in the Church knows the little proverb about the barrel of apples and what happens when one rotten apple gets into the barrel.

My understanding of the blackout is that they don’t want to influence the jurors for the second trial (the “swimming pool” trial) next year. Sounds reasonable, but of course in the internet age, totally ineffective and antiquated. Quaint, even. I have no idea why they wanted two separate trials, but I’m sure they had their reasons.​

Finally, anyone can see from the comments here that the main concern is “harm to the Church.” Virtually nothing about harm to the thousands–in Australia alone–of victims of sexual abuse. And of course if you’re really concerned about “harm to the Church” you’d want to get rid of these bad apples as soon as possible. The real “harm to the Church” is that being a Catholic priest is becoming synonymous with pedophile, and that’s not a desirable thing, is it? And all this talk about “anti-Catholic jurors / prosecutors,” etc. has simply moved into the realm of fantasy. Are there people who wish to harm the Church? I’m sure there are. Is there some sort of conspiracy that reaches into the police, justice system, and random jurors? That’s WAY too over the top. And what used to be called “proof” (for example, a guilty verdict!) has been replaced by a definition of “proof” that is mathematical. A 100%, no-room-for-error type of proof, which has never been demanded before. And I’m not just talking about abuse cases, I’m talking about a wide range of things. There was no “proof” that Brett Kavanaugh attempted to rape Christine Ford. There is no “proof” that Trump colluded with the Russians. There is no “proof” of Archbishop Vigano’s accusations. And so on. And, if you want another one, there is no “proof” that I am not an alien from Mars.
No, I’m from way north of you but have several clergy relations and it is the fact that even though they were aware of suspicions about other high profile accused, Pell wasn’t one of them. But you are right. The revelations about this scourge on the Church are stunning to many of us. But I think we need to be aware of how occult secrecy has played a part in this dark underworld of filth flourishing for so long.
The Priest you refer to is Gerard Risdale. He truly did some horrific crime. He now languishes in prison in this Diocese, at HM pleasure.
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Dear Rose, there is nothing to be gained by posting graphic detaills in one of your above posts, it invites more hate which is not good.
God bless.
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You are right, greenfields. I will remove it. It does illustrate that nothing is impossible. 🙂
Since a lot of you seem to be Australians, let me give you my “favorite” US example. Fr. Michael Spillane. This priest acknowledged sexual abuse–there was no question about it. He admitted it. He was stripped of his priestly powers in 1991 by his diocese.

So where do you think he ended up a few years later? If you guessed that he was hired by the national body that created liturgies for children to “re-write the official prayers for a now widely used children’s Mass,” you’d be right. In 2002 someone came along and put two and two together and said, “Hey, isn’t that the same Michael Spillane?” Yes. It was. Now I’m going to quote from Sister Mary Ann Walsh, spokesperson for the bishops’ conference: “We were not aware of the accusations [the “accusations” were simply that the Michael Spillane they hired was the same Michael Spillane who confessed to being a sexual offender and had his priestly powers stripped] until three days ago.”

So was this complicity? No. Worse. It was utter incompetence. Who hires ANYONE without checking references? Apparently the bishops’ conference does. To compound this, another priest defended Spillane by saying he was “sorry.” So it’s all OK, then, right? Give him a job working with children. And hiring an alcoholic to work as a bartender is a great idea, too, right? Now that was 2002, and I can only hope that things have improved a bit. But the level of incompetence is simply staggering.
We now have a safety net program in the Diocese. The aim is that nothing like that will ever happen and that the experience in my Diocese will never ever happen again.

The safety net program is also through schools and sporting institutions and any organisation that hosts children or vulnerable adults.

Was Michael Spillane made accountable for putting his hand up for that job at all?
Was Michael Spillane made accountable for putting his hand up for that job at all?
Not as far as I know. After all, HE didn’t do anything wrong–although he showed really poor judgment. That’s the thing with these stories–there’s no follow up. What happened to whoever hired him in the first place? Fired? Promoted? I don’t know. Where is Spillane now? I don’t know.
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