If the vast majority of people have similar personal experiences there is a very high probability that they are real and not imaginary. We believe physical objects exist only because we have similar perceptions. We have direct knowledge only of our perceptions. We do not have to infer that our perceptions exist whereas we do have to infer the existence of everything else.
Of course our perceptions may mislead us but there is no reason to suppose everyone’s perceptions are misleading on every occasion. In fact scientific achievements prove that is not the case. It would be most remarkable if constantly misleading perceptions led to consistent results! Which goes to show that the highest standard of proof is to be found not in our inferences but in our perceptions - which explains the attraction of Idealism to philosophers like Berkeley, Schopenhauer and Hegel.
In my younger days I noticed that variable motion was absolutely impossible. Meanwhile, my eyes were telling me that cars for instance, were able to move at different speeds, and were able to stop at the lights etc.
But logic said otherwise.
MOTION contains Two variables. 1) Distance and 2) Speed. Variables range from zero to infinity, or in this case of course the variables range from greater than zero to infinity, since zero itself would obviously mean no motion at all. Now if we were to set both of these Variables to infinity, the outcome would be as follows.
** 1) Traveling across an infinite distance → To continue to travel without end.
- Traveling at an infinite speed → To travel across any distance without the passage of any time. **
Note: If it takes time to get from point “A” to point “B”, this means that you can still move faster and use less time to get from point “A” to point “B”, therefore you are still traveling at a finite speed, not at an infinite speed. Only if no time at all occurs while moving across any distance, is the speed actually an infinite speed.
This combination of infinities produces a paradox because,
1) + 2) = To continue to travel without end, and all done without the passage of any time at all, or a more amusing version,
You can not have both a forever time period, and a zero time period, both present simultaneously in the holistic sense.
It became clear that this can only occur in a relativistic manner. A bit more thought and before you know it you come up with a complete understanding of what is really going on, and a tad bit later you can convert this understanding into equations that by no coincidence turn out to be identical to those currently known of as the Lorentz-Fitzgerald Contraction equation, the Time Dilation equation, the Lorentz Transformation equations, and the Velocity Addition equation.
Soon after that you understand the structure of reality suffice enough to understand exactly how Satan wished to take advantage of it.
Just because the eyes can not see what is truly going on, does not mean that the mind can not see the truth.