The "Manosphere", Redpill, and Men's Rights

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lmao, I have said the same thing! Makes sense if women’s existence generates that amount of butthurt among these guys.
I concur

It certainly wouldn’t enhance your Christian spiritual life.

Do as St. Paul says from Philippians 4:8

Finally brothers and sisters, whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable, if anything is excellent or praiseworthy- think about such things.
I was actually a part of The Escapist’s forums around the time that GamerGate took off, so I got to see that ugly episode play out in real-time. It really was not a good look for MRAs and associated movements. For those unfamiliar, GamerGate (a.k.a. GG) could have been a simple questioning of journalistic ethics, but it quickly spiraled into a massive tyrade of conspiracy theories about some feminist takeover of gaming. A few bloggers had death threats, including one against one of their parents. There even eventually came a time in which one blogger had to cancel her talk at the University of Utah over threats of a mass shooting by someone angry about feminists allegedly keeping him from having sex. (Bear in mind, this wouldn’t have been the first shooting with such motivation.)

I also had the displeasure of following some of what was going on in the incel community around the time their subreddit got banned for encouraging a member to castrate his roommate over that member’s jealousy at his roommate and girlfriend. Apparently, violent fantasies and threats are pretty common in that community.

Overall, even if there’s an occasionally good point made about education or law, the communities as a whole are just great examples of “toxic masculinity” and its problems. I’d avoid them just like I’d avoid trying to tell time with a broken clock.
You don’t have to get a taste of the hate by visiting these redpill sites.

Just browse the comments on YouTube, you’ll see a lot of them in there.

The hatred is palpable.
That red pill stuff is a toxic fringe movement full of angry men blaming women for their shortcomings. Not healthy stuff. That is a rabbit hole that many insecure young men should avoid.
My poor husband; he married a table scrap. eyeroll
My wife spent her formative years dating Alpha Boys. It was fun, but she also knew that they’re not necessarily good husband material for a strong, independent woman. She got lucky and found neither an Alpha, nor a Beta, but a Lone Wolf. 😎
I don’t think of them as “table scraps”. I was presenting what the Redpill side thinks, not endorsing it.
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Keep in mind that a few of the ‘bloggers’ and internet posters are deliberately causing division on behalf of a State or a proxy of a State. They would no doubt be involved in red pill type stuff.

It’s likely that the Covington Catholic fiasco was started by such an actor. Anyway, it’s a safe assumption that they are pretty much everywhere, so keep that in mind whenever you see divisiveness like this on the internet.
The most aggravating thing about these types is that I agree with them sometimes
That’s another red flag. Good propaganda always has some truth in it, just enough to suck you in.
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They lure you in with seemingly rational discussions of respectable topics such as the ethics of neonatal circumcision, bringing up boys without male role models, loss of identity among unemployed manual workers, and gender disparity in educational outcomes. Pretty soon, however, you discover that it’s nothing more than a vile cesspool of misogyny and, in fact, hatred towards a majority of men too. The only humans for whom they seem to have any respect are alpha males and southeast Asian females, who apparently interact with alpha males with a fitting demeanour of deference and submission.

And what these people never seem to understand is that beta males aren’t an inferior kind of male. The beta male is actually just the second most powerful male in a group, and his role is typically to fight the alpha male for supremacy and win the right to breed with his females. Of course, this is terminology that applies to non-human species, so I guess the MRA/MGTOW people must consider themselves on a level with gorillas. Funniest of all, some of them use the term ‘zeta male’ to describe men they consider to be the lowest of the low, probably because they don’t realise that zeta is only the sixth letter of the Greek alphabet, or perhaps they think that ‘omega male’ sounds like a fish oil supplement.
Based on the comments from these types on YouTube, anything female is worthy of contempt and these include Southeast Asian females.
A lot of the people in that movement are just mad that women won’t sleep with them. Gee, I can’t imagine why…😆:roll_eyes:
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