The Microbots are coming soon

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Are some folks here given you sarcastic words or a little satire? We all know the end is coming but don’t know when. Yet, all of us will die one day and be judged. We put our trust in God’s mercy, ask his beautiful mother to help us and hide us under her mantle of mercy…and pray we finally get home …our eternal home. I am more afraid of dying from stepping on fire ants and their territory. Man, they could kill you. 🐜 🐜 🐜 🐜 🐜 🐜 🐜
I don’t think AI will ever be self aware. The idea that an algorithm is one day going to gain self awareness is nonsense.

But I do think it will be used for malicious intentions, whatever those intentions are.
You are a collection of unalive things that make up an alive person.

Also your memories are just replayed electrical echos so…

How are you “aware”?
His point while laughable isn’t wrong for this reason.
I could have brought up more but just didn’t feel like it.
We’ve has VI (virtual intelligence)
All VI is AI, though not all AI is VI. I don’t feel like making much of a distinction in casual discussion, though, since “AI” is more well-understood, and any expert could easily understand the context.
I don’t think AI will ever be self aware. The idea that an algorithm is one day going to gain self awareness is nonsense.
So depending on how you define self-awareness, it doesn’t seem unlikely. If we define “self-awareness” of being able to reason about oneself and their relation to their surrounding, then plenty of AI is already there. If it is a matter of being able to reason about one’s reasoning, then we’re still, as far as I’m aware, unsure of that limit. Can we simulate it? Yes, to a degree, but we still don’t know if AI could become an artist or a philosopher, at least in the way we tend to think about art and philosophy. Obviously, there is AI generated “art”.
But I do think it will be used for malicious intentions, whatever those intentions are.
I’m pretty sure it already is, just not in the “kill all humans” way.
There was a robot at the supermarket today. Somebody put big googly eyes on it.

It was very cute
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I’m not sure Rosie is micro though.
No one knows anything about memory other than that it activates parts of the brain. How am I aware? No one knows that. An unaware algorithm doesn’t just become aware with another line of code. Memory and awareness aren’t the same thing. I was aware before my memories, and I am aware of my memories. The introduction of memory doesn’t make me aware and I don’t become more aware as I gain new memories.
So depending on how you define self-awareness, it doesn’t seem unlikely. If we define “self-awareness” of being able to reason about oneself and their relation to their surrounding, then plenty of AI is already there. If it is a matter of being able to reason about one’s reasoning, then we’re still, as far as I’m aware, unsure of that limit. Can we simulate it? Yes, to a degree, but we still don’t know if AI could become an artist or a philosopher, at least in the way we tend to think about art and philosophy. Obviously, there is AI generated “art”.
A computer can simulate anything a human can do, that doesn’t make it self aware. Any function can be programmed. But does it really know that it is performing that function?

There is one thing i know with absolute certainty, that I can’t deny. That is that I exist. Everything else can be reasoned away if I start from the right principles. I am a realist so I accept the reality and rationality of the world around me, but the level of knowledge of the world isn’t the same as that of my own existence. Can AI be aware of itself in the same way? Or is any awareness just a cheap imitation of the real thing?

If there were an AI-pocalypse, the biggest tragedy of it all would be an unaware, lifeless entity destroying the only rational and self aware species as far as we know. And that is true from both a Christian and an atheist perspective. It is essentially the death of existence.
If you don’t understand if we as a race don’t understand it what makes you think AI is impossible?
But does it really know that it is performing that function?
This is where things get really challenging.

Let’s say that, hypothetically, an AI reaches a level of self-awareness comparable to that of humans. How would we know? We barely know how to measure self-awareness in humans and animals, let alone AI, which is known for giving the illusion of intelligence. There’s a very good chance we wouldn’t recognize what they are. (And if I’m making a movie, that would of course be what leads to them rebelling and wiping out humans.)

