I love that there’s I can wake DH up in the middle of the night when DS is sick and he doesn’t even get the least bit crabby (and he needs his sleep but is just as concerned as me.
I love that I can wake him up again in the early morning to have him run to the store for Pedialyte, etc., so I can hold DS…
compliments me on a meal that I’ve worked really hard on
thanks me for doing errands/chores for him
I am truly blessed to have such a great man who’s been by my side for 9/12 yrs. We’ve been through so much esp. my stroke and not once has he complained that he has to do more than his share. When I have a good day, I take over the housework & I always make sure that he knows how much I appreciate him.
I have to give him a great big bear hug right now.
Thankyou for that BlestOne, I’m sure that it’s only through the prayers of my wonderful friends on here and Grace from God, that we are looking at reconciliation somewhere down the track, but there is a long road ahead so I appreciate the prayers.
We’ve been married 3 and 1/2 years, although we’ve known and been friends with each other for a little over 10 years. I LOVE, LOVE, LOVE him!!!
These are some of the things that I love about my husband and being married:
being able to share anything and everything with him.
praying with him and going to mass with him.
his loving honesty
his excitement of one day being a father and always telling me that he can’t wait until we are blessed with a child.
his constancy and total support for me especially when I went through a tough time in my life dealing with a past childhood atrocity which sometimes affected our intimate life at the beginning of our marriage.
waking up next to him and just looking at him when he sleeps.
his quirky sense of humour
our love for each other and his love for me showed me how to truly be giving and unselfish.
his love for God and his faith
how he loves me for who I am.
when he sends me emails to tell me he loves me or misses me.
the love and respect he has for my family.
I know there are so many other things, but these are just a few.
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