The Madness of the Animal-Rights Movement

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I love animals. I am actually majoring in an animal-related field so I can work with animals after I graduate. However, I in no way think that animals are equivalent to people. The thing that really distresses me is not so much PETA itself, but the fact that PETA’s ideas are becoming more mainstream. I think there will always be some people who truly have that kind of a distorted worldview, and we should obviously pray that they will see the Light of the world, but it really disturbs me when a radical idea becomes part of our society’s overall viewpoint.

Case in point: My biology textbook. It tells the story of deer that were imported to an island where there were no natural predators. The deer overran the island, but animal-rights activists refused to allow hunting. They refused to allow the people in charge to bring in natural predators. People felt bad for the deer, because there were too many of them to all be able to eat with what was available on the island, so they brought food to the deer, exacerbating the problem. When I read this, I was at first pleased that my textbook was pointing out that groups like PETA often cause more harm to animals than they prevent. However, my book went on to talk about how the deer population should have been controlled for its own good and suggested that in countries like India, where people are having “too many children” for their own good, the US and other countries should avoid giving foreign aid, because, like the well-meaning but ignorant people who fed the deer, we are just exacerbating the problem. So even if more moderate people see PETA’s actions as bad, they accept PETA’s assertion that humans and animals are no different.

Actually, I find the idea that humans should be vegetarians because animals have the same value as humans to be self-defeating. If we humans are the same as animals, why should we be held to a higher standard? If lions don’t have compassion on their prey, why are we expected to? After all, if we aren’t any more valuable than lions, why should we, alone of all the animal kingdom, be expected not to eat meat when it is a natural part of our diet?
I would like to do a study on how many members of PETA are pro-life? We have come to a place in society where animals are held to a higher standard than human life. If God gave animals souls, I could see it…but He didn’t. This is how twisted society has gotten since Roe v. Wade. The value of human life is slowly being diminished and we are cherishing other things like animals. I’m not saying that I hate my dog or hate animals in general. But i’m not going to spend thousands of dollars at the vet for my pet, and i’m not going to love him more than my family. If my dog, Sam, died tomorrow, I would be sad…and I realize that for some old people a dog or cat is like their child…but we musn’t lose sight of how the Lord has held us up as superior to the animals. It is soooo sad how a monkey was saved out of a heroin addicted family living in squalor and the little girl was left. It’s a sad sad time in our society.
Jennie, I thought of YOUR thread while reading this one. THose people all up and arms about your husband’s actions, are off base. I think they would rather one of your little ones been bitten or YOU been bitten. I still say, to your husband, good shot.
Believe me, I love my dogs, but if a dog is attacking children there is ONE thing left to do.
I would like to know if animal-rights people defend the rights of nematodes, broccoli plants, kale (an alga), mushrooms, and E. Coli. In a Godless universe I would be hard pressed to establish that any particular life form – even human life – is more valuable than any other. Sure, we share an affinity with animals we don’t generally have with plants, but it could easily be argued that this is because of various anthropomorphic tendencies found in animals. They have eyes, they seem to have a pain response, some of them are capable of some level of communication, etc. They may be more complex than plants, but complex doesn’t necessarily mean better. Some plants and fungi are masters of reproduction and survival, not to mention the strains of super-bacteria that are breeding in our hospitals. . .
I just talked to my sister and asked her whether she thought animals or plants were more important. I think she gave a good, honest answer:

“Animals. . . Well, plants may be more important, but I like animals better.”
The irony of PETA is that its members don’t actually care about animals. If you read any of their work they seem to have a false Disney like view of animals. That is why you get idiotic members of some animal rights groups setting minks free. It doesn’t matter that the freed minks kill domestic chickens or get run over by automobiles or even die of starvation, all that matters is that man is not using the animals for a future fur coat.

ONe of their leaders-don’t remember the name-compared the death of consumptions of chickens to the holocaust. In his mind the horrible slaughter of six million human lifes was equivilant to killing a chicken. I’ve raised poultry and I can tell you chickens are very dumb, nasty, dirty animals. We are in deep trouble as a species if we consider ourselves no better then a chicken.
The irony of PETA is that its members don’t actually care about animals. If you read any of their work they seem to have a false Disney like view of animals. That is why you get idiotic members of some animal rights groups setting minks free. It doesn’t matter that the freed minks kill domestic chickens or get run over by automobiles or even die of starvation, all that matters is that man is not using the animals for a future fur coat.

ONe of their leaders-don’t remember the name-compared the death of consumptions of chickens to the holocaust. In his mind the horrible slaughter of six million human lifes was equivilant to killing a chicken. I’ve raised poultry and I can tell you chickens are very dumb, nasty, dirty animals. We are in deep trouble as a species if we consider ourselves no better then a chicken.
I was so happy when it was time for my 4-H meat chickens to go the butcher, and boy did they taste good!

When I first got them and they were little chicks I wondered whether I would have difficulty sending them to the butcher. Nope! I was glad to see them go.

