I see an awful lot of movies, and I do not remember any plot similar to that of the matrix. I’d be curous to know if there were movies with a simiar plot and what were they and how closely they resembled the Matrix plots.
As far as similar plots go, you’ve got Logan’s Run, THX 1138 and others in the same vein.
As far as having the whole “the world is actually a computer simulation” thing is concerned, it’s been done to death in mediums other than live-action movies for about two decades. If you watch any anime (as the Wachowski brothers clearly do since they borrow heavily from the imagery and visual technique of anime), you would have seen most of what was in the Matrix a long time ago (though not usually done that well).
As far as plagiarism and the courts are concerned, the Wachowski brothers are being sued for potentially stealing the script for all three movies from a screenwriter who claims she submitted it to them years before they started making the movie (and claimed it was their own). We’ll see whether or not she can produce enough evidence to win her case (preliminary signs all seemed to indicate that she could, but I haven’t followed it really and the case was first made public months ago).
Really, the cinematographic techniques in The Matrix (particularly all the “Bullet Time” stuff) were the only truly unique thing about the movie. Everything else in the movie borrows heavily from Blade Runner, John Woo movies (particularly The Killer or Hard Boiled), the last few Hong Kong-produced movies made by Jet Li, Fahrenheit 451, Metropolis (the Fritz Lang one, not the more recent anime movie), Johnny Mnemonic (I’ll never forgive hollywood for ruining one of Gibson’s best short stories) and very very heavily from Ghost in the Shell and other cyberpunk anime films.
Really, The Matrix wasn’t groundbreaking in any of the concepts it portrayed (in fact, it was downright sloppy in some places). It was just the first time that most of this was exposed to a mainstream audience. It would be more thought provoking if the plot had been a little more cohesive, but it might’ve been 4 hours long too. As it stands, it was a great action movie with appealing visuals and well-done special effects (that were used a little bit too much IMHO).
Still doesn’t hold a candle to Equilibrium.