The Mandalorian- Sinful to watch?

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Hi all! I’m a cradle Catholic and I was trying to find a decent show to watch that wasn’t violent, inappropriate, and/or had other themes against Church teaching. In today’s modern world, I feel like I’m trying to do the impossible 😂

I was wondering what everyone’s take was on the Mandalorian? I’m not loving the idea that the title character kinda kills for a living, or the fact that Baby Yoda is called “The Child,” when the only Child I want to adore is the Child Jesus. Also, what about the whole “Mandalorian religion?” The only “way” I know is Jesus…
I hope not I love that show. I think as long as your aware it’s fantasy and not permission to act this way in reality in any way, your probably fine. I can’t imagine it being a sin in the churches eyes myself, perhaps others have more information or a dfffn point of view. Best regards.

Hi all! I’m a cradle Catholic and I was trying to find a decent show to watch that wasn’t violent, inappropriate, and/or had other themes against Church teaching. In today’s modern world, I feel like I’m trying to do the impossible 😂

I was wondering what everyone’s take was on the Mandalorian? I’m not loving the idea that the title character kinda kills for a living, or the fact that Baby Yoda is called “The Child,” when the only Child I want to adore is the Child Jesus. Also, what about the whole “Mandalorian religion?” The only “way” I know is Jesus…
NO it is not sinful to watch The Mandalorian.
It’s one of my favourite shows and I am 72 years old.
Why on earth would you think it could be sinful?
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Also, what about the whole “Mandalorian religion?”
Yes, what about it? Screenwriters try to add depth and mystery to their fictitious worlds. They are not prophets, but only writers. Star Wars has other fictitious spirituality, for example, the ghosts at the ending of Return of the Jedi, and, come to think of it, the whole Force schtick.

It might be sinful if you really believed it, but you don’t.
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I was wondering what everyone’s take was on the Mandalorian? I’m not loving the idea that the title character kinda kills for a living, or the fact that Baby Yoda is called “The Child,” when the only Child I want to adore is the Child Jesus. Also, what about the whole “Mandalorian religion?” The only “way” I know is Jesus…
It’s just a tv show. You’re overthinking it and acting as though if you watch a tv show you’re obligated to start treating it as a source of moral and religious truth, which is frankly silly. It’s set in a completely fictional universe.

I genuinely don’t understand statements like “in the show, Yoda is called the Child, but I only want to adore the Child Jesus.” What are you talking about? Why would you think that watching a tv show means you’re replacing worship of Jesus in the real world with the worship of a fictional character?

I don’t mean to be harsh, but I’m wondering if you’re perhaps a little immature and not fully grasping the difference between television and reality. How old are you?
It’s a space fantasy/space Western. It has droids, aliens, alien cultures, alien religions, the Force, bad guys, good guys, criminals, law makers, ship fights, gun fights, giant monsters, etc. There is no swearing or nudity in it.
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It’s just a tv show. You’re overthinking it and acting as though if you watch a tv show you’re obligated to start treating it as a source of moral and religious truth, which is frankly silly. It’s set in a completely fictional universe.
I often wonder the same with other types of post here on CAF.
I often wonder the same with other types of post here on CAF.
I know what you mean. I don’t mean to be harsh, but this line of thinking is just so bizarre to me. It’s like people think that if they watch a fictional portrayal of something they are somehow morally responsible for what the character did. It’s just nonsensical.
We Catholics shouldn’t pay for or be entertained by things that aren’t Christian… It is an imperfect act when it isn’t a sin and it will be accounted for when judgment day comes…
I found it to be a waste of time, which itself could be described as sinful.

We Catholics shouldn’t pay for or be entertained by things that aren’t Christian
So a Christian shouldn’t watch, say, a baseball game? Nothing Christian about it per se, but I think you’d be hard pressed to find anyone saying it’s “wrong.”

I mean, if that’s the rule you want to live by, go ahead. I certainly won’t be joining you.
Wow, the list of “waste of time” would be long and if you created one it would be a waste of time so it would be sinful.
So a Christian shouldn’t watch, say, a baseball game? Nothing Christian about it per se, but I think you’d be hard pressed to find anyone saying it’s “wrong.”

I mean, if that’s the rule you want to live by, go ahead. I certainly won’t be joining you.
Another Wow.

One of my hobbies is ham radio. it isnt Christian, so God is going to hold me accountable? Unless someone is a Monk or something like that, eat go to prayers, eat go to prayers, eat, go to prayer and then to bed. repeat the next 6 days. Then repeat the 7 days over and over and over. Then die. There is no way the average christian can fill their daily life with nothing but christian moments.
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We Catholics shouldn’t pay for or be entertained by things that aren’t Christian
So a Christian shouldn’t watch, say, a baseball game? Nothing Christian about it per se, but I think you’d be hard pressed to find anyone saying it’s “wrong.”

I mean, if that’s the rule you want to live by, go ahead. I certainly won’t be joining you.
Watching a baseball game isn’t going to close the gates of Heaven so don’t worry about this. You certainly are free to do it (unless of course it inflames your passions and leads you to commit a sin).

Moreover, playing baseball (if one enjoys it) is much better for it would be exercising the virtue of eutrapelia. Playing games that are good for the body and the soul are expected from us actually.

However, simply watching it does lead you out of the narrow way to Mount Carmel, as Saint John of the Cross puts it. This is the place of the highest glory and it is achieved only by those who only seek God in their intellectual activities. And I suppose you agree with me whatching a baseball game isn’t exactly helping you knowing, loving and serving God, right?
And I suppose you agree with me whatching a baseball game isn’t exactly helping you knowing, loving and serving God, right?
No, I would not agree. Relaxation is a legitimate human good. Most people are not able to spend their lives solely on contemplation of religious texts. If that’s what you’re called to do, great, but that’s not typical.
, or the fact that Baby Yoda is called “The Child,” when the only Child I want to adore is the Child Jesus.
I think you’re stretching the use of “The Child” here. By a lot.

In terms of violence, it’s no more violent than, as someone else mentioned, an old time Western.

I found the first season to be a little better than the current one.
So baseball is good… But TV shows aren’t?

Please show me the list of acceptable Christian entertainments. Which sports are right, and which wrong to watch? Are all TV shows or only some? By what moral principles do you propose I choose my entertainment? A moment ago you said no entertainment was good, but now you admit of some.

And honestly if I didn’t have hobbies and diversions when I got home, I wouldn’t be able to function. When your profession is religion, sometimes it’s nice to have some professional distance, some “work-life balance.” Even monks practice that. When I get home in the evenings I watch TV, I read novels, I get on the ham radio, I try different kinds of whiskey. I do all kinds of things that aren’t directly related to my faith or my vocation. It’s healthy to engage in that sort of thing. It’s restful. It contributes to true leisure.

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