They truly are dumb, nasty, dirty animals. I can see why some think that birds are like modern day dinosaurs. Chickens are just a digestive system with a beak, and they’ll bite anything that moves. . . or doesn’t move. If it looks edible, they’ll sample it. . . and that includes “biting the hand the feeds them”, literally.
I was so happy when it was time for my 4-H meat chickens to go the butcher, and boy did they taste good!

When I first got them and they were little chicks I wondered whether I would have difficulty sending them to the butcher. Nope! I was glad to see them go.

They truly are dumb, nasty, dirty animals. I can see why some think that birds are like modern day dinosaurs. Chickens are just a digestive system with a beak, and they’ll bite anything that moves. . . or doesn’t move. If it looks edible, they’ll sample it. . . and that includes “biting the hand the feeds them”, literally.
We had to take our pet duck Fred out of the hen house because the roosters would attack him. They would tear his white feathers out of his head and chase him non stop around the yard. They were mean. The Roosters even got to the point were they would jump on my daughters. My husband used an ax to end the problem. Ka thump.:whistle:

've raised poultry and I can tell you chickens are very dumb, nasty, dirty animals. We are in deep trouble as a species if we consider ourselves no better then a chicken.
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I found ducks are infinitely more stupid than a chicken.
I was a vegetarian for many years before I married my husband (an avid hunter, fisherman, carnivore). Eventually, I gave up on the notion that he would eat tofu and TVP. So I started eating meat again. To be honest, I feel worse than ever, healthwise, and I’m thinking of going back to vegetarianism. I originally became a veggie because I hate the taste of meat, my parents literally had to force feed me meat (especially ground beef and pork). Later, I learned disturbing things about facotry farms, which made me feel a bit better about my choice.

The was I see it, animals are not equal to humans (as PETA would like you to think) however, because of their material soul, they have no direct connection to God and therefore, don’t get much help. If a animal, a creature of God, is being abused in a disgusting way, then there should be people out there willing to help. But they can’t turn there backs on there own. Because of the moral downfall of society, PETA’s vision is clouded. They’ve lost their souls for not standing up and truly being pro-life. In their quote, they claimed that to be truly pro-life one must embrace vegetarianism because only then will you see the value in all life. Well, I almost have the nerve to reply to that quote by saying “ITS A TWO WAY STREET”. Obviously, there philosophy was not as well thought out as they tend to think. Why then, in their thinking, is it that they are vegetarians yet give no thought or consideration, ,time or effort to the millions of innocents killed everywhere…after all, they are vegetarians and so they value ALL life.
Become a vegetarian if you’d like, from my experience it’s a very healthy lifestyle, BUT DONT join the ranks of PETA. There are much better, REAL pro-life animal rights groups out there. They may have to work harder to get their actions noticed behind the shadow of PETA, but they are actually fighting for animal and human rights, not just blowing hot air.
I was a vegetarian for many years before I married my husband (an avid hunter, fisherman, carnivore). Eventually, I gave up on the notion that he would eat tofu and TVP. So I started eating meat again. To be honest, I feel worse than ever, healthwise, and I’m thinking of going back to vegetarianism. I originally became a veggie because I hate the taste of meat, my parents literally had to force feed me meat (especially ground beef and pork). Later, I learned disturbing things about facotry farms, which made me feel a bit better about my choice.

The was I see it, animals are not equal to humans (as PETA would like you to think) however, because of their material soul, they have no direct connection to God and therefore, don’t get much help. If a animal, a creature of God, is being abused in a disgusting way, then there should be people out there willing to help. But they can’t turn there backs on there own. Because of the moral downfall of society, PETA’s vision is clouded. They’ve lost their souls for not standing up and truly being pro-life. In their quote, they claimed that to be truly pro-life one must embrace vegetarianism because only then will you see the value in all life. Well, I almost have the nerve to reply to that quote by saying “ITS A TWO WAY STREET”. Obviously, there philosophy was not as well thought out as they tend to think. Why then, in their thinking, is it that they are vegetarians yet give no thought or consideration, ,time or effort to the millions of innocents killed everywhere…after all, they are vegetarians and so they value ALL life.
Become a vegetarian if you’d like, from my experience it’s a very healthy lifestyle, BUT DONT join the ranks of PETA. There are much better, REAL pro-life animal rights groups out there. They may have to work harder to get their actions noticed behind the shadow of PETA, but they are actually fighting for animal and human rights, not just blowing hot air.
I have no problem with people not wanting to eat meat for the reasons you are doing. I also have no problem for people wanting to help animals.

The Catholic Church says that we are to treat them with kindness.

But it also says, " It is unworthy to spend money on them that should as a priority go to the relief of human misery. … One can love animals; one should not direct to them the affection due only to persons". (CCC 2418)

If people want to help animals that’s great, but not in the place of or before helping people.

We talked about this in another thread, but I can sum it up with St.Jeanne’s human nature theory #23: a society that treats animals like people will eventually treat people like animals.
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