The little, wonderful things in Marriage

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Well, since I have been on this forum, I have been complaining and debating end focusing on the negative.

ElizabethAnne mentioned the other day that there many things to be thankful for in Marriage.
So true.
And to that end, I have decided to let everyone post some memorable moments in their marriage…those little things that are just awesome.

I’ll start it off.

The other night I was putting the baby to sleep (as I do every night), and I was singing softly to him whilst cradilng him in my arms, rocking him back and forth. I watched him het sleepier and sleepier, and I watched him drift off into dreamland.
how wonderfull to see the peace and bliss on his little face as he dropped off.
Lord Bless his heart!

Seeing my husband so excited about each pregnancy and delivery was wonderful. We would come home from the hospital and he would arrange the new baby on his chest to sleep for a while…his way of bonding. I’ll never forget that! 😉
I’m not married, but I got to grow up with two parents who have a wonderful marriage! Having parents that still hold hands in public in their 60s, and just grab each other suddenly in the kitchen to hold each other and dance and laugh to their own music…its a joy. I pray God will someday give me the wonderful gift of the love of a great husband.

Don’t be afraid to show your love for your spouse in front of your children, yes they may tell you its gross to see you guys kissing and holding hands, but honestly its a wonderful joy for the kids too. Knowing love exists, and being able to see it for what it is. Makes it a little easier to find it ourselves later, maybe because we have a better idea of what its like having seen it firsthand.
Some of my favorites:
*when my husband just stops what he is doing out of the blue, grabs me round the waist and says “Have I told you how much I love you and appreciate all you do?”

*Looking at our child and realizing how amazing it is that something so full of life and God came from us…

*late night talks about almost anything

*realizing I get to spend the rest of my life with my best friend, regardless, despite all the difficulties we may face

So much more…but I’ll let others share now 😃

  1. *]midnight cuddle sessions
    *]the way he will run to the store to buy me something if I want a snack.
    *]the way he is so excited about this baby.
    *]Stepping up and being the spiritual leader of our family.
    *]How over protective he is with my 15 yo daughter.
    *]The way he instigates the kids and gets them to laugh… especially the 17 yo.
    *]having someone to run interference when I want a long hot bath with no kids to interrupt.
  1. How much my husband loves our daughter
  2. The way he likes to cuddle
  3. The fact that I’m married to my bestfriend and the little secrets we have together and how we don’t have to worry the other is going to tell another soul:D
    4.late nights together when the baby is finally sleeping:wink:
  4. still wanting to know more about my husband every day even though we’ve been together for 11 yrs!
    6.calls/emails in the middle of day just to say i love you or i miss you
  5. our little family living out God’s will for our lives…I pray:gopray:
Every night after dinner my boys have to have “snuggle time” with Daddy… rolling around on the living room floor snuggling, tickling, and usually way too much gas. (UGH… BOYS!)

He loves his boys so much.😃
Every night after dinner my boys have to have “snuggle time” with Daddy… rolling around on the living room floor snuggling, tickling, and usually way too much gas. (UGH… BOYS!)

He loves his boys so much.😃
:rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl:
The way my husband and I seem to read each other’s mind and often blurt out the same thing at the same time.

Snuggling together on the couch and discussing the events of the day.
Private jokes. Knowing that there’s someone you can be completely and totally yourself with, and they will always accept you. Watching him play with the kids. Watching him lead the family in prayer. Knowing that we’ll always be together. :heaven:
My wife’s support during my years of battling depression and finally getting the meds right.

Realizing my wife is as beautiful today as she was as a 22-year-old bride 36 years ago.

Holding each other AND our two lovely grandchildren.

Listening to my wife reading at Mass.
Great thread.
I love when my husband makes me laugh…out of nowhere…he says something so unexpected…one of the things that drew me to him.

I also love when there’s nothing at all to say, but we know we love one another.

I also love the days when my two kids were born. My husband was absolutely amazing…I would have not been as strong, had he not been there for me…holding my hand. :o
The way my husband and I seem to read each other’s mind and often blurt out the same thing at the same time.

Snuggling together on the couch and discussing the events of the day.
hahaha! that’s so true! My husband and I, after we blurt out the same line…will look at each other and say…again in unison…You’re scaring me.:eek: 😛
I love love love when my husband is driving and he picks up my hand to kiss it. There are so many things I could write right now… 🙂
thanks penitentman for opening this thread…

it is wonderful to hear all these stories
I just wanted to say that this lists are truly lovely and really got me going emotionally. I am about to marry my fiancee in less than 3 months and I am so so blessed to have met him. He is so wonderful!

I’ll make a list of my own:
-I love the way that he is able to make me smile and laugh when I am frustrated with him about something (he can do this in less than 5 minutes).
  • I love how he offers his hand for me to hold during mass.
  • I love how we pray the rosary together before he takes me back to my house on Sundays.
  • I love how he opens the car door for me no matter what.
    -I love when he tells me, “You’re cute”
    -I love sword fighting him with foam swords we got for $2 at KB toys…haha!
The way he loves my mother. He always makes her smile, even when there isn’t much to smile about.
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