The Matrix

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What do you think about the movie “the Matrix”?

I think it is one of the worst & overrated movies of the last decade.
It was NewAge mental garbage, lousy actors, lousy acting, lousy script, etc.
Also it used Christian terms to sound “cool”, the sad thing is that many people thought the author made up those words.
I haven’t seen the sequels, but I loved “The Matrix,” even though it was scary! :eek:

I was on the edge of my seat for almost the whole thing, just like with “No Way Out.” A real nail-biter. 🙂 I’ve heard that the sequels are pretty much all special effects and lacking the fascinating story of the first Matrix.

As entertainment, the special effects in the first Matrix were just tremendous - I didn’t get into any theological ideas with it - it was just science fiction/fantasy to me, as with Star Wars. (And I absolutely LOVED the first three SW’s - never saw the “prequel” three movies that came out later.)

Maybe I should go register in the “strange” thread, now? :whacky: 🙂

Are we talking about the first movie or all 3?

The first was ok, I especially liked the fight scene between Morpheus & Neo. I could have done without the “chosen one” & re-encarnation storyline, but the Alice in Wonderland references were cool, at least I thought so.

The second was was a bit boring, & the 3rd one was pretty lame except for the battle scene. The ending was dumb.
I loved the first one, despite the silliness of “the one”, etc. It was full of great special effects & the action scenes were great.
Then, they decided to make:rolleyes: 2 :nope: sequels…:bigyikes:
The first one was fantastic. My husband brought it home one night and I was all upset…“why did you bring home this garbage”? etc. etc. Then, I actually watched it and found it to be a completely fascinating movie. Not for kids though.
Sequels: couldn’t even sit through them.

God Bless
There was some deep psychological stuff in the first movie. The other toe, especially the second one was pure, unadulterated garbage, especially the cave “dance” scene.For those that don’t know, the first was also very heavily saturated with subliminal gnostic mysticism. It was hard to pick out, but if you understand Gnostic theology, you could see the references everywhere, from the names of the characters, to the water references, to the entire idea of what the “Matrix” represents.
Agent Smith cracked me up. It was never up there with Brave Heart or Saving Private Ryan. I was never offended by the religious implications in the movie since it was all based on technology in the future. I thought they were entertaining but nothing like an epic.

the first one was one of the best films ever made. the cinematic elements alone qualify it for that accolade.

the story is fantastic - a real ‘fantasy’ film, but with very ‘realistic’ elements. plus it’s chock full of very interesting philosophical contemplations. it makes you think - and it gives you a great feeling at the end when the hero comes back and kicks arse.

the 2nd and 3rd movies were disappointments, but still pretty good - esp in their cinematic elements.

it is, according to those ‘in the know’, related to the christian message. there IS alot of ‘new agey’ stuff in it - but most of it comes from philosophy and buddhism, and none of it is offensive to a christian worldview. neo saves ‘zion’ from the evil ones by sacrificing himself - as ‘the one’ who came to set them free.

good message, if you ask me.
i liked the matrix movies, but then again i have always been a sucker for fantasy films and books.
Couldn’t sit through any of them. Keanu Reeves is the worst actor to ever walk the planet. He couldn’t act his way our of a wet paper bag. Soap Stars look like Oscar contenders compared to that guy.

Scout :tiphat:
Couldn’t sit through any of them. Keanu Reeves is the worst actor to ever walk the planet. He couldn’t act his way our of a wet paper bag. Soap Stars look like Oscar contenders compared to that guy.

Scout :tiphat:
We have a WINNER!!
What has acting come to when people like him are getting lead roles? Same thing for people like will smith, ashton kucher, etc.
The Matrix was the computer programmers idea of the universe. No computers, no Matrix universe!

I think the Matrix had something to do with the nature of reality, or what is reality. A reality constructed soley by the philosophy of computer hackers and programers. It was a concept already explored by Plato, De Cartes, and Kierkengaard that there is more to life than what is seen.

I found the Matrix to be merely entertaining, but not profound. It was not my generation movie, I couldn’t identify with all the leather costumes, the blatant defiance of authority, the technocratic hubris, and punk rock mentality.

I still prefer 2001: A Space Odyssey (which I saw in 1968, and that was very profound) and the Hitch Hikers Guide to the Galaxy (42).
Catholic Dude:
We have a WINNER!!
What has acting come to when people like him are getting lead roles? Same thing for people like will smith, ashton kucher, etc.
But that is the epitome of American acting: Screaming, nudity, running, and special effects. Talent? Bah, American actors have no need of talent! They have a blue screen background!
The first one was pretty cool. Good premise carried out quite well (and I agree that Keanu can’t act… when your finest on-screen moment was one of the leads in “Bill and Ted”, you’re in trouble!). The sequels, however, made me mad that I wasted my time on them.

Huge Huge Huge Fan of the entire Matrix trilogy! 🤓

I think its the most incredible sci fi series of movies put to screen. I dont know if its up anymore, but I was at a web site last year called Matrix 101, and fans were giving their take on everything. Just blew me away the fantasy world and mythology these directors created. I am so glad for The Matrix trilogy and The LOTR trilogies, cause only being a casual fan of Star Wars I was feeling left out in not having something great to admire like the SW folks do. 😃
What has acting come to when people like him are getting lead roles? Same thing for people like will smith, ashton kucher, etc.

Awww. I like Will Smith, he’s a cutie. 🙂 And his movies (and music) are at least clean.
As far as the Matrix goes, I just didn’t really like it. The first one was o.k., and from then on I got more and more bored.
I don’t really like sci-fi/fantasy though (just went to see them 'cause my husband wanted to) so maybe I’m not the best judge.
Gnostic nonsense. On top of that, the thespic range of Keanu Reeves is about as wide as. . . my little toe.

However, Hugo Weaving as Agent Smith is hilarious.
Well, I enjoyed the movies, that action sequences were just something else, but overall the movies weren’t anything special to me. Everyone went on about how deep they were, and I just couldn’t see it (however, this was from people who would call Snoop Dog’s lyrics prolific, so I should have taken it with a grain of salt)

" What has acting come to when people like him are getting lead roles? Same thing for people like will smith, ashton kucher, etc."

Excuuuuse me?? Will Smith rox your sox (IMHO). He may not be good for much other than comedic roles, but in that genre he excels. Ashton Kutcher, however, is an airhead (at least he seems to be; haven’t seen much of him, though).

As for the Matrix: haven’t seen it, but I am getting more and more curious. Did anyone here read that article in Envoy about it waaay back when? Purty interesting. Looks like their theology is definitely flawed, but they still look thought-provoking and entertaining (at least the first). It’s kinda funny, though: a friend of my godmother’s really liked it, and she scolded the bejeezers out of him for that.
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