Of course, AI is still, in the end, pretty far from even really mimicking self-awareness. Aspects of how all programs function kind of mimic it (e.g. flow control), but that’s still not really “intelligence” as humans or even many animals have. It’s just a big question of when AI reaches that. Is it just an illusion or actual self-awareness? Considerations of that can even lead into existential dread.
Assuming that an AI could become self aware there is no way to measure it. Everything a man can do can be mimicked. We couldn’t tell the difference.
If you don’t understand if we as a race don’t understand it what makes you think AI is impossible?
It’s not even that I think AI is necessarily impossible. It’s that everything we call AI and what we assume is going to become self aware is just more of the same thing we have had for years. It is just another line of 1s and 0s. Things don’t become aware just by becoming more complicated.

Unless we assume it was always aware, I don’t think it will ever be aware.
Yes, and televisions too.

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Microbots are actually a pretty interesting invention! We went from computers the size of libraries adding 2+2 to, in the not to distant future, the possibility of being smaller than our very cells and killing tumors! 😃
Aside from the nerding out, I actually have heard of some interesting problems that could result from this.
It would be pretty impractical for our limited human brains and hands to make enough of these bots ourselves, so they expected to be self-replicating, using their surroundings.
One interesting but horrific scenario is that these things will begin to replicate uncontrollably and so consume everything in their paths in fearsomely titled “gray goo”
One interesting but horrific scenario is that these things will begin to replicate uncontrollably and so consume everything in their paths in fearsomely titled “gray goo”
I have read about this. Sounds plausible.

As far a AI becoming a living being created by humans, there must be something, scientifically verifiable, that differentiates us from the machines. Probably, the latest evidence would be the fact that the human body emits bio-photons and we do have an aura that, probably, is inter-dimensional. We are intended by our creator to be everlasting. These might be a few of the realities that separates us from machines.
Easy! First of all, there are 4 criteria for something to be living according to science
Response to stimuli
Viruses aren’t considered to be “living” by many because they don’t have their own means to reproduce, but rather use hosts
Neither do these bots

Oh and of course the obvious: living things have souls and are the handwork of God
Fun fact: Google’s main cluster management system is called Borg. It also served as a main source of inspiration for the open source project Kubernetes.
Can I get some microbots to clean my teeth so I don’t have to floss and brush? While they are at it, could they fill in any little cracks and erosions before they turn into full-blown cavities?
Right. I know there is a soul that makes us different from machines. However, it is not very easily provable by science. Are we using science to define what is a living being? Although, I think we are getting close to knowing more.
The question I am considering is that maybe in the future we can build machines that have reproduction, growth, response to stimuli, and metabolism. If that happens then how would we be able to detect a machine from a living being?
This is not easy to comprehend. The transcendental techniques used to tap into the quantum field has been studied by physicists. I have seen a collection of over 400 experiments that confirms the existence of the quantum field in connection with the human mind. One experiment, that is well known, involves the control of fissile radiation through meditation. Incidentally, the fire fighters at the Fukushima nuclear disaster were tested for radiation damage to their body tissues. The fire fighters who meditated received minimal damage. Here is an excerpt from CAN MEDITATION SAVE US FROM THE IMPACTS OF THE FUKUSHIMA NUCLEAR DISASTER? — Pukaar Magazine There are detailed and advanced scientific studies, but, I don’t have access to them right now.
“Now, that may seem rather far-fetched to you, but consider this from Don Lincoln, a senior experimental particle physicist at Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory and an adjunct professor at the University of Notre Dame, “Quantum fields are really a mind-bending way of thinking. Everything – and I mean everything – is just a consequence of many infinitely-large fields vibrating. The entire universe is made of fields playing a vast, subatomic symphony.””

You may be aware of the energy system called Chakras. They are toroidal in function and structure.

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Hour Glass nebula depicting vortex energy.
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We are connected to the universe by vortex energy fields. The field is an information network expanding across the universe. We are connected to the sun, stars, and atoms. A lot of this connection has to do with quantum entanglement based on light and particles.

Here is some research info on Bio-photons

There is more data involving the study of the quantum field and bio-photons. It is very complex and we are only beginning to scratch the surface.
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